Late SOUNDGARDEN legend Chris Cornell was doing the work of Jesus Christ before he was murdered.
His mission was to shed light on the human atrocities being carried out against children all around the world by the elites. Super rich pedophiles like Jeffrey Epstein, John Podesta, Comet Pizza’s James Alefantis, along with Prince Andrew, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, plus the Clinton’s were all players in this massive human trafficking ring, which still is in operation right now. Not one thing has been done by the authorities, FBI, CIA, or the White House to conduct a proper investigation, except busting a 61-year-old socialite woman working as the ring’s lure. I am the only person who has picked up the ball and ran down the field to try and get the truth out to the public. Well, the only one besides Chris Cornell, who had seen enough of the bullshit and was taking a stand, once and for all… before it got him killed.
Like Jesus, Chris cared so much about others that he began his own foundation and built up the funds to give out to kids in need from the money he earned from solo gigs. My journalism covering Chris Cornell’s death investigation was treated with total disrespect, I feel that the Detroit News and Detroit PD, and Detroit’s coroner, dropped the ball on purpose, and took the easy way out by labeling all of my hard work a hoax. Subsequently, Detroit News scrubbed my interview of any mention of Cornell’s bodyguard being a potential suspect in the rock star’s death. Keep in mind, this was the very last questions asked of me: “Who do you think killed Chris?”
I said very calmly that the killer is most likely Martin Kirsten, the bodyguard. So, by removing this statement I made during my phone call with Detroit News reporter George Hunter, it proves that a major cover up is going on.
I guess everyone is just going to keep blaming all of these human abductions on Bigfoot.
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) February 1, 2023
Investigator Randy Cody is among those questioning the suicide ruling, according to sources.
He points to ‘PERCEIVED TIMELINE GAPS’, forensic questions and what he allegedly claimed was a ‘HEAD WOUND’ that Cornell had, which had not been mentioned in the autopsy reports.
How exactly am I the joker when most of all the world’s elite and celebrities are lizard people mocking us and totally hellbent on destroying all of humanity from behind a false mask?
These alien baby killers live all around us. They have been injected into society covertly. They have the ability to shapeshift from their true hideous 12-foot-tall monster reptile appearance to looking like a regular human being standing at 6 feet tall. They feed off human flesh. Yes, believe it or not, the entire world population is infested with these demonic reptoids, and it is all being covered up by the mainstream news media (who themselves are made up mostly of shapeshifting lizard people as well).
This is not a joke. Charlie Sheen, Steve O, Miley Cyrus, Jane Fonda, Justin Bieber, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Julia Roberts, the Clinton’s and so many more are not human beings. They are reptilian humanoids!
Hoax claims that Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington were murdered trying to expose ‘child trafficking’ in the industry – Daily Pakistan
According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we are currently under a state of alien invasion, only no one is aware of the attack because they look just like us. He claims that they live among us now, undetected. “They could be your friend, neighbor or coworker. They look human, but they’re not…”
Donald Marshall Revolution
I know all of this sounds like a plot to a crazy science fiction horror flick, but Hitler and the Nazi’s are the ones who first made contact with the alien contingent known as the Vril. They attained secret knowledge about ETs and sent out a search party to find them.
“Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of reptiles living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.”
While the end of World War 2 went down, Hitler secretly faked his death and fled, after he had conspired with American Nazi’s like Henry Ford to allow Nazi war criminals to gain entry into the USA. This was called Operation Paper Clip, and I learned that Michael Aquino (Church of Satan/Temple of Set) the MK ULTRA master’s own father was one of those men that were allowed to escape punishment of the murder of Jews during the holocaust. Further digging and I dug up the fact that Mr. Aquino (who I also named as the Zodiac Killer) is related to Henry Ford through his mom Betty Ford Aquino.
Michael Aquino since has gone into hiding and faked his own death, now that I named him as the Zodiac.
Report – The Truth About Pizzagate: Can You Handle It? (Pt. 3) @TheMetalDen @THR @tmz @PamelaRothrock @Jana_1977 @freeparadox @RebelPilled @jbugg72 @EndOfCentury @bobweisers @summermoon55 #NOMOREBULLSHIT
— Randy Rocket Cody (@rocketmetalden) April 7, 2018
This is why I believe that Chris Cornell was suicided, along with his friend Chester Bennington back in 2017. Both late rock stars were trying to wake people up. It is the main reason the governments of the world are now forming the New World Order, so that they have better control over the global human abductions and over the masses. Now you can understand why CIA backed elites like James Alefantis get away with killing abducted kids at Comet Pizza in Washington DC.
