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ROCKET Interviews Rob Patterson of OTEP

Rob Patterson of OTEP

Rob Patterson is the lead guitarist for OTEP, a female-fronted, experimental metal band from Los Angeles, California. OTEP has performed at Ozzfest in 2001, 2002 and 2004. Patterson temporarily left OTEP’s lineup to tour with famed Nu-metal act KORN during 2005-2008, but is now back in the fold and currently working on the acts fourth studio record entitled “Smash The Control Machine” via Victory Records. The album is set to be released in August of 2009.

The Metal Den’s Randy “Rocket” Cody recently conducted an interview with Rob Patterson of OTEP

for his loyal following of DEN HEADZ worldwide.


Rocket: Where were you born and raised?

Rob: Natick, Massachusetts. Famous for one thing… Doug Flutie!

Rocket: Do you come from a big family?

Rob and family


Rob: I have one sister, mom and dad, about 1,000 cousins in Puerto Rico.

Rocket: What first drew you to playing music?

Rob: My father played Cello for the Boston Symphony Orchestra for 42 years. My first memory of music was my dad playing Brahm’s Lullabye on the cello in my bedroom.

Rocket: Who are a few of your biggest playing influences?

Rob: Angus Young, Eddie Van Halen, George Lynch, guitar wise.. Led Zep, U2, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Doors, song-writing wise..

Rocket: What kind of guitars do you play live and in the studio?

Rob: Ibanez, they’ve been with me since 2001. I only use them. Live and in the studio.

Rocket: What kind of amp rigs?

Rob: Randall RM50 & RM100 with various different modules in it.

Rocket: Did you ever take any formal guitar lessons?

Rob: Yes, I have when I was 18-19. I usually quit after 2 lessons, I’m pretty much self taught. I used to tape a metronome to my strap and walk around the house for 8 hours a day playing scales, it drove my parents NUTS!

Rocket: How did you get the gig playing on tour with KORN?

Rob in KORN


Rob: A good friend Shannon Crawford was best friends with James (Munky) from Korn. He introduced us, but I had to audition like everyone else. I learned 18 songs in 7 days, also , I didnt know who played what parts, so I learned Head’s and Munky’s parts… my fingers hurt! I hadn’t picked up a guitar in about a year prior to that week. They called me the day before I was supposed to audition and said “Can you come in today?!” which is good, because I was less nervous. I went in, played three songs and Jon Davis walked out of the room, and waved “bye”. I was a little confused. I went outside to have a smoke, and when I walked back in, their monitor guy Scott said “You got the gig!”. Fieldy said “We were going to mess with you, but you nailed it so well, we cant! It sounded like you breathed and lived the songs…”

Rocket: How difficult was it to have to wear a mask on stage and perform at the same time?

Rob: Sometimes it was tricky, but I cut it so I could sing back-up’s… wasn’t too hard.

Rocket: What is your favorite KORN song to play live and why?

Rob: Dead Bodies Everywhere. It had so many cool parts, and when it gets heavy after JD’s scream, it just felt amazing.

Rocket: You appeared on MTV Unplugged: Korn, which is an acoustic live album the band released in 2007. What tracks were you a part of and was it fun doing Korn music so stripped down?

Rob: I played on every song except for “Creep” and “Make Me Bad”… It was hella fun! Having orchestral instruments and all of that was a nice change of pace. It really made the songs stand out for what they were, good, well written rock songs.

Rocket: You have a lot of tattoos. Which one is your personal favorite and why?

Rob: The name Carmen on my arm. Why? 🙂

Rob and Carmen

Rocket: Congratulations on your engagement to Carmen Electra. The ring you got her is a black diamond. Is there any special meaning behind that?

Rob: I got her a black diamond because it’s totally different than the norm. It’s “Gothic” a little.. and we both like that style.


Rocket: Your fiancee has been spotted with your initial ‘R’ tattoo’d behind her ear. Were you with her when she got that or was it a surprise?

Rob: It was a surprise that she was going to do it, but I was there when it happened.

Rocket: Does Carmen Electra enjoy heavy metal music?

Rob: Yes! She loves AC/DC and Pantera.

Rob and Carmen2


Rocket: What is your personal opinion of Paparazzi?

Rob: I really don’t have one. If you respect me, I will respect you.

Rocket: You are actually back in the band OTEP now. Is that pretty much like going back home for you, musically and artistically speaking?

Rob: Home? Kinda. I get to be creative with Otep, try things I wouldn’t be able to in some of the other bands I have been in.

Rocket: You had previously gotten some songwriting credit with them. Will that be the case again this time around?

Rob: Yes. We’re writing this record as a team. All four of us.


Rocket: What can fans expect from the new OTEP music?

Rob: Something unique and special. You will just have to wait and see!

Rocket: What is it like working with such an intense performer as Otep Shamaya?

Rob: It is intense. That is a good word to describe it. She and I have a special relationship. We come from totally different musical backgrounds, but we’re both Scorpios… you do the research 😉

Rocket: I like to have fun with this next one. What’s the most embarassing thing that’s ever happened to you while performing on the stage?

Rob in Korn

Rob: Hmm… I tried to do a “crip dance” on stage with Korn, and JD said thru the mic “Thats really funny, Rob!” to 15,000 people. More funny than embarrassing.

Rocket: What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to a kid starting out on his or her first guitar and looking to embark on the rock n roll dream?

Rob: Practice, Practice, PRACTICE… if you are going to make music your career, jump in with both feet, don’t let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goals!

Rocket: You recently recorded your own solo album. Where can fans go pick that up and do you plan on doing another one of those in the future?

Rob: You can go to iTunes and search Rob Patterson and get it there.. I never made actual “hard” copies of it… it’s online only. I will be doing a few different projects this year, solo and with some friends. Keep an eye out for em on my website (robpatterson.net)

Rocket: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Rob: Exactly where I am now, but I may have one grey hair.

Rocket: Thanks very much for rocking this out with me. Best of luck with it all moving forward. Go ahead and give special thanks out to any of your friends, family and supporters.

Rob: I wanna thank my family, without their support I would have never done the things I’ve done.
Carmen, for being her… My band mates Otep, Jay and Mark. It’s been a blast doing it again!

Jon, Munk, David, Reggie, Loc, Sleepy, Kalen, Zach Baird, Ray Luzier, Shane Gibson, Mike Jochum, Jens Geiger, Peter Katsis, Jeff Kwantinez, Jimmy Bryant, Chad Goonan, Scott, Frank, Richard Gibbs, Kip, KareBare, Shannon Crawford and everyone in the Korn family for the opportunity to play in a great band.


The Metal Den