February 14, 2025

TheMetalDen.com: Over 300 Million Organic Impressions On Facebook Since 2023!

ROCKET Interviews Billy Graziadei of BIOHAZARD

TMD Rocks!





Rocket: First off, how did you get involved with Proven band?

Billy: I hooked up with Proven through the singer Marc, who I’ve been friends with for sometime now. We met while Biohazard was touring through the North West some years ago. Marc stayed in touch with me as him and Randy put the band together. I’ve been producing bands for a while now and with different versions of Underground Sound Studios (my latest creation), Marc reached to me when things started rolling for the band. The guys in Proven flew out to the east coast to do their first ep with me. That was the official beginning of our relationship.





Rocket: I saw Biohazard perform at the first Ozzfest. You guys were pitted up against the likes of Slayer and Sepultura… with a ruthless crowd, who were booing and heckling the hell out of every opening act up to that very point. Trust me, I was one of the loud ones! And goddamn if Biohazard didn’t absolutely bring the house down, man. It gives me chills to this day thinking back on the amazing response you guys got. What goes through your mind/body as a musician when something like that is occurring in front of you?

Billy: Playing live for me doesn’t compare to anything else… it’s just fucking awesome!! Except when shit breaks!

Rocket: Back to Proven and the work you’re doing to help this young upcoming hardcore act, Billy. How do you approach working with a bunch of young talents, when you’re like this mythical figure to them? Do you try and keep things light.. or are you the ultimate hard ass in the studio like I totally picture?

Billy: I always try to sit with the bands music and feel where they’re coming from, really get into what they are doing, try and put my self in their shoes. Once I feel I have some sort of hold on what’s going on, I can be more removed from the focus of the songs and give an honest, outside opinion. I have so many ideas (I think sometimes they seem overwhelming for bands) and believe in trying everything, a bad idea is only a mute button away from being lost to all eternity. As far as sounds, recording techniques, etc….I have my methods, styles, likes and dislikes but in the end….it all has to ROCK from the bands point of view. With my name going on something, I treat the music/album/song as if it were my own and I don’t want anything out there sub-par. So….I’ll do what I gotta do to make it happen!!

Rocket: Besides Suicide City, what else have you been up to?

Billy: I produced the new Full Blown Chaos album, so yes…. I love working with bands….at whatever level they are!

Rocket: What kind of metal music are you into today, Billy? Are you into Sick of It All as much as I am? Who are some of your interests that you think will carry the torch into the future, hardcore or thrash, whatever sub-genre.




Billy: I’m into everything that rocks!! Doesn’t matter what type of music but it has to be real and rock me in any way! Sick of it all…fuck yeah!! Great guys and a great band! Carry the torch??? Seems like Terror, Throw Down, Full Blown Chaos (with a few others) are carrying the torch now! and soon…..PROVEN will join the force!

Rocket: Now, I like to have fun with this next one. Over all the years of touring that you have done, what was the funniest single moment you ever had on stage?

Billy: So many good times, happy as hell to still be collecting them!!


Rocket: I can only imagine, man. But I was hoping you’d have something to share with us.

Billy: Okay, here’s one. Touring with Pantera many times, Dime and I became good friends and began playing jokes on each other…he was a master and always out did me… proud to say!! One time he hired the local School Marching Band to come out on stage with us, PLAYING…while we were fuckin shit up!! It was hilarious…completely blew the moment but it was awesome!

Rocket: That had to be seen to be believed I’m sure. I can just picture it though and then Dime sitting off to the side with that big old black tooth grin of his. Getcha pull! Thanks for that, brother, sharing a gem in metal history with The Metal Den, man. Now will you be out at some of Proven’s upcoming live shows?

Billy: Hell yeah, when they play New YorK!

Rocket: Thanks so much for your time on this, Billy. I wish you all the best of luck. Go ahead and give a shout out to your people.

Billy: You got it… hell yeah…www.undergroundsoundstudios.com, www.suicidecity.com and
www.biohazard.com. Take it easy!


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