January 12, 2025

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ROCKET Intervews Vocalist Burton C. Bell of FEAR FACTORY (AUDIO)


At this point in his legendary music career, vocalist Burton C. Bell of FEAR FACTORY has pretty much done it all. He has performed in front of epic crowds, sold a million records, jammed on an album with a member of BLACK SABBATH, and helped shaped the future of heavy metal in a very special way. His band continues to push the envelope when acts of lesser stature start to rest on their laurels. With countless fans all over the world, Bell and Co. have never stopped trying to challenge our own way of thinking.

The Metal Den’s Randy “Rocket” Cody recently conducted a phone interview with Burton C. Bell. The audio is available down below. It’s part of his weekly podcast, THE ROCKET REPORT, bringing the best in heavy music.

Here are a few excerpts from the discussion:

TMD: Burton C. Bell, how’s life treating you, brother?

Burton: Right now I’m on a road trip with the family. We’re driving to Tennessee to see their great grandmother…

TMD: Were your parents supportive of your desire to build a Rock n Roll career for yourself or were they against it like most parents?

Burton: (Laughs) Well, it definitely came as a surprise. When I dropped out of art school in Washington DC… and then I decided to move to L.A..

TMD: After you and Dino had the falling out or whatnot and you guys spent 7 years apart… it seems like in interviews you guys are really getting along. It that something that has fully healed by now?

Burton: Absolutely we get along better than we ever have… the getting to know you process is over.
