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EXCLUSIVE: Chris Cornell Was In Possession Of “Epstein Client List” Before He Died, Sent Copy To Chester Bennington, Both Got Suicided

Back in 2017, TMD shocked the world with the most explosive news reporting ever unleashed on the masses, when me, Randy “Rocket” Cody, heavy metal journalist and acclaimed occult investigative reporter, revealed the bombshell that late SOUNDGARDEN frontman Chris Cornell was murdered for getting too close to revealing the “client list” in the Jeffrey Epstein case, believe it or not.

Fans will recall the email leak of John Podesta that shed light on an elite Satanic pedophile ring that Podesta and his brother Tony are connected to with Hillary and Bill Clinton via Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC where a rock band named HEAVY BREATHING that is fronted by a transexual performs for customers with an eerie voice that will make your skin crawl, and all are involved and being protected to keep the most powerful names out of public view (on the Republican side) who like the Clinton’s (Democrats) are the pedophiles that allegedly raped and murdered little girls that were taken to Epstein’s Island, mostly with the understanding they were doing modeling and escorting (body rubs, etc…), in some instances. However, these unwitting sex slaves were sexually raped, tortured, murdered, mutilated and consumed by the cannibal cabal.

The Clinton’s have certainly been adding more bodies to The Clinton Body Count, and my independent investigation confirmed that both Chris and Chester were also assassinated by the Washington DC power couple for getting too close to exposing the truth.

My epic Chester Bennington murder article that was called a hoax that I supposedly launched to gain notoriety and a big fortune somehow, was posted all over the world, from America to Romania to Pakistan and back, racking up an estimated 500 million views overnight. I never earned a big fortune off my reporting on either Chris and Chester’s cases. Instead, I invested over 10,000-man hours for free to do my investigative work on behalf of the silenced.

Donald TrumpBill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and more—these are just some of the high-profile figures who allegedly flew in convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet.

Epstein’s plane was named the “Lolita Express” by media outlets following allegations that it was used to fly underage girls to some of the late billionaire financier’s mysterious private island.

TMD was tipped off that Chris Cornell was in possession of the Epstein “client list” right before he died and the Grunge rocker sent a copy to his friend Chester Bennington of LINKIN PARK band – with the idea that Chester would expose the names once Chris was killed. However, before Chester could expose the names, he became a victim himself. Now both rock singers were murdered, and their deaths staged to be suicides. It is my determination that Chester was made to be found hanging on Chris Cornell’s birthday, as a way for the ring to send a message to anyone else who tries to expose the “client list”.

I also just learned that Chester was planning on leaving the band LINKIN PARK after he realized that his bandmate Mike Shinoda was allegedly involved with the child abduction ring backed and operated by the Clinton’s and Shinoda was helping with the cover up in Haiti, where the band had a recycling plant where they lured sex slaves to their doom. The Clinton’s hold the blackmail card over other big name complicit conservatives like Trump, under investigation currently for numerous crimes, and that is why the “client list” was never revealed.

Mr. Trump is the first former U.S. president to face criminal charges. He has been indicted in four cases — all while leading the Republican field in the 2024. Another legal black eye he has dealt with involved a dust up with porn star Stormy Daniels. Ms. Daniels claims she and Mr Trump had sexual intercourse together, and that she accepted $130,000 from his former lawyer before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence about the encounter.

Donald Trump claims to have distanced himself from his former buddy Jeffrey Epstein, but records show that Trump was named in the “black book”, did fly out to Orgy Island, and there are women who have come forward to say they were sexually molested by Trump.

This elite pedo scandal starring the Clinton’s and Donald Trump echoes a 1947 murder case I solved several years back you might have heard of called The Black Dahlia, where I named Man Ray as the prime suspect, as he was close friends with Dr. George Hodel who was questioned in the murder case of an aspiring actress named Elizabeth Short who was cut in half and drained of her blood. Short also worked as a lure for a pedophile ring in Hollywood I learned and her ‘black book’ was never released by LAPD. Why is that? What are they hiding? The fact is Man Ray was allowed to flee to France without questioning in Short’s murder case, despite living in the same area as the victim.

