July 26, 2024

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CHRIS CORNELL eBook Fundraiser: Get In The Fight!


For over the past three years, I have been the main journalist covering the Chris Cornell death investigation. Actually, I have been one of the only independent investigators working on the matter too, and I have dedicated over 5,000 man hours on the case so far, researching, writing, talking to police experts, being interviewed by the Detroit News and promoting the cause to everyone online and in the public that I possibly could. I have not profited one penny.

I did this all from the kindness of my heart. My journalism has been featured all over the world on behalf of Chris and all of the missing kids. I believe he was murdered and did not commit suicide. The evidence I have brought forth in my 400+ online reports at my site TheMetalDen.com over this time is beyond compelling and I feel proves that Mr. Cornell was the victim of homicidal strangulation and his murder is being covered up by all of his loved ones, his band mates in SOUNDGARDEN and the mainstream news media.

I am working on completing my debut novel this coming Xmas, 2019, that I know in my heart is going to be a game changer and I need your help, because independently publishing your own novel is not cheap. There are a lot of costs that go with it, including formatting your word doc into an epub file which costs hundreds to begin with.

Make your donation to help keep the fight going on behalf of Chris and The Kids HERE!

The first 10 people who donate will be mailed out a FREE #TruthForChris shirt so that you can wear it in your community and help get the word out.

By taking action, you can make a real difference and help save lives!!

Chris Cornell eBook Fundraiser

$5,000 goal

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Randy Cody is organizing this fundraiser.

Chris Cornell eBook Fundraiser


I am now being censored and punished for my work by Youtube, Google, Facebook, Twitter and more of the giants in the mainstream for my stance I have taken against the evil and outright sinister crimes against humanity. Ad revenue royalties are being withheld from me and YouTube totally demonentized my site’s channel, plus I am currently suspended by them.

In the end, I am here to say that I will not be able to publish my Chris Cornell eBook by the current scheduled release date of Xmas/2019 if I don’t receive any help from anyone in the public. As a matter of fact, if I don’t get any help I will most likely just take the truth to my grave.

Learn more via my latest report:
Report – CHRIS CORNELL, Ascension & 11/11

Whatever help you can give is much appreciated, and the funds will be reinvested into the publishing of my eBook titled: “#TruthForChris: The Day A Rock God Fought For His Life… But Ended Up Dead Anyway.” It is going to be 13 chapters and well over 200 pages of much information that has never been shared with anyone before.


Randy “Rocket” Cody
One Man Fighting For Chris and The Kids

Fort Worth, Texas USA
Semper Fi, Do Or Die
USMC, Fox Platoon ’90
PFC R S Cody

“Keeping the paths of justice, and guarding the ways of saints.”

Proverbs 2:8