July 26, 2024

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TMD Rocks!

Detroit’s CHILD BITE is releasing their new studio full-length, Negative Noise, via Philip H. Anselmo’s label Housecore Records on April 1st, 2016. The collection of twelve tracks has a punk feel yet aggressive ‘spazzy art rock’ sound that will undoubtedly do well with any fan of extreme music who is tired of hearing the same redundant crap everyone is releasing as of late. Nope, peeps, these dudes will melt your damn face onto the floor like someone dumped a bucket of acid over your head. Part BLACK FLAG, Part MR. BUNGLE, the explosive group is led by Shawn Knight on vocals and guitar, who simply rattled my skull, as they explore hardcore, sludge, noise rock and heavy metal.

Track one’s “Death Before Dementia” is the perfect way to start the album with such an utterly dark cut, followed next by the jamming “Paralytic Phantasm”, “Euphoria Saturation Point”, and “Born A Hog”. The rhythm is frenetic as hell thanks to second guitarist Brandon Sczomak, along with Sean Clancy on Bass and Jeff Kraus on drums. Produced by legendary PANTERA and DOWN vocalist Philip H. Anselmo, Negative Noise clocks in at forty-seven-minutes of slamming good times. Picture a meth fueled maniac wrestling a two thousand pound bull and the ‘cries’ the dying man makes as he is cut to shreds by the animals horns in front of a shocked crowd and you will get an idea of what this record sounds like. On the next songs the band does not slow down on the speed and ferocity with which they crank out one menacing tune after the other. Your head will be pummeled hard next by “Video Blood”, my personal favorite “Apex Of Anxiety” and the rocking gem “Vermin Mentality” that definitely has the vibe of DEAD KENNEDYS.

My friends Negative Noise truly slams both its fists down with a vengeance upon the gimmicky mainstream musical landscape with a downright devastating delivery that infects you deeply with its ability to go places where most bands do not go today. The ass kicking continues in the form of “Beyond The Dirt”, “The Great Ego Flood” and the utterly raspy masterpiece “Into The Disease”. The album concludes with a flourish, as “Feed Me Septic Dreams” and the absolutely brilliant “Heretic Generation” blare through until the doom sounding bass finally brings it all to an abrupt end. I could have easily listened to another twelve songs by CHILD BITE that is how good their music is.

Rocket Rules!
TMD Rocks!

CHILD BITE – “Negative Noise” (CD)

(Housecore Records/2016)

1 – Death Before Dementia
2 – Paralytic Phantasm
3 – Euphoria Saturation Point
4 – Born A Hog
5 – Video Blood
6 – Apex Of Anxiety
7 – Vermin Mentality
8 – Beyond The Dirt
9 – The Great Ego Flood
10 – Into The Disease
11 – Feed Me Septic Dreams
12 – Heretic Generation


