October 22, 2024

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ROCKET REVIEW: MY RUIN Crushes The Whisky A Go Go

My Ruin

Note: Rocket first published this review for his legion of devoted Dennerz back on Jan 8, 2006 @ metalunderground.com!

Headlining act, MY RUIN, in support of their brand new album: The Brutal Language on Rovena Recordings, made damn sure that everyone – packed tightly into Hollywood, California’s famed Whisky A Go Go club last night – got an adrenalin and beer-fueled Heavy Metal show to remember.

The first band I witnessed upon arrival at around 8PM was AMERICAN AFTERMATH.

AMERICAN AFTERMATH (hear them on MySpace), is led by founding guitarist, bassist and songwriter Rich Gonzales. Rich is well known for his past work with the metal outfit DIESEL MACHINE, which also featured the likes of Pat Lachman (DAMAGEPLAN-THE MERCY CLINIC).

AA’s other band members are: Chris Moore on drums, Ed Veliz on vocals, Rudy Gonzales jammin’ bass.

I noticed Rich was seated the entire set… kind of had me confused — but as I now understand his story, the cat has spent the last few years recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident in 2002. He is now paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

I dunno… but I’d say that’s about the most metal thing I’ve seen in some time. And he can still play the guitar, let me say that right off. He had some solid solos and beefy riff work during the roughly half hour set. AA have the Alice in Chains meets hardcore metal-thang going on.

Next up from Whittier, California was the harcdcore metal act: AL-CE-MI (hear them on MySpace).

They are Josh on Vocals– Ned Barrett and Ray Mendez on Guitars — Nyroh working the Bass — Kirk Allen hitting the Drums — Ryan Gregory Samples .

They had a bit of the OG West Coast hardcore flave … and they seem to have a good time with it, which makes it more appealing to all.

Next on the stage was Salimus(hear them on MySpace), a death metal act from Norwalk, California. They had an obvious following in the crowd and were the first band of the night to get the pit going. It wasn’t a lightweight circle jerk either… as I witnessed quite a few people getting thrown around like drunk rag dolls. Salimus had some seriously heavy-hitting songs breaking off and deep, evil lyrics that you could ‘actually’ understand, which I dig very much.

Pouncing thru their set with such ‘full metal abandon’, these young guys almost nearly ended up stealing the show from all involved.

Up next was Pat Lachman’s new outfit THE MERCY CLINIC (hear them on MySpace), formed after Dimebag’s onstage murder back in December/2004 (R.I.P. Dime, we all miss you still soooooo much!).


Right out the gate, I could tell Pat had shaken the cold he had when I saw TMC two weeks back at The Viper Room in Hollywood. Their set was another short one… maybe twenty-five minutes… nonetheless, they surged thru like metal champs. Even though they are more melodic metal at this early point, they can drop the hardcore ‘thunder’ as well… loving it!

Next up was to be DEMOLITION PIT… but for whatever reason, MY RUIN came out before them… doesn’t matter – MY RUIN was the main reason I showed up in the first place.

For those of you tried and true metal heads that dont know this band, GET ON IT… Tairrie B is the female Phil Anselmo! I was extremely knocked out by her HIGH VOLTAGE vocal performance. She sounded ten times more satanic than Linda Blair during the craziest scenes in The Exorcist. Mick Murphy on lead guitar really has come into his own and had some nice ‘frenetic’ solo moments. The other two new players, Frenchy on drums and Chris Lisee on bass, are way solid and were playing like madmen going all-out for the metal glory!

MY RUIN (hear them on MySpace) covered a bunch of their classics… truly hardcore. The highlight came when they pulled out the new tune entitled: ‘Vince Vaughan’… and such an instant classic this one is… basically taking a poke at the ridiculous image this ‘partyin-hipster’ movie actor has garnered as the ultimate ‘lady killer’. Great song! It was nice to have some humor mixed into the volatile set.

Read The Complete Review Here:


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