Swedish guitarist and producer Ola Englund, renowned for his work with Six Feet Under, The Haunted and Feared, will release his second solo album titled “Starzinger” in...
Death metal band JUNGLE ROT have essentially finished recording a new album and follow-up to their 2018 self-titled release. Tracking commenced in...
PRIMUS will perform a virtual concert dubbed "Alive From Pachyderm Station" on Friday, December 11. Early bird tickets, exclusive event merchandise,...
Hailing from Turkey, post metal band BIPOLAR ARCHITECTURE are glad to announce the signing of a deal with Wormholedeath for the release of their full-length album "The Criticizer",...
https://youtu.be/-2BFdRKcOYc BABEL TRIO hails from the mountains of Crete island. “The Martyr” is their 3rd full length album. Their music basis remains...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tboIdiesU4o&feature=emb_title CRO-MAGS have unleashed "2020," the title track of their forthcoming six-song EP, which is slated to drop on December 11...
Check out the latest installment of Rock and Roll Death Brigade podcast, hosted by legendary rock journalist, Randy "Rocket" Cody....
EXHUMED have announced that they will be streaming a virtual concert dubbed ‘Goreified At The Grind Guignol‘ on December 26th. Tickets...
Italian doom-metal five-piece group HADAL have unveiled the title track for their forthcoming second album “December”, due out on December 5th on Planet K...
Belgian sludge/post-metal newcomers POTHAMUS have just unveiled another music video for a brand new song from their forthcoming debut album “Raya”, due out...