Mick Mars, 72, guitarist of MÖTLEY CRÜE, finds himself in the midst of an epic legal battle involving millions of...
In the third part of a Q&A video series for Artists On Record Starring Adika Live!, Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge)...
ABORTED have announced the departure of their bassist Stefano Franceschini, who has exited the Belgian deathgrind outfit to pursue his PhD in...
INVICTUS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present HASTURIAN VIGIL's striking debut album, Unveiling the Brac'thal, on CD and vinyl LP formats. Dropping...
TMD has been tipped off about new details emerging from the Mick Mars lawsuit against his former band, and it...
by Randy "Rocket" Cody Let me preface this report by saying that this is a lot of information that has...
Italian crossover and boundary-pushing quartet METHEDRINE will release their debut album, “No Solution, No Salvation” on January 19th 2024 via Time To Kill Records. Today, the band shares...
John 5 can't seem to keep his story straight lately. With the mounting pressure the Mick Mars' lawsuit and the...
Sweden's BALTIC C has dropped a new single titled "Hard To Breathe". Check it out below. https://youtube.com/watch?v=wnK5DFb5Evg&si=9vdf03Oh5zjp1sod
In a shocking revelation leaked to TMD, Mick Mars, 72, the iconic guitarist of MÖTLEY CRÜE, is moving forward with...