Subpoena consists of 5 hot, young, and talented members: Anthony Peracchia (founder/drummer), Donovan Bolger (guitar), Keith Wadsworth (guitar), Pete Rizzo (bass), and Vinnie Kenny (vocals). Working together since 2003, ages ranging between 18 and 23, they proving to be a maximum force to be reckoned with. Subpoena was formed in the heart of brotherly love. Anthony Peracchia in 2001 dedicated himself to what has become a true fire in the hearts and ears of fans all around the Metal Nation! Philadelphia was the starting point for Subpoena. Five years later Subpoena has signed with Austin, TX based Tone-Arm Records. Hitting the charts June 15, 2006 with a new EP “Thrashimus Maximus”, Subpoena is poised to take the Metal Nation by storm! Touring this summer with the likes of Venom and Goatwhore, they are going to be giving fans a thrash fest that has not been seen in years you will want to be of the first to get the new album!
Catch Rocket’s review of the album here:
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