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ROCKET Interviews Doggie of THE KING MUST DIE


American thrash metal act THE KING MUST DIE placed second in TMD’s first ‘Unsigned’ Battle of Thrash online contest in 2013 and is preparing to make their mark on the heavy music world. Formed in 2011, the band is comprised of Doggie on vocals, drummer Corky Crossler, guitarists Mike Sloat and Kent Varty, along with Scott Paterson on bass. They bring a new level of intensity to the resurging scene of thrash metal and are sure to gain fans all over the globe now that they have made such a big splash by receiving top scores from TMD’s judging panel. The band recently self released their debut full length effort entitled “Sleep Can’t Hide The Fear” and are quickly developing a reputation for destroying every venue they play.

The Metal Den’s Randy “Rocket” Cody has conducted an EXCLUSIVE interview with THE KING MUST DIE vocalist Doggie for TMD’s loyal following of DEN HEADZ all across the globe!


ROCKET: Where were you born and raised?

DOGGIE: Petaluma, California is were this freak has spent his entire 43 years of dream reachin life – “707”.

ROCKET: Do you recall your first rock concert?

DOGGIE: I certainly fuckin do. EXODUS & POSSESSED here @ the Vets building 1984/85. Clearly remember the shock of witnessing the loud darkness of death metal for the first time blowin my fuckin mind leavin me speechless with a hint of fear lingerin for a few weeks. The first taste of what I was about to become.

ROCKET: When did you first get into singing?


DOGGIE: Early loaded high school years havin musician friends always doin up METALLICA proper in their garages and me flowin the intoxicated karaoke as loud as possible plus always being pulled towards writing the abstract twisted up thought provoking poetry which was certainly deeply enhanced by my drug attraction. All that shit on the surface brought me there.

ROCKET: Who are some of your biggest vocal influences?

DOGGIE: Phil Anselmo and Marilyn Manson.


ROCKET: How did you first get involved with THE KING MUST DIE band?

DOGGIE: Well with the 90s taking me with drugs and the 2000s inflicting me with chronic illness I wrote my passion statement off of being the poetic front man freak for good and only a true balance of blessings could bring me to the stage once again and by golly the beautiful door of second chance opportunity opened up three years ago with health acceptance and solid understanding brotherhood with two old solid friends and two new gems and now together in deep creative fun we bond heavily in the modern thrash metal movement.

ROCKET: Let’s talk about your debut album “Sleep Can’t Hide The Fear”. How has the fans reaction been so far?

DOGGIE: Mucho love so far and it feels extremely fuckin tasty to hear such kind words on the album.

ROCKET: Did you write all the lyrics?

DOGGIE: I do write and blend dem words to those precious tunes they deliver. These days Mikey’s vision driven riffs and structure just speak to me and show me the lyric flow. I get giddy as fuck every time he sends me a new one, a high like no other.


ROCKET: The song “Your Grip Is” really is now one of my favorites. I play it at least a couple times a day. What’s the story behind that song?

DOGGIE: Well everyone has that distracting self absorbed random fuck in their lives and I’ve had plenty so this one was certainly the most easiest to write. The formula of most relating to it and the groovy gallop flow just brought it to life as such a simple solid piece.

ROCKET: How long did it take from start to finish to get the album completed?

DOGGIE: 8-9 months with a 3 or so month gap separating the first batch of recording from the rest. It was such an awesome fun filled learning experience all around, must give a shout out to Nick Botelho @ NB Recording for the smooth creative process. He’s a humble genius beast for sure, cant wait to get back in with him.

ROCKET: You also shot a music video as well. Who directed it and did you have fun doing that?

DOGGIE: Our very own Mike Sloat and Roaring Mouse did the video. It was such fuckin blast and even more of unreal trip seein the finished product, for just a performance video it’s done so very well. I still dig watchin and showin it off!!! And wait till you see our next Sloat vid, it’s gonna be beyond the flavors of the MFn norm.

ROCKET: What TKMD songs are the fan favorites out at your live shows?

DOGGIE: FALL OF MAN, TREACHEROUS AND TRUE, THE MOUNTAINS WEPT, NO FORGIVENESS, THIS INVISIBLE DISEASE & of course YOUR GRIP IS. It’s very cool that everyone has a different favorite, it says a lot about the entirety of the album!


ROCKET: How do you get warmed up before a gig?

DOGGIE: I have each member of the band kick me in the balls at just the right pound pressure till it forces a third one to drop into thy precious sack which it then gives me enough fortitude to break off a tasty set.

ROCKET: Ha! Rock on! Who are some of the other bands from your local METAL scene that you think deserve a mention?

DOGGIE: I must give props to TOY CALLED GOD, TRIAL BY COMBAT, SHOTGUN HARLOT, ODEN SUN, HELLBENDER, GOODDEATH, & The HARRINGTON SAINTS! All talented brothers that I have mucho love for!

ROCKET: Is TKMD already working on new material for a follow-up album or are you just focusing on promoting the debut for the rest of 2014?

DOGGIE: OH FUCK YES WE ARE. So bringin TKMD2.0 to the Freaknation soon enough, just got to shape polish rinse and repeat so perhaps a chunk of new tracks this time next year meanwhile we be pushin “SLEEP CANT HIDE THE FEAR” all through 2014.

ROCKET: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

DOGGIE: In all fuckin honesty dude, Doggie feels so deep in the new age upgrade with this new breath passion fulfillment that its so very real that I’ll be buggin this same freak flow into my fifties so I believe its truly on like a mid life third nut droppin Donkey Kong.

ROCKET: What are some of the upcoming shows for THE KING MUST DIE?

DOGGIE: April 12 @ ChrisClub in Vallejo Ca with FRAILED SANITY, TRIAL BY COMBAT, POTENTIAL THREAT & INFEX then a handful of unconfirmed shows through the summer ending with Aug 22 @ OaklandMetro Ca with CULTURAL WARFARE, ANGERHEAD, BLIND ILLUSION, HATRIOT & The Mighty DRI.

ROCKET: Thanks for rocking this out with me. Best of luck with your music! Any last words for the fans?

DOGGIE: First off big thanks to THE METAL DEN for carrying the metal flag so high and strong. The support and opportunity is greatly appreciated. And just a major dry hump shout out to the freaknation holdin down the TKMD love!!! Doggie gives a shit, best recognize & never doubt that together we can & will bring dem whorish path diluting obstacles to their MFn knees!!!!

(Top photo credit: Greg’s Visuals)
