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CHRIS CORNELL, David Geffen And The Army Of Evil

TMD Fights For Truth!

CHRIS CORNELL, David Geffen And The Army Of Evil

(This report originally posted on December 23, 2017)
By Randy “Rocket” Cody
“I want to do all I can to help the kids.” – Chris Cornell

The Finders: a CIA front established in the sixties with top clearance and protection in its assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming young children throughout the United States of America.

Members of this secret group are specially trained government kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates who involve the kidnapped children in satanic sex orgies and bloody death rituals as well as the brutal murders of other kids and slaughter of animals. They purportedly use a fleet of unmarked vans to steal unsuspecting children from parks and schoolyards.

After working my own worldwide acclaimed independent death investigation for late SOUNDGARDEN frontman, Chris Cornell, I have begun to employ a much broader range of detective skills and online technology as I continue to move forward to fight to learn the truth about what really happened to the fallen rock star and how it relates also to deceased LINKIN PARK vocalist, Chester Bennington, PEDOGATE and now the connected #Pizzagate network of pedophile rock bands and a massive international child snatching ring.

By way of my own personal network of online “truther” investigators who I consult with regularly, along with a vast amount of personal research through official reports, expert testimony and declassified CIA documents, I fully believe I have built my own formidable infrastructure to provide justice for this man… and all the children around the world who have been body snatched by Uncle Sam.

I know that as more evidence is presented that all it will take is my readers studying the facts I put forth to reach what I feel is the obvious determination and ultimate ruling, that should have been reached the first time, and that is Chris Cornell was the victim of a homicidal ligature strangulation staged to look like a suicide.

There is no way around it. The mountain of forensic evidence, witness & expert testimony, including a locksmith who says that the door to Chris’ hotel room was not kicked in while the safety latch was engaged from the inside, including the debunked mainstream media narrative, which has changed so many times thanks to Vicky Cornell, who we are supposed to believe is so concerned about finding out what happened to her husband, right?

Meanwhile, she has the nerve to peddle Chris Cornell signature Xmas ornaments online to his fans.

Let’s get real now, okay? I told everyone I am not here to play games. So let’s proceed as grown damn adults, because what I have coming next is going to shock even the most skeptical.

Chester Bennington died on July 20, 2017 – which would have been Chris Cornell’s 53rd birthday.

The funeral of Chester Bennington was held on July 29, 2017. His wife, Talinda, cremated him before the autopsy was finalized. His wife complained that his ashes were not given to his kids at the funeral.

According to igdid.com, the highest ritual holiday is the member’s birthday. It usually involves the member or a victim of the member’s choice and someone in authority, usually the coven’s leader.

As the story goes, “Satanic ritual is very important and enhancing the performance of ritual is paramount to the magical flow of energy. Ritual is, in fact, what makes the magic happen. Without ritual or without taking the time to make a ritual satisfactory to Satan, you can only expect failure.”

How do The Finders operate? It’s simple:

“They use children within their organization as decoys to attract the victims close to the vans where they are grabbed by adults. They then drug the children and transport them to a series of safe houses for safe keeping. They are then used in their ceremonies for body parts, sex slaves and some are auctioned off at various locations in the northern hemisphere. In the past they have been auctioned off near a location in Nevada and Toronto, Canada. Marion David Pettie, the leader of the cult, is an identified homosexual pedophile and a CIA officer. His son was an employee of a CIA proprietary firm, Air America, which was notorious for smuggling drugs, destined for the U.S., out of the Golden Triangle into Saigon during the Vietnam war.”

The occult expert continues on the details of the sex orgies in black magic rituals:

“This is the essence of magic for without ritual, magic will not happen and without adequate preparation, the ritual will be ineffective and ineffective rituals equal wasted time and energy. Also, without knowing the outcome of the ritual and without planning a ritual to take place at a certain time, date and in a certain manner then you can only expect failure. Satan is looking for those who have the knowledge, wisdom, endurance and fortitude to see a ritual through to its logical end. For without the ritual, magic will not happen and this is a fact.”

