October 23, 2024

TheMetalDen.com: Over 100 Million Organic Impressions On Facebook In 2023!

ORPHANED TO HATRED – Busted For Trademark Infringement?


TMD has learned that ORPHANED TO HATRED band with Brandon Ralph McBride on vocals – who has promoted itself as the second coming of Pantera – has allegedly entered into TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT by trying to use Pantera2.com as their own domain.


TMD has tracked down this evidence on file with Godaddy that clearly shows McBride and OTH band have recently secured the domain to Pantera2.com, in attempt to promote their band under the likeness of the famed Texas groove metallers.


ORPHANED TO HATRED band also recently loaded a song onto AOL (via YouTube), using the CFH logo (Cowboys From Hell) to promote the band’s music. This posting on AOL has since been mysteriously taken down.

This group, led by its delusional leader (McBride) has made every attempt to all out deceive the heavy metal community… most importantly, Pantera fans all over the world.

More news to come as this story further develops.
