Enthral out of Los Angeles, California takes no prisoners with their old school thrash metal approach on this five song...
With only three years of existence under their belt, San Diego's HATETIMESNINE have issued "Shadows", a twelve song collection of...
The legendary American thrash metal act had some serious s'plaining to do to their super-pissed off legion of fans, who...
The beauty of being in underground heavy music is that your band’s studio productions don’t always have to be well-produced...
As if a two thousand pound bull has been let loose in a china shop, York, Pennsylvania's NINETAIL puts on...
ROCKET REVIEW: Mötley Crüe "Saints Of Los Angeles" (Mötley Records - 2008) The thing that struck me the hardest after...
Warrenton, Virginia's BLEED are an eerily epic bunch who are ten steps ahead of most the other acts in metal's...
ROCKET REVIEW: DELIVER US FROM EVIL - "Behold A Pale Horse" (CD) On the fearsomely enjoyable Behold A Pale Horse...
Out of Las Vegas, Nevada, the land of high-rollers, comes a little heavy metal band that has finally landed...
Cape Coral, Florida's metalcore kings EkoTren lay it all on the line with their debut full-length Light The Fire via...