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JOB FOR A COWBOY – To Begin Recording New Music

In May, JOB FOR A COWBOY dropped a hint that their return was imminent. A few weeks later it was revealed that the group had originally planned to enter the studio this past summer, but of course, the pandemic scuttled their plans.

Fortunately, it appears that JFAC are still fully committed to recording a new album and will track the bulk of it in October and November. As previously rumored, producer Jason Suecof will once again helm the effort.

Speaking with MetalSucks, vocalist Jonny Davy revealed that the impetus for the forthcoming album was the involvement of Davy along with JFAC guitarists Tony Sannicandro and Al Glassman in the Serpent of Gnosis record last year. “[Serpent of Gnosis] was the catalyst of everything,” Davy explains. “We talked about [JFAC] here and there [before that] but I think once we got in the groove again [with Serpent], we got excited about doing another [JFAC] record.”

Stay tuned.

Source: Lambgoat