“Our group, Magnum Opus, celebrates the entire week with daily recognition and observance of sacred acts designed to exalt the highest King of the World, Satan. The week’s activities build upon one another so as to culminate in the celebratory ritual on the final night. While this tractate is a brief description of a week-long event, hopefully you will be able to extract any elements that you may find to be of interest. The Grand Climax, as Satanism itself, is open to the practitioner’s interpretation instead of tired, dead or meaningless dogma. The Satanist adopts the things that represents meaning to them and there is no “right or wrong” way of expressing our love and dedication to our King and the Hosts of Hell.”

As I move forward, working on behalf of not just Mr. Cornell and Mr. Bennington, but also the devoted hard rock & heavy metal music lovers all around earth, for all of us get a black eye from this diabolical injustice to two great man who were such awesome human beings, all that I ask is that you remain open minded and passionate enough to want to learn the truth, okay?

Chris made a promise to fight for the kids, and I intend to carry out the mission now since he is no
longer here to keep the battle going. Sadly, my research has informed that each and every single country on God’s beautiful globe, is affected by the PEDOGATE nightmare of child trafficking, body part harvesting and ritual sacrifice going back many decades. No little one is safe, for the elite child killer ring stretches its gruesome tentacles wherever there is a beautiful child to be snatched, raped, killed and profited from, understand?

Vicky’s friend, Courtney Love, of the rock band HOLE, has a twisted history that was shrouded in darkness and misery, as I have learned, she was taken away from her father when when she was a kid. Her pops was the manager for THE GRATEFUL DEAD, Hank Harrison.

Harrison believes his daughter was involved somehow in the murder of late NIRVANA genius Kurt Cobain.

According to this Stereogum article: Harrison “claims he became 100 percent certain that Love was involved with Cobain’s death… when the Seattle police shared a note from Cobain’s wallet that contained disparaging remarks about Love. Although many have speculated that the note, which refers to Love as a “bitch with zits” among other jabs, could easily have been an inside joke between Cobain and Love, Harrison says it is a crucial piece of evidence against his daughter: “If you read the true meaning of this small note, and place it in conjunction with the rest of the evidence, anyone with even half a wit will see that something dire and awful took place.” He’s also suspicious of the Seattle PD’s motives for releasing so much evidence 20 years later: “Nobody, except me, asked the obvious question: ‘Why weren’t they developed 20 years ago? They weren’t developed because the police had already decided it was a suicide and didn’t need any more evidence.’”


Then Courtney’s name showed up in the black book for convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, along with Donald Trump and Kevin Spacey.

#Pizzagate is just one small piece of the PEDOGATE puzzle. America, UK, Japan, Canada, Russia, China, France, the epidemic of child killing for profit is a global problem. So this story should be important to every single person God has given life to.

Child Protective Services (CPS), along with the CIA, are part of a larger corrupt U.S. government ring that has been assisting in helping this mass genocide to happen. While I dig deeper to crawl as far as I can down the rabbit hole to see how this nightmare truly unfolds before I potentially get taken out too, the fact is that I find myself focused now more on billionaire David Geffen, for he holds a much larger stake in the drama.

Comet Ping Pong is 100% connected to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, AKA ‘MOCA’.

MOCA received a $5-million gift from The David Geffen Foundation.

This year in October, L.A. Times reported:

“And making history as the largest gift on record toward the construction of an American museum, David Geffen has pledged $150 million to a new building for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Geffen’s pledge raises LACMA’s fundraising total to $450 million of the $650 million needed to break ground on a modernist Peter Zumthor building, arguably the most anticipated new piece of architecture in L.A. since Frank Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall opened in 2003. The Zumthor building, to be named the David Geffen Galleries, has evolved from a black, amorphous design reminiscent of the nearby La Brea Tar Pits into a more muscular, sand-colored concrete structure that bridges Wilshire Boulevard. Beyond giving LACMA the kind of architectural presence that has become the norm for world-class art museums, the Zumthor project would further cement L.A.’s rising status as a cultural capital of international import.”

