The UNDISPUTED King of Metal News and Occult reporting worldwide returns with a new installment of Rock And Roll Death...
The UNDISPUTED King of Heavy Metal news returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade Podcast, featuring...
Rocket of returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade Podcast, featuring music by Ozzy, Mick...
Rocket of returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade Podcast, featuring music by Ozzy, Rocket,...
Rocket of TMD returns with a new installment of Rock And Roll Death Brigade podcast, featuring music by Vince Meal,...
The King of Heavy Metal News returns with his heaviest hour to date!! This week listen to new music off...
Rocket of returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade Podcast, featuring music by Mick Mars,...
"Instead of Metal music, now it's called Meal music!" LOL - Rocket Rocket of returns with a new episode...
Rocket of returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade Podcast, featuring music by Mötley Crüe,...
Rocket of returns with a new episode of Rock And Roll Death Brigade podcast, featuring music by OZZY, Mick...