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KURT COBAIN, His Crazy Wife & A Staged Suicide, Part 2

KURT COBAIN, His Crazy Wife & A Staged Suicide, Part 2

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

(part 2 of a 3 part report)

This report originally posted on May 19, 2018

Legendary NIRVANA frontman Kurt Cobain was found dead in Seattle, Washington back on April 8, 1994, and very quickly the police determined his death to be a suicide.

Over the past two decades, a lot of speculation in the news media, as well as books published on the rocker’s demise, kept fans intrigued by the subject, but nothing ever came out of it as far as any real criminal investigation.

CBS News recalls the tragic event:

“Initial news reports said that Cobain had shot himself on that day, but a medical examiner later determined that he had been dead for three days when his body was discovered. It is estimated that he actually died on April 5th, 1994 at the age of 27.”

As the story goes, Kurt’s wife, Courtney Love, had hired a private investigator named Tom Grant who had gone over to the Cobain house and somehow did not find the body of the late rocker where it was located in the greenhouse/garage portion of the property.

We are supposed to believe that a highly trained ex-cop is not going to be able to find a dead body at a location he was sent over to by the wife of the victim. That is not only ridiculous but it is next to impossible.

When Grant says he did not see the ‘greenhouse’ where Kurt’s body was eventually found he blamed it on the darkness… I am not making this stuff up. Don’t detectives carry flashlights?

This is simply ludicrous. What Tom Grant is really saying, in my opinion, is “I am not telling the truth because I have been aiding Courtney Love in covering up the murder of her husband.”

Grant and Dylan drove back to the Seattle home at circa 2:45 AM, enter through an unlocked kitchen window and searched the home. There is no indication Kurt is or ever was at the house. However, there was indication that Michael DeWitt was recently at the home as his television was on and his bed was unmade. Dylan Carlson comments on how clean the house was and stated that it is the cleanest he has ever seen the home. Grant did not search the greenhouse as it was dark, raining, and he didn’t suspect that there was a room above the garage. Dylan knew about the greenhouse but didn’t tell Grant.

Sure, he didn’t. Why would he ever want to mention that?

Are you kidding me? These two knuckleheads, Love and Grant, even went a step further and produced a film about the debacle that was called “Soaked In Bleach,” and it is clearly a propaganda piece designed to make Courtney look guilty and like Mr. Grant is hard on the case trying to bring her down, when the truth is this dude has been on her payroll all along. Think about it.

The truth is Kurt was planning on divorcing his wife.

According to Anomalies-Unlimited site:

“When Courtney realized Kurt was going to really file for divorce she asked her family lawyer, Rosemary Carroll, to find her the “meanest, most vicious divorce lawyer” she could. Because Kurt wasn’t an idiot and Courtney was No One when they got married, she had been asked to sign a prenuptial agreement that would leave her with half of Kurt’s money in the event of divorce. Courtney wanted someone who might be able to get her out of this agreement and change that. As it turns out, she inherited everything upon his death and always will have a steady stream of royalties and fame from his estate. Ms. Carroll was instrumental in starting an investigation into what really was going on. After his death, Rosemary contacted Tom Grant and said she had information she wanted to share and had come to believe Courtney was behind Kurt’s death – she had the possible motive.”

Taking us deeper down the hole, on April 13, 1994, independent journalist Richard Lee spoke to Seattle Police Department spokesperson, Vinette Tichi. According to Lee:

“Tichi claims that Kurt’s death was a suicide and that there was a suicide attempt a month previous. Richard Lee would be the first person to go public with accusations that Kurt Cobain was murdered after he uncovered evidence that the Seattle Police department and the media were spreading false information concerning the circumstances of Kurt’s death.”

Tom Grant met with Rosemary Carrol, who was Kurt and Courtney’s entertainment attorney and then godmother of Frances. According to Grant, Rosemary Carrol told the following:

– Kurt was not suicidal.

– Kurt called her and asked her to have a new will drawn up excluding Courtney Love.

– Courtney Love inquired of her if it was possible to get out of the prenup she had with Kurt.

– After Kurt’s body was found Rosemary Carrol found it suspicious that Courtney would not let anyone see the actual suicide note. (This note was proven to be a forgery allegedly by Love’s own hand)

– Rosemary Carrol claims she specifically heard Courtney Love tell Dylan Carlson to check the closet for the shotgun and check the greenhouse. Both Courtney and Dylan deny this.

– Courtney Love left a backpack at her house. When Rosemary picked it up some papers fell out. One of the papers appeared to be a practice sheet for forgery. It had letters written out in different styles. The second sheet of paper was a “to do” list that included the phrase, “get arrested”.

(Pictured: Tom Grant… looking guilty as Hell.)

– Rosemary Carrol believed that Courtney may have called the police on herself to purposefully get herself arrested.

– Rosemary Carrol would later tell Grant that it is her belief that the suicide note was cobbled together or traced from various things Kurt had written in the past.

– Rosemary Carrol would later state that the note that Michael DeWitt left on the stairs seemed phony, as if it was planted specifically for Grant to find.

– Rosemary asks Grant to continue digging into Kurt’s death and Grant agrees. Rosemary Carrol asks Grant not to tell Courtney Love anything about what she has told him.

To see a copy of the “handwriting practice sheet” found in Courtney’s backpack click HERE.

“If he thinks he can get away from me that easily, he can
forget it. I’ll follow him through hell.”

– Courtney Love

Leland Cobain, late NIRVANA frontman Kurt Cobain’s grandfather, was interviewed over a decade back, and here is what he had to say about his grandson’s death:

“Kurt didn’t commit suicide. He was murdered. I’m sure of it.”