As I previously detailed, Comet Ping Pong house band, HEAVY BREATHING, easily the most demented, psycho-pedophile rock act of all time, have performed at the MOCA as well, and this secret group under the cover of operating to sell expensive contemporary (pedophile) art is potentially linked to Satanic sacrifices and sex orgies with little kids, who are then killed afterward and parted out.

Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis allegedly made a death threat to a truther who pointed out that his other property, Pegasus museum, might be the spot where the “kill rooms” are located.

A year ago a hacker is said to have found child porn on Comet’s computer and when given the info, the DC police did nothing at all.

We already know that Dupont underground tunnels run underneath that area of Washington D.C.,
and that John Podesta and the collusion with LINKIN PARK proves something truly sinisiter is going on.

Keep in mind, Geffen was also linked to pedophile ring with Marc-Collins Rector, Brock Pierce and Bryan Singer.

MOCA 2011: Anyone Hungry For A Breast?

There are some new “pretty heavy accusations here” launched against Mr. Geffen via VOAT site:

“Geffen ran into actors (Josh Brolin & James Franco) while out to dinner one night with a friend of Cornell’s wife who is an international prostitute. He stopped by the table of Brolin/Franco and allegedly told the A list actor he had fresh meat and should stop by. They did so and apparently Franco engaged in sexual activity with some of these teen boys. I don’t know if the teens he hooked up with were legal or not. Fast forward a little bit. This is where things take an even stranger turn. Apparently the escort was not only hooking up with Franco, but also Chris Cornell himself. Chris’ wife had no idea. I still don’t think she has any idea, although the relationship between the two has grown more frosty as of late. I don’t think Franco knew, but probably wouldn’t have cared. I don’t think Chris Cornell knew about Franco and the escort either because Cornell was gone so frequently. Apparently one of those teens being interviewed mentioned Franco or enough of a description of him that the escort knew who the teen was referring to. Whether she saw the video or heard about it from Vicky Karayiannis, I don’t know. The next thing you know, the escort is telling Franco what she knew and Franco was telling Geffen. Fate sealed. Almost immediately after that, the escort suddenly decides that she needs to leave the country again, where she has remained since. Let us call this actor Franco never one to be discreet about sex or who has sex with or concerned about age, our actor has got into trouble for his behavior in the past.
But, somehow, Franco doesn’t quite seem to fit, what if it was someone the Pizzagate community was introduced to that has transient ties to the entire Pizzagate saga? Josh Brolin – The Goonie, and his creepy ties to Steve Antin, his sister Robin, and therefore David Geffen.

VICKY CORNELL: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

#TruthForChris Key:

PJ – Chris Cornell
PJ’s widow – Vicky Karayiannis
PJ Widow relative (receiving the wire transfers) – her mother
RJ – Chester Bennington
RJ’s widow – Talinda Ann Bentley
A+ lister – David Geffen
SB – James Franco
High priced escort – Salena Diana Jenkins (btw she’s back in Bosnia now https://www.instagram.com/p/BcsiYBDnBoM/?tagged=sanelajenkins, posted 7 days ago)
SB family member – Dave Franco
A list indie director – Harmony Korine (SB = Spring Breakers)


