February 9, 2025

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CHRIS CORNELL, The Promise & No More Bullshit!

TMD Fights For Chris!

According to a fan who attended the final SOUNDGARDEN concert the band left the stage at 11:15 p.m. on May 17th, and afterward late frontman Chris Cornell, 52, spent about 10 minutes signing autographs in front of the box office and at 11:25 he was escorted from the gig by security. After a brief 5 minute car ride he was back at the MGM grand where he takes an elevator to room #1136 at 11:30-11:35.

The call from Vicky his wife happens around 11:35.

According to a police report obtained by The Detroit News, the Soundgarden frontman sounded “groggy,” and kept repeating “I am just tired,” in his last phone call with his wife.

Although on May 28th Vicky took to Twitter to deny those were her husband’s last words and the media report got it wrong.

Her Tweet read:

“With this said, I’d like to clarify that contrary to media reports it is untrue that @chriscornell ‘s last words to me were “I’m very tired””

The official police report states that Cornell’s bodyguard, Martin Kirsten, was in Cornell’s room at around 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday to help him fix his computer, after which Kirsten claimed to give Cornell two Ativan pills, which the musician “takes for anxiety.”

Yet, the autopsy by Theodore Brown said there were “no pills found” in the rocker’s stomach during his autopsy.

Vicky told police that she spoke with her husband at around 11:35 p.m., and at 12:15 a.m., called Kirsten to ask him to check on Cornell, “to see if he is alright, because he did not sound like he is okay.” Vicky told Kirsten that Cornell repeated, ‘I am just tired,’ before hanging up the phone, the report says.

If Vicky was so concerned about her husband why did it take 40 minutes for her to call bodyguard
to go check on Chris?

After all, the bodyguard is only staying 2 doors down from the rock star.

Her story makes no sense and does not add up. Plus she keeps changing it!!

From the time she gets off phone with her Chris it takes ONE HOUR AND A HALF for emergency response to be summoned?!

Why did it take so long for her to send help if she knew her husband “did not sound like he was OK, slurring his words, states “I am tired”, how does she not know if he is really OD’ing”? She said it herself she feared he was relapsing on Oxy in a bad way.. like she had not seen in 14 years when he almost died!

Now the bodyguard enters the room and claims he pulls Chris down off the bathroom door and ‘loosens’ the band around his neck and performs CPR.

(Pictured: Sample Red Resistance Exercise Band)

The first official emergency responder does not arrive until 12:56, despite the fact that the medic works on location at MGM grand. The 911 call confirms the medic UNTIED the band from victim’s neck to perform CPR, so how can something be UNTIED from his neck twice? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!

And once the bodyguard gets in the room why did it take so long for him to summon help?

It took 41 more minutes from the time the bodyguard found him for emergency to show up? The medic was on location at the hotel!!

From the time Vicky Cornell says she is worried for her husband after speaking on the phone, fearing he relapsed again like “he did when he abused Oxycontin 14 years earlier”, it takes the length of a typical motion picture for her to get PROFESSIONAL EMERGENCY HELP to him?

If she was so concerned why did it take so long for help to get to him when first responder was on location at the hotel?

According to forensic specialist, Dr. D Rao, the cooling of the body Algor Mortis; ‘chill death’ after death is a complex process, which does not occur at the same rate throughout the body, cooling down about 2° per hour, but it could be affected by the temperature and climate. From outside to inside, starting from the head and extremities inward. The body cools more rapidly on the surface and more slowly in the interior.

For about half to one hour after death, the rectal temperature falls little
at all. Then the cooling rate is relatively uniform in its slope. Then it gradually becomes slower as the temperature of the air is approached. The body heat is lost by conduction, convection and radiation. Only a small fraction of heat is lost by evaporation of fluid from the skin.

Factors affecting rate of cooling:

1. The difference in temperature between the body and the medium.

2. The build of the cadaver.

3. The environment of the body.

4. Covering around the body.

In trying to determine the actual time of death understanding the body temp is critical.

According to forensic expert D.P. Lyle there are actually three different times of death:

The physiologic time of death, when the victim’s vital functions actually ceased.
The legal time of death, the time recorded on the death certificate.
The estimated time of death, the time the medical examiner estimates that death occurred.