Chris Cornell was desperately trying to expose the truth about the elite’s human trafficking via CIA backed abduction operations in Haiti (Hillary and Bill Clinton, Laura Silsby) and other areas hard hit by poverty that the elite would set up orphanages used to place kids into sex slavery. These same elite sex traffickers have gone without punishment, and that is why my reporting is so crucial in shining light on the matter. Jeffrey Epstein’s “black book” was a major bombshell that is still doing damage in so many ways, but the sex traffickers and celebrity “Johns”, you know, the perverted old men who flew to Orgy Island to sexually abuse and or murder kids were paying high dollar for these underage escorts, they have mostly been kept secret from the public. Ghislaine Maxwell was set-up to take the fall for all of these crimes apparently, and the 20 years she was sentenced does not serve justice to all of the victimized and their families, who are still being haunted by these monsters who continue to be involved in sex slavery rings or even being a lure for one, or someone who pays for these misguided underage girls being pimped out as street whores in brothels. It is wrong and it needs to stop now.
If you are in any way, shape or form participating in any of this human sex slavery, from paying for prostitutes, to even arguing against others taking a stand like ME (berating and turning against your own friends and family) due to being unable to accept that this is all really happening, you are just as guilty as the snuff film producing psychopath ring itself!
By the court not revealing all of those connected to the Epstein ring it means literally hundreds of protected criminals (powerful men and women) got away with ever seeing their day in a criminal court room. One of those names is Flavio Briatore, named in Epstein’s black book, a man once romantically linked to Heidi Klum, who was at one time dating Chris Cornell’s bodyguard Martin Kirsten.
At the very least, his guilt withstanding, people like Mr. Briatore should be questioned extensively about his whereabouts in the past and what exactly he knows about Epstein’s dark and disgusting activities. These findings should be made public, like when I publish one of my many hundreds of #TruthForChris reports. These assholes in the U.S. government are being paid a lot of money to sit around and do nothing about all of these missing and dead kids.
Donald Trump NEVER made the move to prosecute Bill and Hillary Clinton related to any of their criminal acts. Why is that? It’s because all of the elite, democrats and republicans, are involved in the ring’s cover up. This goes way higher than American politics, ladies and gentlemen. This is a cosmic skull fuck for the ages.
A woman named Penelope Tree exposed the corruption in Thailand and Cambodia where sex-trafficked girls are at the top of the menu. In 2005, Tree visited 25 different projects in the two countries. It was a life-changing trip and one not without its dangers.
‘It was one of the most devastating experiences,’ she (Tree) says. ‘In Cambodia you realize very soon that this is a country that has been completely raped and people are still living in fear.’ She talks vividly about the poverty she encountered, visiting refugee camps where sex trafficking is so common it has almost become accepted, where families are so desperate, they will sacrifice one daughter to unscrupulous agents in the mistaken belief that her earnings will look after the rest of the family. In reality parents receive a fraction, if any, of the money that CIA agents promise and if they do see their daughters again, they are invariably emotionally and physically scarred. Many disappear forever and of the few who do eventually return home it is because they’re HIV-positive and of no more use to their captors. ‘I remember a village where, as a sex tourist, you could pick up a five-or six-year-old boy or girl. Camps where agents would offer families $80 for one of their daughters and then sell her on for $500,’ she says, plainly still affected by what she saw. A staggering 600,000 to a million girls are trafficked each year in the region. (Observer Woman Aug 2008)
“The evidence that this is going on in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia is overwhelming and yet nothing has been done about it. Indeed, it has been alleged by survivors that UNITED NATIONS TROOPS have actually taken part in these rapes within the rape camps. This should give one pause for thought when you consider that United Nations forces may one day be conducting “Peace Enforcement” operations in America. I believe the reason for that is the United Nations are controlled by the same reptilian overlords that are responsible for the Rape-Death Camps in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.”
Every Second, Another Child Becomes a Refugee
“In terms of the crisis in Ukraine, the situation remains dire for children and their families. The conflict in Ukraine has caused the fastest and largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. The scale of destruction and impacts of attacks on civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools are utterly shocking. Whenever children are forced to flee their home, there is a risk that children will become separated from their families. Additional risks of sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence and human trafficking are also of grave concern.” –
For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out:
Epstein’s “Black Book”, Two Dead Rock Stars & PIZZAGATE – Randy “Rocket” Cody (
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