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LARS ULRICH – Nude Photos Leaked Online

METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich has reportedly become the latest celebrity to fall victim to apparent leaked nude photos scandal. Highly personal and private photographs from his mobile phone were posted on several celebrity gossip websites yesterday.

FBI Investigating

Celebrities and nude photo scandals seem to go hand-in-hand. The 55-year-old musician’s nude photos were leaked online through hacked phone on Thursday (August 22, 2019) and spread across the internet like wildfire. “The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident and is looking into it,” an FBI official told the press.

The Many Faces Of Lars Ulrich: A Rock N Roll Daredevil

IS IT A HOAX? Certainly the mighty METALLICA has fallen victim to a hoax or two in the past, including one pulled off by legendary rock journalist, Randy “Rocket” Cody of THE METAL DEN, back in 2017, wherein Cody tricked premiere UK entertainment site Metro into posting a bogus story about Lady Gaga recording on the next METALLICA record for release in late 2019. The fictional studio record is titled “The White Album,” and the mock album cover depicts a large LOAD of semen dumped onto a woman’s backside.

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Nude Picture Controversy in Danish Magazine

The editor of a Danish celebrity gossip magazine defended its use of the photos, citing there was “a clear public interest in publishing the Lars Ulrich pictures, in order for the debate around them to be fully informed.” That’s also why we decided to publish all the nude photos. In public interest and just for the sake of information.

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WARNING: the following pictures may not be suitable for younger or sensitive viewers.

The nude figures photos were probably taken by the musician with his phone, during a visit at the Louvre Museum in Paris earlier this month.

Click HERE To See The Nude Photos!

Besides being a talented musician, Lars Ulrich seems to also nurture a secret passion for Pizza, fine art and nude photography.

The FBI is investigating the celebrity phone and email hacking case. Meanwhile the musician leaked nude photos are making a sensation on the internet.