“Underground metal’s top journalist gets in some EXCLUSIVE Q&A With
the Anthrax LEGEND!”
Rocket: Where did you grow up?
Joey: Upstate, NY, Rocket.
Rocket: So when did you first start singing and playing in your first bands?
Joey: 1975, playing 7th and 8th grade graduation, jammed more earlier of course, just by myself.
Rocket: Did you ever take any formal vocal lessons?
Joey: Nope, chorus stuff, but more for credit in school.
Rocket: Right on. Like John Lennon said to his son Julian, “You open up your mouth and sing… either you got it or you don’t.” And I tell you, I fully agree on that one pretty much, with singing, one has to be pretty much naturally gifted on that. Instruments are a whole different beast. You can totally get better from being shitty at that. Just practice your balls off! Now, along the years, you have been identified as truly one of the more respected vocalists, I think mainly due to your powerful range and let it be clear that you seem to be singing better than ever with the new material… but what one piece of advice would you give to a kid trying to get into singing in a metal band?
Joey: Find your own originality and work on your own style. Listen to a wide range of music to broaden your tastes.
Rocket: I know this is like picking a favorite kid, but let’s say you had only one that you could ever have for the rest of eternity. What is your most favorite Anthrax song to sing, Joey?
Joey: It’s hard to pick one depending on live or studio, but if I have to choose, it would be Indians or Medusa. Flip a coin?
Rocket: Let’s talk about the players in your current lineup, Joey. Can you briefly please run us all down on who is in this incredible band?
Joey: This is a good well rounded, heartfelt, hard working group of guys. They just love and want to play, especially on tour. I can’t say enough about these guys.
R.C. Ciejek bass
Paul Marciano drums
Robb Lotta guitars
All from upstate NY as well.
Rocket: Imagine that! Who are some of the underground metal bands that you are personally into, Joey? You have got to see more bands then anyone I would think… with all your travels.
Joey: So many, I dont know who to even begin with and I even meet so many bands that I forget some of the band names occasionally. I listen to so much music, it’s hard to keep track. Its a blessing… and a curse.”
Rocket: I totally know what you mean. Working in A&R as I do, beyond everything else I do here at The Metal Den empire. There’s thousands of bands from every sub-genre of metal from Los Angeles to Russia! It IS pretty insane. Let’s revisit the old subject, only just this once more. And I think everyone knows where I’m goin with this. Ha! But IF you had the opportunity to do one more original lineup reunion tour and final Anthrax studio album… would you be game for that? And I think I already know what your answer will be.
Joey: I have ALWAYS been game for that. It just never seems to line up for us.
Rocket: Are you planning on releasing a new album anywhere in the near future for your current band, Joey?
Joey: Always in the thoughts. Lining up the time to get it together is a bit difficult now and I am working on new material as we speak.
Rocket: Kick ass. I like to have fun with this one. And I know you won’t let us down. You’ve had to of seen some crazy shit in the last 25+ years. What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you while peforming?
Joey: While performing? One time, while singing Indians, a girl in the orchestra pit jumped up and clotheslined me to the ground. They were trying to get her off of me without hurting her as I continued singing, but she had quite the grip. Where is that girl today?
Rocket: Oh shit, probably in a mental ward, bro! Hahaha! Prior to us doing this interview together, you said you enjoy performing so much still that it could be in front of 5 people or 500 and it doesn’t matter to you. It just feels good to you, right? Can you elaborate? I find it amazing how like Mick Jagger still wants to rock so bad that he’s still getting up there at 60. Is there a point where you draw the line on that?
Joey: No, I just love playing. It’s in me to perform, I love the sound of the music, plugging in and playing. Travel can sometimes be difficult, but its what I do, its what I like and hope to continue for as long as people will have me.
Rocket: What are some of the upcoming shows for Belladonna that we need to watchout for?
Joey: All dates can be found on my MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/joeybelladonna or at http://www.joeybelladonna.com“
Rocket: Joey, I love you. Thanks so much for doing this with me. Again, a big time honor I will never forget and I had a lot of fun. Best of luck to you and your band.
Joey: Rocket, I’m just getting ready to head out and play right now, thanks for the interview!
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