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Join The Fight To Make DIMEBAG’s Last Studio Tracks The Final PANTERA Album!

Do you believe in miracles? Randy “Rocket” Cody of TMD is calling for Dimebag Darrell’s last studio tracks to be produced as the final studio record by the legendary Cowboys From Hell. Do you believe in miracles?

TMD does. And so do other PANTERA fans. That’s why an army of diehard CFH maniacs support the idea to use these tracks as the last and final word from one of metal’s all-time greatest bands!

                    Producer Sterling Winfield is now in possession of these unreleased Abbott tracks.

         A new article posted by Rocket of TMD contends that the Abbott brothers decided to squash the feud with Phil Anselmo and Rex Brown, recording new songs meant to be a new PANTERA album.                              Industry Source: PANTERA’s Final Album Was “Recorded by Dimebag and Vinnie Paul” in Hopes of Squashing Old Feud – The Metal Den

The best thing of this whole idea when you think about it is that Rex Brown and Philip Anselmo would just need to lay down their bass and vocals. It should already be a done deal!

          How could these tracks be heavy enough to even attempt using them as Pantera songs?

Dime’s old lady Rita Haney said Dime wanted to go back to Pantera before he died and he was not happy with the direction of Damageplan any longer.

It’s well known that the first Damageplan record consisted of many rejected Pantera demo songs after Reinventing The Steel. In a nutshell, Dime said it himself about these unreleased tracks in November/2004 a month before his tragic on-stage murder:

     “We are gonna be blatant about Vinnie and Dime and the drums and the guitars.

It’s gonna be a thorough ass-kickin’, and extremely brutal.”

Join The Fight To Make DIMEBAG’s Last Studio Tracks
    The Final PANTERA Album! Leave a comment on TMD Facebook.         

            Here’s a few of the many comments which have now appeared in support of the cause:

    “This is our last hope of possible NEW PanterA, show your support! let Vinnie know how much this means to us! ~CFH~ Horns high… the pink beard in the sky! Getcha Pull!” – Dustin Gifd Townsend

     “It might be a long shot, but this cause would be awesome if it happened.” \m/ – Brandon Fretus

    “MUSIC is my life, it can make you Happy, it holds memories, it is a part of my life as much as anything! Dime was the best guitarist in the world and I was very fortunate to have met him!!!! His music and life has been a part of mine for many many years and I think to hear anything by him would be a gift!!!! I’M all for this!! Bring it on!” \m/ – Lisa Pinkston

                      “Come on people one last Pantera Album…Believe in It…” – Andy Thompson

Do YOU Believe In Miracles?

     Legendary rock journalist Randy “Rocket” Cody speaks with FM Rock Radio station WQEE 99.1 in       Atlanta, Georgia with host Ryan O Neal, discussing the final Pantera album and the craziest Bigfoot story                      ever told, and it’s TRUE!! This is the heaviest interview you will hear in 2023! Listen to the Final Pantera album discussion HERE.