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Rocket Interviews Rory Kelly of INTETHOD


g’s Interview With INTETHOD’s Rory Kelly!


Rocket: Are you a native of North Carolina ?

Rory: No, Rocket. Actually I’m a New Jersey native. However, I have been in N.C most of my life. I moved to N.C. when I was about 7 years old.

Rocket: When did you first start singing and playing guitar?

Rory: I started playing the guitar when I was about 8 or so. My father is a drummer and when I was growing up, I would always watch his practices. I first became interested in drums and started playing them at about 5 years old, but after a few years, I really started taking interest in the guitar. My dad is also a great guitar player, so when I wanted to learn the guitar my dad was able to give me the basic structure that I needed.

Rocket: Did you ever take any formal music lessons along the way?

Rory: No, not really. I truly believe in self expression. There really isn’t a “right” or “wrong” way. So I just took what basics my dad showed me and taught myself the rest. Of course, there are so many influences (national acts and local acts) that I truly have many, many teachers.

Rocket:Who are some of your biggest playing influences?

Rory: I’ll try not to leave anyone out …haha…

Rocket: Oh, by all means, don’t you dare think of that. Ha!

Rory: Man, there really are so many. Dimebag, Dave Mustaine, Zakk, Alex Schunic, Eddie, Alexi, Satch, Vai, Hendrix, SRV, Angus. My friends that rip the guitar, Billy Franklin, my dad (Mike Kelly), Ryan Johnson. Man, I’m leaving so many out I know, but if I get on a roll, we’ll be here all fuckin day…

Rocket: You wanna order some chinese food? I can have keg of beer delivered too! Haha!

Rory: Hahaha. I respect anyone that picks up any instrument, or really just someone that follows their dreams. I pull influences from all places.

Rocket: So it’s safe to say, like me, you’re inspired by anyone in life who is creatively trying to get their art or ‘musical voice’ out there. Awesome. What kind of guitar are you playing live and in the studio?

Rory: In the studio, my main axe is a 93′ Gibson Studio Les Paul, with EMG 85 pick-ups. That guitar has so much fuckin bite on it, it’s badass to record with. However, it is a sentimental guitar, so I really don’t bring it on the road much. I travel with a Jackson Randy Rhodes and a Dean -V, and use a ESP/LTD King -V copy as a back up.

Rocket: My little brother, Eric Cody (formerly of Ten Foot Pole) doesn’t own one but he got to play a Les Paul on his last studio album. They really are the best rock n roll guitars. What kind of amp rig?

Rory: Old school, baby. I’m a meat and potatoes kinda guys. For me, simple is much better and easier to control on stage. I use a JCM 2000 TSL, Marshall 100 watt head, and a 1960 A flat cab, 4×12 Marshall Cab.

Rocket: Again, the superlative item of choice in rock when it comes to amplified sound. Briefly, how did Intethod band get formed?

Rory: Very simply. I left my home town to pursue music, and wound up at WCU.(a small university in N.C.) There I met Nolan (drummer), and within weeks of meeting each other, INTETHOD began. We started writing and gigging within a few months. After our share of bass players, we finally met the perfect dude for the bass duties. (Jermaine) Me and Nolan went to see Lamb Of God in Charlotte NC, and we met Jermaine there through a mutual friend. That was about 2 years ago, and the rest is history.

Rocket: Who are some of the more recognized names out there that you would enjoy sharing the stage with as an opener and why?

Rory: One of my first choices would be Children Of Bodom. I think our intensity and music styles would really match up together on a tour. But there are so many, I’ll list a few. In Flames, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, BLS, Shadows Fall, Dragon Force. You know though, I would actually gladly share the stage with anyone that would have us on a bill. I’m not picky, if you are doing your thing and ripping, I’ll play with any bands, yah dig?

Rocket: Haha. Hell yeah ‘I dig’. I like you, man. Rock n roll. Now, I like to have fun with this next one. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you on stage?

Rory: One night we were playing in Raleigh NC at one of the better venues. (Lincoln Theatre). I had went to McDonalds about 20 min before showtime, and stuffed down a burger and some fries. About 15 min into our set, I was singing and then all of a sudden a fucking whole french fry came up and out on the stage. It looked like I didn’t even chew the fucking thing. That was pretty fucking funny.

Rocket: Alrighty then. Upchuckin’ the whole fry intact while singin. I dunno, but I’d say that’s pretty goddamn metal! Haha! Last year was a great one for metal. What one album was your personal fave? And if you say Lamb Of God, the interview is over. Only because my last 30 interview subject – in a row – have answered with them. And it’s gettin old!

Rory: In the last year or so, I would have to say I liked DOOMSDAY MACHINE /ARCH ENEMY, and STABBING THE DRAMA/SOILWORK. I like these albums, cause they are both heavy and melodic, and the don’t sound anything alike. I like all kinds of metal, and when you can be heavy and original, it’s a beautiful thing.

Rocket: I’m the same way, man. I love it all. Cept for…ahem… Nu Metal. Those imposters can go play ‘dunkin for apples’ in the grease frier for all I care. Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. How about playing dodgeball on the freeway at night? Or… how about running their lips across a sharpened cheese grater! Haha. I mean that with every bit of my manhood. And trust me, Rory, that’s a lot of ‘mean’! Haha. Now I’m sure you’ve seen quite a few acts on your local scene. Are there a couple off the top of your head that have impressed you this year or last?

Rory: Rocket, there are so many!

Rocket: I’m gonna call for the keg at least. Ha! Let’s do this!

Rory: Haha. Local music is far and above my favorite kind of music there is..let’s see……..Blatant Disarray, Dreamscapes Of The Perverse, Dixie Deathwish, A Vision Grotesque, Widow, One Shot Kills, 7 Stitches, This Machine, Frexon Zo, Ironside. There are so many more. Check out our myspace, and they will all be on there. These are our brothers in the fight against corporate music. These are the bands that keep real music alive.

Rocket: What are some of the upcoming shows for the band?

Rory: We are playing out a lot. We have a show in Raleigh coming up @ Berkeley Cafe April 7th, then we are gonna be hitting Tennessee soon, and of course the local spots that we love to play are on the calendar as well. Check out our page, and we have all the dates listed.

Rocket: Thanks very much for taking time out on this with my little ass. Best of luck in ’07. Give a shoutout to your biggest supporters.

Rory: I want to thank everyone that has supported local music, and music in general. You guys that come to show, buy shirts, CD’s , tickets, check out our web-sites, you guys and gals are the ones that keep this whole thing afloat. Thanks to each and everyone of you.  I wanna thank you, Rocket and the Metal Den, along with the guys from PI, with out your support, the locals wouldn’t stand a chance, You guys are helping make this dream a reality. Cheers, and horns up!

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