“It is important to note that the estimated time of death can vary greatly from the legal time of death and the physiologic time of death.”

The Importance of the Time of Death

“An accurate estimation of the time of death can lead to discovering the identity of the assailant. In criminal cases, it can eliminate some suspects while focusing attention on others.”

The most important and most commonly used of these are body temperature, rigor mortis, and lividity.

Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. After death, the body loses or gains heat progressively until it equilibrates with that of the surrounding medium.

The medic tells us at 1:30 via the call to 911 dispatch that Chris is ‘cold to the touch’
all over his body.

According to the forensic science, a fully grown, mature human body will cool to a noticeably cooler temperature in about two hours, depending on the temperature of its surroundings. For example, the corpse lying outside at night would cool more quickly. If it was found in an non-air conditioned room and is wrapped in a lot of thick clothing on a hot summer day it would cool more slowly.

Knowing Chris was in underwear and t-shirt in a regular 75-80 degree environment his body
would have cooled to the touch at the general 2 hour rate.

This would push back the clock to right around the time Chris would have gotten the first
visit from Martin where he was supposedly given 2 Ativan at around 11:35 and his TV was set-up for him so he could watch his favorite show.

So if Chris was already dead 2 hours earlier there is no way the door was latched from
the inside when the bodyguard kicks in the door at 12:15, understand? It’s not possible.

Rock music journalist Randy “Rocket” Cody of THE METAL DEN website offers the “latch theory” to support the claim of foul play:

“It’s my belief that the bodyguard kicked the door, yes, to put on a show for police, but the truth was he knew it was not latched from inside plus he was carrying a key card to the room as was told by Vicky Cornell.

For a big six foot five man that weighs around 250 pounds kicking in an ‘unlatched door’ is NO PROBLEM!!

I feel he does that to put on a convincing performance for the hallway camera like he is in life saving mode when in fact the forensic evidence proves Chris was already dead inside the room.”

According to the forensic science: “In partial hanging, the bodies are partially suspended, toes or feet touching the ground, or are in a sitting, kneeling, lying down, prone or any other posture. The weight of the head (5 to 6kg) acts as the constricting force at relatively low point of suspension. The weight of the chest and arms is enough to provide fatal pressure on the neck; suspension of the whole body is not necessary. When any part of the body is in contact with the ground it is termed as partial hanging.”

On top of all of this, Chris Cornell’s brother, Peter Cornell, has quit social media due to being “bullied and threatened” for doing the suicide pushup challenge. It’s been alleged that his side of the family who are biological relatives are not treated nicely by Vicky Cornell. Is she behind the recent bullying and threats?

It sure seems like there is an ulterior motive at work here in terms of someone trying to sell a narrative that makes them more money than reveal what truly happened.

ULTERIOR MOTIVE: Noun (plural ulterior motives) An alternative or extrinsic reason for doing something, especially when concealed or when differing from the stated or apparent reason.

Vicky Cornell believes her husband did not commit suicide… that the drug Ativan made him do it. She is allegedly going to sue the pharmaceutical company behind it, which could be a big time payday for her if she indeed is pursuing that kind of legal action. So maybe Peter selling the suicide pushup deal gets
in the way, does that make sense to everyone?

And let’s keep in mind via Chris’ autopsy the drugs in his system only show up in therapeutic levels. People who saw him perform at the final concert said he was pulling tricky moves on his guitar that someone having a bad reaction to drugs or being ‘wasted out of their mind’ would not be coordinated enough to do.

Right before Chris died, he promoted his final solo song entitled “The Promise”, which was used as part of the motion picture of the same name that flopped at the box office recently to the tune of $90 million loss.

Chris and Vicky Cornell’s foundation to help abused children allegedly has served as a fund for her lavish spending, a whopping 92% of the proceeds (according to a financial report ending 12/2015) were kept and only 8% was actually paid out to help children. Rumor is that this mishandling of the foundation money was a serious sore spot with Chris Cornell and is believed to be one of many reasons he would have wanted to leave the relationship.

Certain lyrics from the song “The Promise” are quite haunting now after the fact:

And you said

“The poison in a kiss

Is the lie upon the lips”

Truer words were never shared

When I feel

Like lies are all I hear

And one promise you made

One promise that always remains

No matter the price

A promise to survive

