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BLACKBALLED: How The Gods Kill On “Orgy Island”

BLACKBALLED: How The Gods Kill On “Orgy Island”

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

This report originally posted on April 25, 2018

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free
and open society; and we are as a people inherently
and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret
oaths and to secret proceedings”

– John F. Kennedy

We no longer enjoy the same freedoms in the USA that we had even a few years ago. With each ‘false flag’ mass shooting event staged by the deep state, and heavy censorship victory won, we as American citizens lose our ability to speak freely against our corrupt and tyrannical government leaders.

There is no longer a democracy in America, only the illusion that it exists.

A true dictatorship and covert rogue government takeover by the elite globalist bankers is well underway.

Mass genocide carried out as a clandestine New World Order operation has snuffed out literally millions upon millions of innocent kids all over the world.

The crimes against humanity I am talking about here is on such an epic scale that we will never truly know the actual body count. From my estimation, this is much worse than the death totals from the holocaust of World War 2.

We as God fearing, honest, tax paying citizens have been blackballed from membership to our own damn country.

#Pizzagate is not a “hoax” like everyone wants you to believe. The central figures tied to this depravity
are some of the most powerful individuals, who due to their wealth and influence remain untouchable.

No, I am afraid the epidemic of child killing for profit is as real as it gets.

We are obviously dealing with an army of ‘self proclaimed” gods within the Luciferian elite society.

They don’t consider humans like me and you to be worth the shit they accidentally step in.

Don’t believe me? You actually think the US government has your best interests at heart?

Let me take you by the hand now and lead you into the dark underworld of murder incorporated.

Whether you make it out with your sanity is on you, okay?

Although, now is the time to walk away from this article, if you aren’t willing to take a special journey to HELL, like never before seen or experienced.

Recently, numerous outlets reported on Jeffrey Epstein’s “salacious Florida trial being granted a stay by the appeals court.”

According to an article on JDJournal:

“The famed sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein is set to go to trial but his legal team is pushing to get the trial delayed. The Palm Beach billionaire settled lawsuits against him from three teenage victims for $5.5 million. Epstein claims that he was persuaded to settle the claims by attorney Bradley Edwards and former attorney Scott Rothstein.”

Bill Clinton reportedly took 26 trips to “Orgy Island” between 2002 and 2005. Hillary Clinton… 6 times.

Shortly thereafter, in 2006, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began probing allegations that Epstein had induced “girls between the ages of 14 and 17 to engage in illegal sexual activities.”

According to court documents, local authorities found Epstein’s staff had been working frequently to “schedule multiple young girls between the ages of 12 and 16 years old literally every day, often two or three times per day.”

One of the girls – aged 13 – testified under oath that Epstein sexually assaulted her. Last January, another woman alleged Epstein used her as a “sex slave” – holding her on “Orgy Island” against her will.

Why can’t adults just sleep with adults? And when are all of these ‘overpaid and overrated’ assholes going to start acting like adults?

I am so sick and damn tired of all of these Gomer Pyle looking politicians getting away with murder, aren’t you?

The Smoking Gun details a seriously creepy encounter Bush Sr. had one time with a nurse named Claire.

The former president asked Claire if his testicles were black, reportedly. The nurse replied, “You think your testicles are black, sir?” “Yes,” Bush replied. The nurse then “went over and put rubber gloves on to check!!” But before Claire could examine the reptile’s octogenarian’s ballsack for discoloration, a third party stepped in. “Mom finally stopped her.” One of the Bush siblings recalls, referring to the late Barbara Bush. In his 2010 memoir (and related interviews), George W. Bush referred to the “black testicles” gag, recalling how his father had once targeted a female nurse at the Mayo Clinic following an operation. After Bush 41 twice asked the nurse, “Ma’am, are my testicles black?” the woman reached for the sheet covering the ex-president. At that point, Bush–pretending that the nurse misheard him–asked, “Are my test results back?”

Everything is a big joke to everyone when it comes to lewd behavior. We are dealing with some truly deviant and sexually demented individuals.

When MK Ultra victim Paul Bonacci was a young boy he was snatched by CIA funded cult group “The Finders” and forced to participate in “snuff films” that he claimed were directed by Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson back in the eighties during the Franklin Cover Up scandal.

In his harrowing account, Mr. Bonacci detailed how “The Figure In Black” raped the boy anally and then shot him in the head at point blank range in front of Bonacci and another boy that was made to partake in disgusting activities with the headless corpse covered in blood.

As Bonacci, now bathed in brains and and gore, cried in horror the tall man in the black ‘executioners’ robe pointed the gun at him and demanded he bend down to bite off the dead child’s balls… and eat them.