The journalist named Max Wallace behind the book: Love & Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain details the journey to find the truth:

“When we set out to interview those who might offer us the best insight into the real Courtney Love, we encountered an unusual obstacle. The first two people we contacted said they were in hiding. Each gave us the same explanation: they were “afraid of her.” What made this even more unusual was the fact that these two people were her father and her first husband.”

In my opinion, the Cobain investigation was totally rushed and botched, just like in the cases of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington.

For example, the first officer on the scene handled Kurt’s body when he reached into the victim’s wallet to take out his driver’s license.

Well apparently that was a big mistake, according to an expert:

“That’s a big no-no. You’re supposed to wait for the deputy coroner or medical examiner to arrive so that you don’t contaminate the scene. You never touch the body.”

The fact is that toxicological tests indicated that Cobain’s body contained traces of diazepam (Valium) and had a blood morphine level of 1.52 milligrams per liter.

He was said to have heroin in his system… at triple overdose level.

There is no way he injects himself with that much heroin and is able to shoot himself with a gun afterward. He would have become incapacitated immediately once the drug hit his bloodstream.

A woman named Rochell Marshall, a professional in the medical field, believes there was a rush to judgment by both the police and the deputy medical examiner, who each concluded the death was a suicide while they were still at the scene.

“That in itself is ridiculous,” says Marshall. “I don’t know of any case that’s an open-and-shut case of suicide, and that’s what they all did in this case: they immediately ruled it a suicide. You just don’t do that. You wait for all the test results to come back and you investigate the circumstances before you rule. That’s just how it’s done.”

The suspicious actions of Love before her husband is found dead are quite telling:

“Courtney started the story that Kurt had “escaped from” rehab and was supposedly nowhere to be found. However, someone was using Kurt’s credit card. Courtney called private investigator Tom Grant, and asked if he could find the person using it. When Grant came to the house to interview her and get details, she admitted she lied and she really wanted to find Kurt, saying there had been no contact since he left the Rehab facility. In spite of this, she had canceled the card which then made it impossible to trace. The person who had been using Kurt’s credit card used it for 3 days before Courtney canceled it. This was the same 3 day period that was later estimated that Kurt had already been dead. The credit card was always kept in his wallet and he himself had never reported it missing before this, suggesting he had it in his possession when he died. If Courtney had no idea where he was or HOW he was, how did she know his credit card was being used? Or used “by someone else”? And if she thought he was fine and “out there somewhere hiding”, why would she cancel his credit card on him and cut off his money?”

Looking at the blatant cover up is easy to see now, isn’t it? With all of these people involved, including the assumed good guy, Tom Grant, merely pretending to be doing an investigation, it is clear as day to see that
Kurt Cobain did not kill himself. He is a homicide victim.

Was Kurt a target of the CIA because of his ties to MK Ultra/Finders by way of Courtney’s father, Hank Harrison?

Or was the rock star simply in the crosshairs of his jealous and bitter wife because he was more famous and generated way more money… and he was going to divorce her?

During a High Times article late punk rock performer, El Duce, claimed that in the last days of December 1993, Courtney Love pulled up outside The Rock Shop, a Hollywood record shop, at 1644 Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, and spoke to him. The conversation went:

C Love: “El, I need a favour of you. My old man’s been a real asshole lately, I need you to blow his fucking head off.”

El Duce: “Are you serious”?

C Love: “Yeah, I’ll give you $50,000 to blow his fucking head off.”

El Duce: “I’m serious if you are”.

CLove: “Where can I reach you”?

El Duce: “You can reach me here”.

They then went into the store and he handed her a business card. The manager of the shop, Karush Sepedjian remembers the visit. He said: “El was kicking it out on the bench in front of the store and she came up. I overheard her saying, “Can you handle doing this? Can you get this done? What do you want for it”? They were talking about knocking off Kurt Cobain. Then El brought her inside and said to me quietly, “She offered me $50,000”. Love then took a business card and left. Sepedjian then went on to say that in March 1994 Love contacted the shop asking for El Duce, who at the time was on tour. Courtney was screaming: “That son of a bitch, we made an agreement. What am I going to do”? Sepedjian replied: “I don’t know, I’ve got a business to run. Goodbye.”

Not long after Kurt died, El Duce was found dead too. He had been thrown in front of a train.

However, the police department ruled he had accidentally “stumbled” in front of the train and was hit.

In my opinion, Kurt knew damn well of the diabolical child trafficking ring operating out of Washington DC, and more specifically, the CIA operated Finders cult.

Mr. Cobain conceived the NIRVANA song “Rape Me” as an anti-rape song.

Cobain told Spin, “It’s like she’s saying, ‘Rape me, go ahead, rape me, beat me. You’ll never kill me. I’ll survive this… and man, they’re just gonna fucking rape you one of these days and you won’t even know it.’”

That is a direct reference to the CIA MK Ultra ‘trauma based’ programming where they split your mind into multiple ‘alters’, then rape and beat you for sadistic fun.

An anonymous MK Ultra survivor told me that he once witnessed a teenage Courtney Love being held as a sex slave. She was being kept in a cage. Kurt had full knowledge of the government backed mayhem and they took him out before he could spill the beans any further.

It’s my opinion that the CIA Finders Cult is still active today and it potentially ties directly to the same high powered Washington elite who are behind #Pizzagate. By the end of my three part report, I believe there will be enough evidence put forth to at least make you sit up and pay closer attention to what I feel is a major injustice done to this rock legend.

“Rape Me… I’m not the only one.”

– Kurt Cobain, “Rape Me” (1993)

