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ROCKET REVIEW: Paul Dianno – “The Living Dead” (2-CD Set)


Former Iron Maiden vocalist Paul Dianno’s The Living Dead was previously released as 2000’s Nomad but has been repackaged as a two CD set, with a few tracks added on the first disc and on the second includes the title track’s music video along with an in depth interview and a short documentary titled The IRON MAIDEN story (’79-81)& beyond! Produced and written by Dianno himself with Brazilian guitarist Paulo Turin, The Living Dead is The Beast’s return to center stage with the kind of desired effect his worldwide fans have come to expect from the legendary metal vocalist: both heavy and melodic with plenty of shredding guitar solos.

The rest of the studio players involved are Chico Dehira, Javier Cuevas and Claudio Duliba on guitars, along with Felipe Andreoli & Marcelo Bracalente on bass guitars. Aquiles Prieser & German Rodriguez do great work at holding down the hard and steady drums on each song. Working from the old school way of his glory days with Iron Maiden, Dianno cuts loose from the start with ‘The Living Dead’, ‘Mad Man In The Attic’ and the double-bass driven ‘War Machine.’ One would even dare say that Dianno surprisingly captures some of the Bruce Dickinson-era Maiden sound here, which is compelling observing the past history of both vocalists being considered as two totally different singers. This proves to the whole music world that Dianno has always been the far superior vocalist between the two, with the very fact that everyone knows Dickinson – as truly great of a singer and peformer as he always has been – has never been able to match the gritty street punk snarling Dianno provided on early Maiden classics such as ‘Killers’ and ‘Wrathchild’. True metalers like myself that have been following this talent from the start will consider this a a very special moment of sheer vindication.

Read The Complete Review Here: