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ELVIS EXPOSED: The King Of Rock Was A Shapeshifter!

The Hoax That Turned Out To Be A True Story

ELVIS EXPOSED: The King Of Rock Was A Shapeshifter!

A Special Report & Expert Video Analysis

(This report originally posted on September 5, 2019)

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

A video of the late King of Rock, Elvis Presley, got labeled a hoax by users on the internet once it premiered on YouTube. The grainy footage of the bloated rock icon shot during his final tour created quite a controversy, and there are a lot of people who still believe that it was nothing more than a silly hoax story.

What if I could prove to you that it was not fake?

What if the reality is that Elvis was a cannibalistic alien/human hybrid who ate kids for breakfast, not peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like we were always lead to believe?

It’s long been touted by conspiracy theorist David Icke that these purported shapeshifting ‘Lizard People’ taking over humanity need to consume human flesh and blood to help hold their ‘human form’ in this dimension.

This following story was originally shared by Rockin’ Ron Cade during a broadcast of the Elvis & Friends Radio Show.

“On June 21,1977, Elvis was on the road for what turned out to be his final tour. On this particular date Elvis had a show in Rapid City, South Dakota. Backstage, the Mayor presented Elvis with a special award for being the first artist to perform at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. While I am sure Elvis appreciated the award from the Mayor, he was really touched to his heart by the presentation to him by a little girl named Monique Brave. She gave Elvis a Medallion of Life on behalf of the Sioux Indian Nation.”

An actual newspaper account from the historic concert helps set the scene:

“… he’s been called the king of rock’n roll and there’s no doubt he still wears that crown. Elvis Presley sang, swiveled his hips, played the guitar, threw scarves, cracked a few jokes and gave the capacity audience at the grand opening of the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center their money’s worth Tuesday night.”

“Houston, we have a problem!”

“Clad in a white suit decorated with gold, the king performed for the audience and CBS- TV cameras for almost an hour and a half. Footage from the Rapid City performance and an earlier one in Omaha will be used for a special television program this fall. The well run show started almost exactly at the appointed hour, but that didn’t mean the crowd didn’t have to wait. Small groups trying to enter the arena were gathering around the civic center as early as 4 p.m., although the gate didn’t open until 7 p.m. The parking lots of the civic center were quickly filled and late comers parked as far away as St. Joseph Street, leaving a long walk to their seats. The lights, sound system and instruments had all been carefully checked during the afternoon. The CBS crews took almost an hour of candid shots of the crowd assembling, cameras being checked and concessions being sold. Hawkers were selling souvenir programs, Elvis necklaces and giant posters.” – Jeri Gulbransen

Rapid City Journal
Wednesday June 22, 1977

However, something truly shocking happened before this particular Elvis concert, as fans can view in the above video, that is without a doubt the clearest version available.

Believe it or not, the King of rock started to display signs of some kind of facial abnormality, including wild looking alien fingers.

After the little girl from the Indian tribe presented Elvis the gift, some type of ‘out-of-‘this-world’ morph malfunctioning begins to occur in the singer’s face and hands right before our eyes.

Rapid City Journal provides more details of the event:

“Many area people remember Elvis’ performance at Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City on June 21, 1977 – one of the last live performances Elvis gave before his death in August. However, Stan Zakinski has a unique recollection of the musical legend’s brief visit to the Black Hills. The former Rapid City police chief provided the local security for Elvis, picking him up at the airport and driving him to the city’s brand-new venue.”

Elvis Presley, decked out in his signature white sequined jumpsuit, brought his rock ‘n’ roll and pelvic gyrations June 21, 1977, to a sold-out crowd at Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City. That concert was the civic center’s grand opening, and it was one of the last performances Elvis gave before he died that August.”

The Moment of Truth: Elvis The ET Is Exposed!

As the story goes, city officials four decades ago demanded that the grand opening of Rushmore Plaza Civic Center to be “a majestic celebration,” so they went ahead and made the move to bring in the biggest rock attraction possible: ‘The King’, Elvis Presley.

“On June 21, 1977, Elvis Presley, decked out in his signature white, sequined jumpsuit, brought his rock ‘n’ roll sound and pelvic gyrations to a sold-out crowd. Many area people remember that night — one of the last live performances Elvis gave before his death in August. However, Stan Zakinski has a unique recollection of the musical legend’s brief visit to the Black Hills.”

The one time Rapid City police chief “provided the local security for Elvis, picking him up at the airport and driving him to the city’s brand-new venue.”

‘When I saw him come off the plane in his white jumpsuit, sequined trimmed and everything, … it was exciting’, Zakinski stated during an interview he did about the classic moment in rock history.

The official press article takes us back to the thrilling time.

“Jack Beckman, the civic center manager at the time, knew Zakinski had attended a deputy-protection seminar and asked him to speak with Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis’ manager, about security. The day before Elvis’ arrival, Zakinski, who was then chief of detectives for the police department, received a detailed itinerary for Presley’s visit.”

‘Everything was timed for the minute’, he said.

Everything was always meant to be perfectly planned for Elvis, but what was about to happen next would not only shock the little Indian girl but this became the craziest moment of a person making first contact with an ET ever.

“When the Lisa Marie, Elvis’ plane named after his daughter, arrived at the airport, Zakinski was there with a Cadillac limousine to take Elvis, his girlfriend, his father and a security person to the civic center. The rest of the crew followed close behind in another vehicle.”

‘I stayed right with him until I brought him back to the Lisa Marie’, Zakinski said.

Among other conversation during the trip into town, Elvis is said to have commented about “how beautiful the Black Hills were.”

It was dusk when they came in on S.D. Highway 44, and Zakinski remembers Elvis remarking on how bright the sun was shining. Zakinski handed Elvis his sunglasses. ‘The estate still has them. I never got them back’, he laughed. After they arrived at the civic center, the security door opened, and Zakinski drove in.

Inside the venue, Elvis came face to face with then-Mayor Art LaCroix and then turned to meet Sharon Brave and her 10-year-old daughter, Monique.

‘I can still remember everything; we were in and out in a few minutes’, she said. ‘We had the best seat in the house for a couple of minutes’.

As the reader can see, Monique wore a full buckskin American Indian dress and next presented Elvis with an “eight-point beaded medallion.”

Elvis, in turn, gifted the young girl with a scarf.

This is when things got a little, um… strange.

After briefly speaking with the Braves and the mayor, Elvis started to experience some issues with his hand and face. Immediately his handlers swarmed the singer, covering his alien-like morphing face from the eyes of the girl.

Next the King went to his dressing room. Later, when the concert finally began, the curtains pulled opened to the theme song to ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, and then the greatest entertainer who ever lived, The King, came out onto the stage.

“I was also at the concert and was 17 years old,” said a woman named Lois.

“I sat behind the stage and was very close. I remember him really sweating hard and a man followed him around on stage with a big stack of small white towels that he would wipe his face with. He then threw it out to the screaming women who would then fight for possession. That in itself was great entertainment!”

For further reading of Rocket’s acclaimed #Truth reporting, check out:

ELVIS PRESLEY, The Dragon Bloodline & Jesus Christ