February 9, 2025

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ROCKET Interviews Grant Belcher of HURTLOCKER


Chicago, Illinois metal act HURTLOCKER has been through the ringer these past couple years, mainly with having lost their former dummer to a drug-related incident. But they also would soon learn the ugly side of the business when they got little or no PR and touring support from their label Napalm Records after putting out their brillant last full-length offering entitled “Fear In The Handful Of Dust”. But they’re metalers, not pussies, and they still are more than alive and kicking with a new positive approach to how they will handle things once they complete recording of their new album here in 2007. I expect some great things from these guys, more than just about any upcoming act I’ve scouted, promoted or made of fun while doing my work here. I sat down for some cool Q&A.with Grant Belcher, Hurtlocker’s lead vocalist.

Rocket: Are you a native of Illinois?

Grant: No. Actually, I’m from a small oil town outside of Houston TX. Called Humble. The H is silent. So just say Umble. It’s a little town in the burbs, white picket fences and all that shit.

Rocket: Haha. Right on. So when did you first start singing?

Grant: Well, I’ve been disturbing people with my singing since I was about eight or so. I used to go up into my room turn on this little Peavey amp and use some shitty little microphone and sing along with bands like Skid Row, Sabbath and Elvis. I was never much of a singer so my parents fucking hated it cause I sounded like a wounded cow or something. I remember eventually my Dad got so sick of it he came up and took the amp. Talk about encouragment, huh?

Rocket: Yeah, it’s unfortunate how parents don’t support their kids more in playing music. Mine were always tolerable with me goofing off in garage bands at backyard parties but indifferent about it as a career for sure. Then my little brother came along to play lead guitar and they really helped him out, even with buying his euipment. He’ s nine years younger than me in his mid-twenties now but even as much as they did support him and his incredible talent, he’s got things on hold now again after having toured with the good guy punk act Ten Foot Pole a few years back and played on their sixth studio album. Things went south with that band, ultimately, and like your Hurtlocker’s situation on ‘Fear In A handful Of Dust’ with Napalm records, had their album pretty much dropped off at the now defunct Tower Records and they got zero PR support from ther label. So now my bro’s been pretty much working a regular nine to five again to keep he and his girlfrend in their own apartment together. It kills me every time when I think about that. And so its really tough to keep it hard charging in this busines. It’s almost impossible really, shit happens and you hit a walland sometimes never get the hell back up. Like Dimebag says, you gotta love it so much cause odds are you won’t make any money. I find most that aren’t artists or performers on some level simply cannot relate to what it’s like to be in say your shoes, up on that stage singing in public, with the pressure, you know? Nine out of ten people who listen to music know zero about the mechanics of what’s going on behind the scenes.That’s been one of my main intents here as an educator for the young metal musicians coming up all around the globe who he rad my words… is to inject a lot of the knowledge that i have about playing at a pro level and then the business aspect of it all. I can guarantee you there is not one other rock journalist in the world who does that. It’s maddening. So deep breath for me after that little rant, tell me, who are a few of your biggest vocal influences?

Grant: Influences as far as people I looked up to but never emulated.

Rocket: I love how you needed to make that point. Ha! The sign of a true artist.

Grant: Ozzy, of course, Phil from Pantera, but lately or in the past few years I’ve really been listening to a lot of Lamb of God, Diecast, Shadows Fall, Slipknot, shit like that I really just dig the way those vocalist use patterns and annunciation. So I guess now and then I’m influenced in that way when we are in recording mode.

Rocket: Did you ever take any vocal lessons?

Grant: Nope, I wanted to and still want to just never got around to it. Like I said ‘Im not much of a singer. Just so happens I have a knack for screaming in tune. But wish I could sing a little bit more. Not that if I could it would be something Id do with Hurtlocker but more so just for myself. Hurtlocker has no place for “pretty vocals” and I’m just fine with that. It is what it is. And we are an aggressive band and my vocals fit just fine the way they are.

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