METALLICA have released the fourth installment of their "Metallica Mondays" series. This time around, the concert video features the...
Drummer Dave Lombardo is a man of many projects and even while in quarantine, he is adding another to his... Whitechapel have unveiled an acoustic version of "Hickory Creek," a track from their latest album, The Valley. A stream...
Last November, Dean Guitars released a limited run of 50 handcrafted USA guitars designed in collaboration with SLAYER guitarist Kerry... Australian metal act MAKE THEM SUFFER have posted their new song titled "Drown With Me." The track is slated...
The spring tour featuring TESTAMENT, along with The Black Dahlia Murder, Municipal Waste and Meshiaak is being rescheduled. That run...
As if the purported Coronavirus pandemic hasn't put enough restrictions on everyone, now the world of music looks to be...
The coronavirus pandemic has rocked the live-event industry like never before - and not in a good way, prompting promoters... ENTHEOS has premiered their new song titled "Remember You are Dust" streaming for you via YouTube. The outfit announce... Knotfest has added another pro-shot, full concert to its YouTube channel. Thehe latest edition is SLIPKNOT's performance at Download...