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MARA – Release Debut Album Teaser

Swedish metal band MARA have signed a deal with Wormholedeath for the release of their debut album “Djävulstoner” (TBA). The band will unleash their first single & video “Born to Die” on 01/29/2021.

Mara is a unique band that deliver a sort of misty metal, fusing the sounds of misanthropy and spiritual seeking.

Band statement:

“As the fog of disaster sets over the world in the wake of Covid-19, a new threat emerges. Djävulstoner will give you a rollercoaster ride of emotions, melody and groove.”

Mara formed in 2012 when Dimitrios and Erik joined forces in the crime-ridden streets of Tynnered. In between the gunshots and burning cars, the perfect scene was set for the apocalyptical sounds that came crashing from inside the bunker…Mara always create as a unit; endless hours of jamming are now utilized in their debut album “Djävulstoner” which is set to be released in the spring of 2021. The goal is to deliver hard hitting riffs, innovative song structures and a “whatever the fuck we want” attitude to modern music. Inspiration is drawn from the state the world and what the astronomical and cosmic currents are telling them.