I learned that Chris Cornell’s wife Vicky is a close friend with Courtney Love, who was named in Epstein’s “Black Book” and is said to be in an ‘on again off again’ sexual tryst with disgraced Royal, Prince Andrew, who is one of the most powerful members of the ring. As the story goes, Vicky tipped off Courtney about Chris getting the “client list” and then Prince Andrew and MOSSAD paired Chris up with a new bodyguard (Martin Kirsten) who once dated the ring’s most active lure Klum.

Vicky Cornell once worked for the ring’s very own Johnny Depp, a well-known Satanist and pedophile, tied to the director of the snuff films for the ring, late Gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson. Depp fled to Paris, France when his partner in The Viper Room went missing all of the sudden, and Depp started of all things a bar with Vicky Cornell (she acting as the bar’s publicist) and the name of the bar was MAN RAY.

It should not come as a big surprise to anyone that Trump is actually related to Hillary Clinton, huh? Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins.

This deranged group of elite child killing psychopaths have been active for decades. This is not a new thing, got it? You can either choose to be part of the solution of this nightmare or part of the problem.

Whichever side you take, I am here to report the news like a real journalist is supposed to be doing, and not being paid big million-dollar salaries to continue covering the real evidence up.

Crooked Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta Took Part In Satanic Blood Rituals And Black Magic

Cornell was said to have been emailed the computer file labeled “Swordfish” by Tom DeLonge of BLINK 182 that contained all of the most damning evidence against the ring, which was Epstein’s “Black Book” and the “Frazzledrip” video, where Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin purportedly kill a 10 year old girl in a Satanic ritual captured on a snuff film.

The scandal once referred to as #Pizzagate, as a way to get people to think it was a hoax, has now blown up in the faces of both the Democrats, the Republicans and the Vatican, where the Pope and his perverted clan of pedophile protected priests, are holding ritual ceremonies that claims the lives of innocent kids, and this has been going on for a very long time.

The main lure for the ring is named Ghislaine Maxwell and she received news that she will be serving her 20-year prison sentence at a cushy Florida correctional institution that offers yoga, Pilates, and flag football. This “low-security federal correctional institution” offers “recreation, leisure and social programs” designed to “help develop an individual wellness concept.”

Prince Andrew was named as being a passenger on the jet as well to Orgy Island.

It all ties to high-end brothels all around and America and other parts of the world I learned, and the people who have been exposed as the clients are elected officials, tech executives, and pharma execs, including top military brass. My research informed me that these girls are being forced into sex slavery, just as I revealed a porn star has exposed about the Natalee Holloway case, saying that these girls are not murdered they are abducted and sold into the elite sex slave ring. Yes, many of these girls do end up getting ritually murdered, but of the sex worker is a good earner that can keep them alive longer.

Critics claim this is Maxwell’s reward for not divulging “the visitors guest list” on her and Jeffery Epstein’s infamous Orgy Island

It’s widely suspected that Epstein had a long list of contacts consisting of powerful individuals. Beginning with his longtime friend Les Wexner, the CEO of Victoria’s Secret, Epstein served as his personal adviser and accessed Wexner’s finances. I learned that Chris Cornell’s bodyguard Martin Kirsten was MOSSAD connected and once dated Victoria Secret model Heidi Klum, who is said to have worked as a lure for the Epstein ring. This is why my investigation into the Cornell murder was covered up by the mainstream news media, and The Detroit News wiped Kirsten’s named from the end of the interview. I was asked by Mr. Hunter the crime reporter who I felt killed Chris and I said: “Martin did it.” Why was this wiped from the article? What are they trying to hide from the public?

For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out:

Epstein’s “Black Book”, Two Dead Rock Stars & PIZZAGATE – Randy “Rocket” Cody (randyrocketcody.com)