May 3, 2024 Over 100 Million Organic Impressions On Facebook In 2023!



There are few rock and roll legends who can claim such a party fueled and chaotic at every turn history as MOTORHEAD’s Lemmy Kilmister. The great one on his signature Rickenbacker bass sums it all up for everyone perfectly when he kickstarts the show by saying “We are Motorhead and we play Rock and Roll.” Despite the fact that the album for this tour was released on Sanctuary Records, it’s the top notch SPV Records who are involved with this DVD and this company is easily the leader by far at putting out perfectly shot concert products and simply delivering more value for your money than any other name on the market.

This double DVD includes the full 90 minute concert from a show to an obviously sold-out house filmed at the Philipshalle in Dusseldorf Germany, along with a second DVD loaded with many extra features. The concert examined alone is served up with a load of barnstorming classic Motorhead tunes and several rarities like “I Got Mine” (off “Another Perfect Day” album) or the in your face “Just ‘Cos You Got The Power”. Of course, the set wouldn’t be complete without the definitive monster hits from the band such as the gritty “Ace Of Spades” and my all-time favorite “Iron Fist.”

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