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CHRIS CORNELL – Was He Dosed Before His Final Concert?


Truth For Chris!

CHRIS CORNELL – Was He Dosed Before His Final Concert?

by Randy “Rocket” Cody
(This report originally posted on July 9, 2017)

According to the toxicology report for late SOUNDGARDEN front man, Chris Cornell, the sedative called Butalbital was found in the rocker’s system.

Butalbital [bu-tal´bĭ-tal]

Street name: Goofballs, Sleepers, Peanuts, Stoppers

Butalbital is an intermediate-acting barbiturate used as a sedative along with an analgesic in treatment of tension headache or migraine.

The most obvious fact that is found in the toxicology report is that according to the findings there is no possible way Chris could have taken 4 Ativan for anxiety (for which he was prescribed to take, as his wife Vicky claims the bodyguard gave her husband an extra 2 over his normal dosage when he last saw him alive at 11:35PM in room #1136). We know this is not possible because the measurement would need to be in ‘micrograms’ if he really took that many pills.

The toxicology report reads Chris had 41 nanograms in his system.

Pills don’t come in nanograms. The smallest Lorazepam is 0.5 mg.

41 nanograms would be 0.000041 mg.

The ‘nanogram’ amount of Ativan that showed up in the report is 1000th of a microgram.

Chris Cornell had 5.4 micrograms of butalbital in his system according to the official tox report.

That would be 0.005 mg.

Keep in mind, the abbreviation “mcg” stands for micrograms in medical dosages and is sometimes mistaken for the abbreviation for milligrams, or “mg.”

One microgram equals one one-thousandth of a milligram so 1 milligram can equal 1000 micrograms, 0.001 gram. According to the medical information, butalbital has only 2 days of detectable duration in urine after last dose.

So, we know this was introduced to Chris’ system somewhere within 24 hours of him arriving in Detroit for his final concert.

We now know that Chris flew back home, coming off tour, and then flew out to Detroit on the day of the gig. This is when he loses a chunk of his hair and displays bleeding on the scalp, none of which is mentioned at all in the autopsy. So, is this the same time the sedative is slipped into a drink Chris was given?

Not one person has stopped to explain to any of us why Chris had barbiturates in his urine. His wife, Vicky, is hell bent on putting the blame square on the shoulders of the pharmaceutical company Ativan. She believes it made him have an adverse reaction and unintentionally take his own life.

Yes, this woman, who so loved her husband and will “fight for him” has totally skipped over the drug that wasn’t even prescribed?

And then she rushed to cremate the body before a second evaluation could be done? She didn’t even wait until the funeral.

If Chris did not have a prescription for the sedative butalbital how exactly did that end up in his system?

Chemical Names: Butalbital; Allylbarbital; Itobarbital; Alisobumal; Allylbarbitone;

Molecular Formula: C11H16N2O3

Molecular Weight: 224.26 g/mol


Drug Information: Drug Indication Therapeutic Uses FDA Orange Book FDA UNII

Safety Summary: Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS)

Butalbital is a Barbiturate. The chemical classification of butalbital is Barbiturates.

Nanogram = one billionth of a gram

one billionth (1/1,000,000,000) gram

Symptoms of acute barbiturate poisoning include drowsiness, CONFUSION, COMA, RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION, hypotension, and shock.

If Chris Cornell was indeed dosed without his knowledge of ingesting it when dropped into his drink it totally explains why he would be slurring his words to his wife as she herself claims to have observed during their last phone call.

It also explains some of his strange moments on the stage where Chris looks to be languishing in his vocal performance throughout the second half of the final SOUNDGARDEN concert on May 17th in Detroit.

“Butalbital is a barbiturate with physiologic effects include sedation, hypnosis, reduction of anxiety, and respiratory depression and the drug causes tolerance and dependence. Butalbital is often combined with other medications, such as acetaminophen or aspirin, and is commonly prescribed for the treatment of pain and headache.”

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ Barbiturates may be habit-forming: tolerance, psychological dependence, and physical dependence may occur especially following prolonged use of high doses of barbiturates.

As tolerance to barbiturates develops, the amount needed to maintain the same level of intoxication increases; tolerance to a fatal dosage, however, does not increase more than two-fold. As this occurs, the margin between an intoxication dosage and fatal dosage becomes smaller.

