July 26, 2024

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PRIMUS – Announce Virtual Concert

PRIMUS will perform a virtual concert dubbed “Alive From Pachyderm Station” on Friday, December 11. Early bird tickets, exclusive event merchandise, etc. are available now via primuslive.com. Meanwhile, a trailer for the event can be viewed HERE.

“Primus is all about Les Claypool; there isn’t a moment on any of their records where his bass isn’t the main focal point of the music, with his vocals acting as a bizarre sideshow. Which isn’t to deny guitarist Larry LaLonde or drummer Tim “Herb” Alexander any credit; no drummer could weave in and around Claypool’s convoluted patterns as effortlessly as Alexander, and few guitarists would willingly push the spotlight away like LaLonde does, just to produce a never-ending spiral of avant noise. All of this means that they are miles away from being another punk-funk combo like the Red Hot Chili Peppers; Claypool may slap and pop his bass, but there is little funk in the rhythm he and Alexander lay down.”

– All Music