July 26, 2024

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CHESTER BENNINGTON – No Autopsy Report: 100 Days!

TMD Fights For Truth!

CHESTER BENNINGTON – No Autopsy Report: 100 Days!

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

My independent death investigation for Chester Bennington took an unsuspected turn this past week when I reached out to L.A. County Coroner’s Office to find out if I could obtain a copy of Chester’s autopsy report since I did observe with my own eyes that his death certificate stated it had already been completed.

However, now today we’re at the 100 days mark since Chester was found dead, and multiple people including myself have now made an official request to obtain the autopsy report but the L.A. Coroner still will not make it available to the public for some reason. We’re not talking about a short frame of time either. The public has been withheld this critical document for over one quarter of a year since the rocker was found deceased back on July 20 in Palos Verdes, California.

As I previously explained, the other day an anonymous source told me she has tried to get the report for over three months now, having paid for it with her credit card, and yet they have been ‘stalling’ her with excuses. They even had the audacity to tell the lady it could take anywhere from 2-6 months.

Why? If this is an open and shut case, why isn’t the autopsy report available?

So, as I said, I contacted them too, sent in my payment, and now they ‘confirmed’ with me via letter saying it will take at least 2 more weeks to get me a copy of the coroner examination as of the 1st of November.

One of my fans following the case wrote me to say: “I’ve been an ICU RN for 17 yrs. No way an autopsy takes that long. They never did one. If they release one it’ll be fake.”

Vanessa Gastelum of L.A. County Coroner is Chief of Public Services for the coroner, and I made it clear to her that I was a famous rock n roll journalist and I wanted to make Chester’s autopsy report available for his fans to see online at my site THE METAL DEN.

Back in July, after Chester was found hung in the same identical manner as his friend Chris Cornell, on Chris’ birthday nonetheless, a report went viral online claiming the police were investigating his death as a murder (which is actually standard procedure) and my worldwide acclaimed #TruthForChris investigation was mentioned. This one article was shared 1,000,000 times and over 100 sites picked it up too. So the overall views for it is well into the hundreds of millions. I know a lot of people read this piece, got it?

Well, the fact is you are not supposed to make an official ruling in a case until the autopsy has been formally completed and made available. And in Chester’s case, the mainstream news and police have clearly deemed this an open and shut case for suicide, stating I was pushing nothing but “fake news” reporting, yet the autopsy report has not been finalized still and made viewable to the tax payers of America?

This is beyond a travesty of criminal investigation. This is a mockery of human rights!

