February 16, 2025

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ROCKET Interviews “Inferior” of ABDUNOR


Denmark black metal assassins ABDUNOR are back in 2012 with a fresh outlook for their immediate musical future, having last released the CD Whispers in Nameless Forms in 1998. Filled to the brim with wicked song structures and lyrical content, ‘Whispers’ showed that the band was indeed capable of producing impressive songs that are distinctly their own. Comprised of “Inferior” and band mate “Horror”, the duo is currently working on new material and plan to unleash it on the masses in the near future.

One thing is for sure, ABDUNOR delivers an epic modern metal sound that will continue to gain them a legion of devoted followers.

The Metal Den’s Randy “Rocket” Cody has conducted an interview with guitarist/vocalist “Inferior” of ABDUNOR band for his loyal worldwide Den Headz.


Rocket: Where were you born and raised?

Inferior: I was born and raised in Denmark, a couple of miles outside Copenhagen.

Rocket: Do you come from a big family?

Inferior: No, not really.

Rocket: When did you first start playing guitar and singing?

Inferior: I started to take my guitar work very seriously in ’94. I played in a few bands before I met up with Steffen.


Rocket: In what year did Abdunor form?

Inferior: Abdunor started as a project in 1996 by myself and Horror. We were playing together in a Death metal band called Dawnfall at that time, but we wanted to try and make some music that was more related towards black metal, so we created Abdunor. In 1998 we published a mini-CD called “Whispers in Nameless Forms” which was received very well. Unfortunately we didn’t put half the work into it as we are doing now, and hence we were unable to keep the momentum going. Besides that, Horror had to leave the country for a longer period, but I decided not to search for other members during that time and concentrated on other projects. We never stopped creating new material, and we have made a few demos since then. We hope that 2012 will be the year where the people will be exposed to Abdunor, and that our music will be well received.

Rocket: Is your band working on new music? What can you tell us about that?

Inferior: Indeed we are!! The new material will be atmospheric, melodic, fast and hopefully mind-blowing. One of our main goals in creating music is to make something unique and new. We believe that even though there are many great metal bands out there, we are creating something new and very special.
And soon we shall prove it.

Rocket: Cool. You are currently in search of a “Session musicians”, correct? What is the
best way for someone to apply?

Inferior: For the moment we are currently making the last songs on our record. When that´s done, we´ll beginning to look into live line-up. Right now it’s difficult to say, I still haven’t figured out whether I am gonna play guitar live or just do vocals.

Rocket: How does the songwriting process work for your band?

Inferior: I normally start out with making some guitar riffs and then slowly build up a song. When we meet for rehearsals myself and Horror then works together on finding drum ideas and discussing the general structure of the song. Horror then continues working on the drums at home. When the main guitar and drums are done, I then work on the other guitars and synth/effects. With regards to writing of lyrics, I have created the lyrics until now. There is no specific process for writing the lyrics. When ideas arises, I make some notes, so lyrics are sometimes made before a song is ready and sometimes after.
A very important thing in Abdunor is that both of us have to approve/like every part of a song. If one of us is not happy with a part, then it is changed into something that both of us approve of without discussion.

Rocket: What kind of guitars are you currently playing live and in the studio?

Inferior: Gibson flying V, Washburn, Esp, Variax Ltd. I use 3 – 5 guitars on a recording.
To experiment on the dynamics, solo parts, clean parts etc…

Rocket: What kind of amp rigs?

Inferior: It changes a bit on every recording we make but I have to go with Marshall and Line6 on almost anything.

Rocket: Who are some of the American metal bands that you enjoy?

Inferior: Death, Hate Eternal, Nile, Origin, Pantera, and Tool, to mention a few.

Rocket: What would you say is your ultimate goal in the music industry?

Inferior: The ultimate goal would be to move further down the path we already are on. We are extremely excited to get this “dark vessel” to the people across the globe, and hopefully get their support.
And of course… hanging out with Vinnie Paul and let him tell stories about one of the greatest metal guitarist in the world -Dimebag!!

Rocket: What are some of the upcoming shows for Abdunor?

Inferior: For the moment we are just focusing on making this album, get in the press and send it out
to the labels and zines. After that we will definitely go on tour.

Rocket: Thanks for doing this interview with me. Best of luck with your music.

Inferior: Keep an eye out for Abdunor. We are looking forward to present our material to you guys.
Beware the second returning!!