Blind Items

“We all know she is a black widow who only cares about herself and her survival. Right up there with that is how much she loves money and fame. So, when a couple of people came to her and offered her a great deal of money to make some of her past crimes and foibles go away, she was all ears. When they offered her a chance at her own reality show down the road, she really listened. When they told her that her A- list (PJ) celebrity husband was going to divorce her and enforce that prenup, she was 100% on board. They provided her with drugs that were much stronger versions of the ones her husband used to take. Her job was to get him hooked again. They told her exactly what to do, and how to do it every step of the way. When that first wire transfer hit a relative’s bank, she was the most enthusiastic helper ever. She might not have been there to commit the actual crime, but she was part of the conspiracy to kill him and she has had no problems with the money and fame she has received after his death. She is so greedy and so concerned with herself that she never even asked more than a few questions about why anyone would want her husband dead. Contrast her situation with another widow. A widow who became one not that long after the first. She was married to an A- lister (RJ) herself. She would never have done anything to harm her husband. Nothing. Someone could have offered her millions of dollars and she would say no. Every day she grieves for her dead husband. She grieves for her family. She also grieves for the people that her husband and the other A- lister were trying to help. Her husband was an inspiration to so many troubled youth and teens. Naturally those people reached out to the A- lister when they struggled. About a year or so before his death he was told by one of the teens that he had been sexually abused. The teen talked about others who had all been abused at the hands of the same group of people. The teen named some names and our A- lister knew who some of the people were. In fact, he knew one of them really well. That one is a permanent A+ lister who has been known in the past to make his problems go away permanently. When our A- lister approached him, the A+ lister advised him to not pursue things any further and to let the matter drop. It was shortly after that conversation that our A- lister talked to his friend PJ and told him what the teens had said and his conversation with the A+ lister. At that point, PJ and RJ went and spoke to the A+ lister. This time, they were warned more strongly and threats were made about their careers which the A+ lister could destroy. PJ and RJ started interviewing the teens and recording the interviews. No one knows how that information got back to the A+ lister. Did PJ or RJ or both send him a video?”

The Grand Climax falls at the end of July on the Satanic Calendar.

“The ritual is based upon blood and sex; the two main focus “operations or operators” involved. Each event on the Satanic Calendar is represented by one or more of these operations in observance of the particular date. Satanists embrace the operators due to the magical significance of the specific deed. Nothing herein would prevent a Satanist or coven from deviating from these operators for certain dates; again, it is totally left to the discretion of the practitioner to find what is right for them. It is noted (and has been witnessed our coven) that using the specified operator at the designated milestone date will render a much more potent magic and better dividends / rewards. Some elders speculate that it is the accumulation of “the many” which results in the magic being stronger and more intense during these workings. Their hypothesis is based upon the “numbers theory” whereas the same ritual(s), operation(s) and deliveries serve to amplify the Satanic magic allowing the demonic Familiar(s) to exercise greater power and authority in summoning and performing the acts desired of the practitioners. Whether the “safety in numbers” or the “strength in numbers” hypothesis works as explained is always up for debate. One thing is quite clear regardless of the root cause; the Satanic power of magic is stronger on these sacred ritual dates.”

Grand Climax Ritual: That’s One Way To Get A-head!

“When we last saw Chris Cornell (PJ) and Chester Bennington (RJ) they were recording interviews with abused teens. The question was how did the information get back to the A+ lister. Did one of them send him a copy? That was always considered a maybe. They could have done it for protection. Hey look at what we have so don’t come after us. Did the wife of PJ show one to the A+ lister? Again, certainly possible. At that point she was fully indebted to the A+ lister and had made her bed. She was full in on the money, fame and protection from bad things from her past that the A+ lister could assist her with. The problem with that theory is that you have to be fully on board with PJ trusting his wife. At that point he already wanted to divorce her. No one I have spoken with thinks that PJ knew about what was going on with the A+ lister, but he still had no reason to trust her.”

“From everything I have seen or heard, it looks like someone he considered a friend, betrayed him. The friend, an A/A- list mostly movie actor attended the funeral of PJ. He probably fake grieved or maybe even had real grief knowing he helped along the death. Let us call this actor SB. Never one to be discreet about sex or who has sex with or concerned about age, our actor has got into trouble for his behavior in the past. At a party he attended at PJ’s house about a year before all of this went down, he was cornered by PJ’s wife about getting her a part in a movie or anything he could help her with. At that same time, she introduced him to a friend of hers. The friend is a very very high priced escort who mainly operates out of the country. She was in the US trying to also get some acting work and called her old friend. Well, this high priced escort works in a country where anything goes so nothing SB talked about or said shocked her. The two started hanging out quite frequently. During that time, they ran into our A+ lister while out to dinner. He stopped by the table of SB and told him he had fresh meat and should stop by. They did so and apparently SB engaged in sexual activity with some of these teen boys.”

