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JOB FOR A COWBOY – Finishing Up New Album

For over two long years now JOB FOR A COWBOY has been ‘teasing’ that they are going to record a new album. In the Fall of 2020, the band revealed that drummer Navene Koperweis was joining the project and that the Arizona tech-deathcore group had planned to hit the studio finally after being originally delayed by the pandemic. 

Producer Jason Suecof confirmed that JFAC was indeed recording a new album when he appear on Doc Coyle‘s podcast during the Summer of 2020. He once again spilled the beans this week letting the world know that vocals have been completed for the follow-up to 2014’s Sun Eater.

The new album, which has no release date as of yet, will be the fifth album released by JFAC and the first release from the group in almost 9 years.