According to the expert:

“The usual range is 2 to 6 mg/day given in divided doses, the largest dose being taken before bedtime, but the daily dosage may vary from 1 to 10 mg/day. If someone is taking more than 5 mgs at a time, then they are running the risk of respiratory depression (stopping breathing).”

Again, Chris Cornell had 5.4 micrograms of butalbital in his system according to the official toxicology report.

That would be 0.005 mg. Way under lethal dosage by itself.

According to the expert:

“It is possible to overdose when taking the drug called Butalbital. Although it is safe in lower doses, taking too much of the drug or too often can lead to major problems, including possibly liver failure as well as death. The specific amount varies according to factors such as your weight, health and medical condition. Most doctors do not recommend taking more than 4 g of Butalbital a day.

However, the expert continues:

“There is a high likelihood that combining butalbital with another drug or drugs will enhance its effects and those of the other drug(s). Individuals mixing this drug with alcohol or other drugs may experience life-threatening overdose symptoms. Taking it when it is not prescribed to you can cause serious butalbital overdose symptoms that may result in fatal consequences.”

So that is the million-dollar question. Who gave Chris Cornell barbiturates that were NOT prescribed to him?

And why did his wife Vicky Cornell wait nearly an hour and a half to summon emergency assistance if she felt such concern for her husband when they supposedly hung up the phone together?

Think about it. At 11:35PM she gets off phone with Chris and does not send for bodyguard to check on him until 12:15AM. Although he was staying only 2 doors down.

That is a 40-minute unexplained gap when the medic was already on location at the MGM Grand and took less than 5 minutes to respond when she finally arrived at 12:56AM.

So that means 911 was not called for another 41 minutes!! On top of Vicky waiting 40 minutes to call for the bodyguard’s assistance.

81 minutes of dead time total. Why?

If Chris was unknowingly dosed before the final SOUNDGARDEN concert by someone as it is now believed and was having some kind of major overdose symptoms on the stage, making him more confused and not able to keep proper balance, that would fully allow for the assailant to enter his room and attack him with a sleeper choke hold from behind that Chris would not have been able to fight off in his drugged condition.

Who had a key to room #1136, other than Chris?

According to Vicky Cornell herself, his bodyguard, Martin Kirsten.

Putting Chris out this way would be much easier accomplished, as opposed to engaging in a brutal fight that would have left a lot of physical evidence.

In his overdosing state, Chris would have lost consciousness from the death choke pretty quickly, but he still could have struggled to fight for his life and that is where he could have easily fractured the 9 ribs. Certainly, if the assailant was riding his back on the ground while strangling him, that extreme amount of weight could have crushed his rib cage. The killer might have wrapped his legs around the chest area of the victim during the strangling to gain total control.

While Chris slips into a coma, it is my belief that he is next hung from the bathroom door to fabricate suicide. After 10 minutes of hanging, Chris would have finally passed away.

This means Chris would have already been dead when the bodyguard comes to knock down the door at 12:15AM.

The latch could not have been closed on the inside as he claims since Chris was already deceased, right? Nobody alive and well was in room #1136 once he left so how exactly does the latch get engaged?

(Pictured: Bodyguard Martin Kirsten, The Last Man To See Chris Cornell Alive)

He puts on a show for the police – and the hallway camera – when in fact he had a key to the room the entire time.

We know when the EMS worker recorded on audio says “Cold to the touch over entire body” at 1:30AM that substantiates the 2 hours cool down clock for the human corpse according to forensic science, pushing us back to around 11:30-11:35PM when Chris was said to be visited in his room by his bodyguard and given 2 more Ativan.

Also, another critical sign is that the paramedics were not able to start an IV and instead had to place what is called an IO in the bone which shows us all Chris was down much longer than is being told by the bodyguard.

“Intraosseous infusion (IO) is the process of injecting directly into the bone marrow to provide a non-collapsible entry point into the systemic venous system. This technique is used to provide fluids and medication when intravenous access is not possible.”

It is a red flag for sure that Chris was not given an IV. Had he been handled properly that night and not kept from medical assistance so long he probably could have been saved. As long as the human being has a pulse and fluids can be introduced fairly quickly into the body after being found unresponsive, there would have been an outside chance at the very least to save the musician.



For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out: