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How To Be A Bodyguard & Get Away With Murder

“Don’t make me have to drop you, sir!”


“How To Be A Bodyguard And Get Away With Murder”

Randy “Rocket” Cody

What does a rock star need a bodyguard for? Well, you would think they didn’t, but with all
the crazy people in the world today it pays to have someone watch your back, right?

Maybe not. Perhaps the real question is what does someone do when a bodyguard actually becomes more of a threat to the person they are paid to protect?

They are called a professional Personal Protection Specialist (PPS). How much do they cost?

According to the expert,

“The typical Daily Rate (DR) for a PPS agent with qualifications that make him a professional are $600.00 per day in the Continental United States (CONUS) plus expenses and $900.00 per day Out of the Continental United States (OCUNUS) plus expenses. These rates can and would change with additional requests from the client such as Security Surveys and additional duties requiring expertise not of a typical agent, such as expert computer skills and others.”

In a nutshell, your own PPS agent is a highly trained professional who works individually or as part of a team to keep you safe. Let’s read that again: KEEP YOU SAFE!

The expert continues:

“A qualified Personal Protection Specialist will have at least a (4) year degree, military or comparable training requiring discipline, physical training, tactical training, small arms training, experience of at least five years as a Personal Security Agent, certifications for training, licenses for his/her profession and liability insurance of at least $1,000,000.00. Expenses are all costs, outside of the Dailey Rate, used to support the Security Specialist while performing his/her duties. These costs are: round-trip airline tickets, food, equipment specific to the Detail, hotel rooms, rental car costs, communication costs, and others that may arise.”

In the fundamentals of close combat guide for marines, one of the primary targets is the enemies ribcage. The expert notes:

“Ribs. Damage to the opponent’s ribs immobilizes him. It may also cause internal trauma.”

4. Pressure Points of the Body

There are nerves in the human body that, when pressure is applied or when they are struck, allow Marines to control a subject through pain compliance. Marines use pressure points to control an opponent when deadly force is not authorized. They also use pressure points to soften or distract an opponent so a lethal or nonlethal technique can be employed. Marines execute attacks to pressure points by:

Slowly applying steady pressure to pressure points.

TMD has obtained a PPS bodyguard’s resume and here are some of the job skills listed:

·Defensive Pistol | Defensive Vehicle Tactics | .223 Carbine (GSI)
·Basic Shooter Training: Caliber 3

·Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) Defense Tactics Instructor Certification: PPCT Management Systems, Inc.

·Law Enforcement Self-Defense Instructor | Handgun, Patrol Rifle, & RBT Instructor Development Training: US Krav Maga Association
·IKI Krav Maga Apprentice Instructor: Israeli Krav International

·Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B); IV Certification
·Level 2 BTEC First Person on Scene (FPOS) Intermediate: PBA

These pressure point tactics used by security quickly immobilize their opponent with little damage
done or marks left on the body. Most time, like an assassin, the PPS is trained to keep an eagle
eye out for their target, in this case the man or woman they’re being paid to make sure
continue living at all costs.

The ‘Death Touch’

Some unanswered questions remain about the most controversial so-called pressure point, what is known as the “Death Touch”, or dim mak.

“Known in Cantonese as dim mak and in Japanese as kyusho jitsu, the touch of death is said to be something like acupuncture’s evil twin,” Cecil Adams writes on his column Straight Dope. “The idea is that chi, or energy, flows through the body along lines called meridians. A blow or squeeze applied to certain pressure points on these lines will supposedly put the whammy on the victim’s chi, leading to incapacitation or death.”

PRESSURE POINT ATTACK AKA ‘DEATH TOUCH’ OR DEATH CHOKE ‘AKA SLEEPER HOLD’ are both potential lethal moves that ALL professional bodyguards are trained to use at any time, whether it be on someone trying to assault the celeb they are protecting… or even, yes, on the star themselves.

The expert continues:

“Some martial artists believe that dim mak, if executed correctly, can lead to a delayed death — meaning that the pinch of an artery or meridian could lead to organ failure and sudden death after a day or two. Others believe that dim mak can simply cause instantaneous death after pressure is applied to the carotid artery or other essential spots. The stomach-9 point, for example, is believed to be a pressure point that can lead to damage of the carotid artery — which is located in the neck and essential to providing blood to the brain.

Getting knocked out is typically caused by lack of oxygen, a sudden drop in blood pressure, or blunt trauma to the brain. There is essentially little to no scientific evidence that the “Death Touch” or the pressing of other pressure points can lead to death — but it’s fair to say that certain fighting movements, like a heavy blow to the temple or an obstruction of the breathing tubes, can certainly lead to dizziness, lack of oxygen, unconsciousness — and in severe cases, death.”

Today I came across a chilling video of a man that applied a choke hold on a drunk individual outside a Denny’s restaurant. The intoxicated man was mercilessly killed by the husband of a female sherrif’s deputy.

This was the spouse of an officer of the law, and she was standing right there. Nobody bothered to even try and give the man CPR. He just died like a dog left for dead.

In classic ‘crimes of passion’ incidents, undoubtedly things can go wrong real quick between people who know each other really well, even family members or spouses. We all know how bad domestic violence in the US is, right? In the heat of the moment, ‘crimes of passion’ happen all the time. That same thing can happen between you and your bodyguard if they feel you have literally become a threat to them at any given time. It’s still murder… but it’s voluntary manslaughter, punishable only up to 15 years in prison. That is a lot different than a life sentence.