“Pedovore” has begun trending all the place.

The United Kingdom site called Brainstain details its meaning and tells us more backstory on the rumored HRC snuff film said to be available now on the dark web.

“The word ‘Pedovore’ means, the people who eat the bodies of young children, being the words of pedophile combined with carnivore.”

My previous report covered the rumor of a video, “said to have been uncovered from the laptop of shamed pedophile former congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, who was vice chairman of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential run and also her close confidant, whilst Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, which shows Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin allegedly engaged in a ‘snuff film’ sex act, with an underage teenage girl, with the acts said to be in the video, being so sick, that it’s almost all but unbelievable.”

“The video which is now rumored to be available on the dark web (for a large amount of money), reportedly shows Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin, filleting a child’s face off whilst she’s still alive, then both of them wearing her skin on their faces, to further frighten the girl, in order for her to release the natural chemical of adrenochrome (adrenaline) into her body, before they kill her and then drink her blood.”

As I went further down the rabbit hole, the tales of savage violence against child sex slaves I came across in my research will leave you raging on the inside like never before.

Fox News reports:

“Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.” The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls…Official flight logs filed with the Federal Aviation Administration show Clinton traveled on some of the trips with as many as 10 U.S. Secret Service agents. However, on a five-leg Asia trip between May 22 and May 25, 2002, not a single Secret Service agent is listed.”

“Trump apparently got in on the action, too. His ties to Epstein — a man Trump once called a “terrific guy” — and Sex Slave Island have been chronicled by The Daily Wire here. Per The Political Insider, Trump is accused of threatening and raping a 13-year-old girl on the private island. Epstein is also named in the suit for sexual misconduct. The lawsuit accusations have been vehemently denied by the Trump camp, alleging that the filing is a “hoax”.”

Sure, everything that does not work in your favor is a “hoax”. Must be a nice life, Mr. Trump.

Before he was elected President of the USA, Trump was going on the defensive big time concerning his ties to Epstein.

He lied and said that he was not a close friend. Trump’s people played it off and said that Epstein stayed at one of Trump’s hotels before, but that is the extent of them knowing each other.

Really now? Well, then why are there other people who say differently?

This investigator uncovered the dirt on Trump and Epstein:

“In 2000, both Trump and Epstein reportedly attended a small party hosted by media magnate Conrad Black, who in 2007 was convicted and served time in prison for fraud and obstruction of justice (the fraud charges were overturned on appeal). Black was “an enthusiastic supporter of Trump’s presidential bid.”

Mark Epstein, Jeffrey’s brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey’s private jet at least once. Meanwhile, message pads from Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.

A witness testified that Trump would come over to Epstein’s home for dinner — though he added that Trump “never sat at the table” but instead ate “with me in the kitchen.” In another deposition, Epstein’s brother Mark testified he once flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane with both him and Trump, who were “friends.” Asked why Trump was on board, Mark Epstein replied, “You’ll have to ask Donald. I think he wanted a ride back to New York.”

So if Mr. Trump is telling lies about his close association to Jeffrey Epstein… what he is trying to hide from
the American public?

What the hell is going on at “Orgy Island” besides a whole lot of fucking? Are they indeed killing abducted kids they held as sex slaves? Is the world’s most powerful drug “Adrenochrome” being harvested and sold for enormous sums of money?

Believe it or not, we are talking about potentially the biggest case of human trafficking and serial murder of all time.

Fasten your seatbelt. What I am about to reveal to you will truly rock your world.

Why are my news reports on #Pizzagate being censored and pulled down in many places, along with being banned from posting in groups on social platforms like Facebook? Why is Donald Trump trying to suppress this story from getting out?

Why are all of my millions of page views currently demonetized, yet YouTube still runs ads they profit from over my worldwide acclaimed work?

Y’all won’t be able to handle the damn truth, but guess what? I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ANYWAY!

“And a fire was kindled in their company; the flame burned up the wicked.”

– Psalm 106:18 KJV

Jeffrey Epstein is said to now handle all of his adrenochrome harvesting business on his private St. James Island.

Google image ‘St. James Island Pizza’. What you will see is a sailboat selling pizza right outside Mr. Epstein’s mansion.

If you happen to make your way to “Orgy island” on a boat of your own to investigate, ask for the special topping “Walnut Sauce” and see what kind of price they give you.

Remember Walnut Sauce in the John Podesta emails? Walnut Sauce is code word for Adrenochrome.

Why is that? Adrenal Glands look just like walnuts, and they’re always smothered with blood.