“Well, in Crazy Days And Nights third installment in this crazy ride the saga takes off at 1000 miles an hour toward our favorite destination in this saga, Pizzagate, and our favorite occult city, Washington DC, coupled with a few unbelievable stops along the way to be introduced to the crazy fucked-up “luxury and excess” of the rich and famous. Hold on because it’s going to get sick and disgusting, and may even compel you to work harder about doing something about it. Recently I wrote about this escort that seems to be in the middle of everything going on in the long running widows scandal. It turns out this escort is even more involved than previously known. When we last saw the escort, she was saving SB and sealing the tragic fate of RJ (Chester Bennington) and PJ (Chris Cornell) at the hands of the A+ lister. Why were SB (James Franco) and the A+ lister (DG) so close? At some point back in time, SB and a family member hooked up with the A+ lister. He helped them and they helped him. SB is close to a director, an A list indie type director not named Bryan Singer. Think darker and more gritty films. He is someone who has always taken deep dives into underage sex and using that as his rationalization, has sex with underage teens constantly. Ask his current significant other actress how old she was when they started hooking up. She was very much underage, and helped him find underage teens for his ‘projects’. Apparently the escort and our money/fame hungry widow were involved with this group. Right now, it isn’t known if they were part of the director’s crowd, but suddenly they were there. Here is where it gets a little more complicated. Our A+ lister had met some men from overseas who were interested in young men. They also were interested in young females. The young men were to be play things for rich men overseas. The young females though were a different story. Some of them were sent to Dubai to be sexually used and abused for a year or two before they either made it back home or ended up beneath one of the many construction projects.”

“There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. That business specialized in selling items that were all priced in that range. The crazy thing is though, if you took a look at the business, they didn’t actually have any inventory. They were just funneling money for a bunch of different purposes. One of those purposes was providing Instagram models as wives to some very very bad people who had been promised wives if they signed up to fight. Most of these Instagram models that were picked at random had no interest in going overseas even for sex. However, there were plenty that the escort found through her web of other escort friends and models she would talk to online. How to make sure the models were really interested? SB would make a personal plea or his almost equally famous family member. The models would be told easy money was waiting overseas. The models all thought they were going to Dubai. They would start in Dubai but were then transported to other places not as nice and then married off. The people getting the wives were not going to complain about not getting their first choice or try to demand a refund. These models were then paraded and used as a recruitment tool to get more people to sign up to fight. Now, it isn’t clear whether SB or the A+ lister or even the escort or our hated widow knew the full story of these models. I do know they knew the women were being sold/rented to men in Dubai. I know they took a cut of that big fee paid to that mystery business. I know the escort is still trolling for new women online to sell. I don’t know who her new middleman is, but she is still doing it.”

Diana Jenkins ladies and gentlemen, we’ve ALL probably heard about her folks, she’s the Person Of Interest in the infamous “Robert Downey Jr.” blind.

“I am a FORMER personal “friend” of a woman named Diana Jenkins. Doubt you know her, but she’s the Rosetta Stone of every scandal and perversion from Hwood all over the globe. She’s an Uber-wealthy divorcee whose hubby ran UK’s Barclay’s bank – and she ran the Arab investors for the bank! She’s been running a high class call girl/party-girl ring for Arabs, Wall Street, DC, Royals, and Hollywood elites. She’s also a MAJOR philanthropist, arts supporter, political donor, and social hostess to EVERYONE. Her best Hwood pals include Sean Penn, Clive Davis, Ari Emanuel, George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, and her “little pet” named Hayden. Diana is the connector of wealthy Arabs and Asians and Athletes with Hwood actresses/models. She also is a sick and twisted bitch. There were another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. If you took a look at the business, they didn’t actually have any inventory. Now, ALL OF US here by now understands that “art” can be “inventory” and “it is not”. Its a commodity that can be traded for outrageous amounts, aid human trafficking by laundering money among many other possibilities.”

The bottom line is: “artwork in embassies program allowed Podesta’s, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis ‘access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security.”

Madeleine McCann: Deserves The Truth To Be Known, Doesn’t She?



For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out: