January 12, 2025

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Earth’s Most Powerful Drug & The Rock N’ Roll Death Machine

Earth’s Most Powerful Drug & The Rock N’ Roll Death Machine
(This report was originally posted on April 21, 2018)

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

I have been working several leads for a potential blockbuster story concerning Hillary Rodham Clinton and her assistant Huma Abedin. The rumor that began circulating started with mainstream journalist Liz Crokin, who worked for ousted Fox news host, Bill O’Reilly, as an intern.

To understand all of this, stay with me, first I need to go back to the Anthony Weiner debacle.

You know, the dude who simply can’t keep his penis in his pants.

Understanding Weiner is the gateway to being able to figure out the puzzle that is #Pizzagate, okay?

Open your eyes and get ready for the harsh reality.

This embarrassment to society was actually attempting to run for Mayor of New York… twice.

Then there is the getting busted for sexting a young girl, for which Weiner plead guilty to and got sentenced to prison time for.

A Daily Mail post covered the lurid scandal:

“Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl during which she claims he asked her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits for him on a video messaging application and pressed her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’,” DailyMail.com reported.

The girl, whose name is being withheld by DailyMail.com because she is a minor, said the online relationship started while the young girl was in high school.

According to reporter Clemence Michallon For Dailymail.com, FBI investigators reviewed 650,000 emails found on Weiner’s computer.

Huma Abedin was to turn over all devices with state department emails.

Zerohedge notes:

“The FBI had searched the computer while looking for child pornography, people familiar with the matter said, but the warrant they used didn’t give them authority to search for matters related to Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement at the State Department.”

It appears that “there are potentially tens of thousands of Abedin linked emails on Weiner’s computer.”

In their initial review of the laptop, “the metadata showed many messages, apparently in the thousands, that were either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home that had been the focus of so much investigative effort for the FBI. Senior FBI officials decided to let the Weiner investigators proceed with a closer examination of the metadata on the computer, and report back to them.”

The WSJ then connects the dots between how the Weiner emails were linked to the Clinton reopening of the Clinton probe, despite Loretta Lynch’s and the DOJ’s vocal pleas not to do that:

“At a meeting early of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department’s senior national-security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop, the people familiar with the matter said. At that point, officials realized that no one had acted to obtain a warrant, these people said.”

“Mr. McCabe then instructed the email investigators to talk to the Weiner investigators and see whether the laptop’s contents could be relevant to the Clinton email probe, these people said. After the investigators spoke, the agents agreed it was potentially relevant.”

To make matters worse, Weiner’s wife, Hillary Clinton’s personal aide Huma Abedin, announced she was ending her marriage to Anthony Weiner.

It’s the third time Weiner has been caught sexting. The first time it went down was a ‘sexually explicit’ tweet that led to Weiner announcing his resignation from Congress in 2011. The second incident, happened with a girl named Sydney Leathers, and it sank Weiner’s mayoral run.

“How did i miss this chance to rock your world by phone? Give me another
chance! Stalk me baby, very hot!”

– Anthony Weiner

A #truther shared this information concerning Weiner’s infamous laptop confiscated by cops:

“So FBI takes laptop due to classified info on laptop & as part of HRC email case.
McCabe refused to recuse and HIDES the laptop, until Blackwater’s Erik Prince & Guiliani
reveal its existence.”

On Weiner’s laptop is where NYPD says they found the horrifying Hillary “snuff film”. Police discovered a file labeled “insurance”.

This is not the first time HRC has been tied to snuff films. Abel Danger reported in 2016 that “for nearly twenty years, Hillary Clinton has carelessly allowed her agents in DOJ Pride and the State Department to use their private servers to transmit real-time snuff films over the Navy’s patented onion router (Tor) network and to blackmail into silence their mutual and terrified enemies – both domestic and foreign.”

“Mr. Comey was given an update(before the 2016 presidential election), decided to go forward with the case and notified Congress, with explosive results. Senior Justice Department officials had warned Mr. Comey that telling Congress would violate well-established policies against overt actions that could affect an election, and some within the FBI have been unhappy at Mr. Comey’s repeated public statements on the probe, going back to his first press conference on the subject in July.”

“Recall that this is the same Andrew McCabe whose wife the Wall Street Journal reported received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.”

The mainstream internet reporters (mostly Liberals who want your guns taken away) are going to say the tape seen on the dark webs is a fake now. Duh. Classic bait and switch. But that is not the truth, in my opinion… in fact, it is much worse than any horror film you have watched in your lifetime.

Crokin herself said her life has been threatened for speaking out against the injustice to kids and their

Pictured: Jeff Epstein and Donald Trump

Just because someone says the tape is a yet another “hoax”, does not mean it is. Please realize that is exactly what the Democrats want you to do. Believe it is not real, just like they want you to believe the bad stuff happening at Comet Ping Pong is not actually happening. This way you don’t call for any further investigating of the matter. Think about it.

This ‘global confusion’ campaign by the Liberal controlled mainstream news media is waged to torment and generally fuck with the minds of anyone trying to follow these sensational stories. I am here to help make sense of all the madness that keeps coming out daily.

Indeed a tape does exist, according to several people.

The fact of the matter is both Bill and Hillary Clinton have visited Jeff Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”.

At this private getaway for the rich, nightmares are happening to children beyond your worst fears.

Teenage kids (some even younger) are purportedly being held against their will as part of a massive underground sex slave ring that Epstein operates for the elite, and also harvests the “Adrenochrome” from the terrified victims the moment before they are brutally murdered… while being filmed.

The children are being brought in from boats that trek from hotspots like Haiti.

When I reported on a follow up story to late SOUNDGARDEN frontman, Chris Cornell, last year that told the late rock star coming into possession of a black book owned by Jeff Epstein, my work was called a “hoax”. And then when Chris’ close friend Chester Bennington was found hanging from his bedroom door, two months later, on Chris’ birthday, the hoax mentioning my investigation went viral around the world.

According to CSAcitizen:

“Yes the tape is real I’ve seen pic stills from it and a tiny bit video with sound. You can read a description of ONE of the events and reading is enough to turn your stomach. Yes it’s with Huma and Hillary and a very small little girl about 4 or 5. But its a sex tape and torture tape yes, but it’s also a snuff video.”

“As for it not being shown and all the warnings and that’s going along with it by so-called “authorities”
is protecting Hillary – that is how I see it. They are always protecting Hillary. They have seen her torture
and kill a child with her own hands, and they still protect her, when it should be be exposed all over.
IT’s the only thing that will wake up the brainless mind controlled Hillary followers – they NEED a
shock like that to get them out of the blind Hillary mind control ! All the threats by those high up have
no right to do that – it’s evidence that all need to see (if they can stomach it).”

As the story goes, PEDOGATE began in the eighties and continued into the 21st century. Mr. Weiner is suspected in a the case of a little girl who disappeared while on vacation with her parents back in 2007, and sketches of the alleged culprits were made available by police. Two of the people looked like dead ringers for the Podesta brothers.

The other police sketch… yup, Anthony Weiner.

Little Madeleine vanished on the evening of May 3, 2007 from her bed while she and her family were staying in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal, kicking off what news reports stated was “the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history”.

The Podesta brothers were said to have been staying at the home of the grandson of Sigmund Freud at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance, who has a very ugly past himself I learned.

Two women claimed they were sexually abused and raped as kids by British politician and broadcaster Sir Clement Freud, who owned a home close to the complex where McCann vanished.

“Officers from the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Grange, which continues
to investigate the McCann case, have been alerted to the revelations because
Freud owned a villa in Praia de Luz at the time of the 3-year-old girl’s
disappearance in 2007.”

To make this story even more unsettling, Mr. Freud actually befriended the missing girl’s parents during the massive search for Madeleine. When they were informed of his past, they were absolutely “horrified”.

Weiner’s child sexting victim lashed out against the FBI and Comey, stating that Comey “Victimized Me” and “Helped Abuse to Continue”, here is the letter she wrote:

Dear Mr. Comey,

I am the 15-year-old (now 16) who was the victim of Anthony Weiner. I now add you to the list of people who have victimized me. I told my story originally to protect other young girls that might be a victim of online predators.

Your letter to Congress has now brought this whole matter back into the media spotlight. Not even 10 minutes after being forensically interviewed with the FBI for seven hours, I received a phone call from a REPORTER asking for a statement. Why didn’t you communicate with the local FBI agents that I had just spoken to? They could have scheduled our interview sooner or scheduled a time to interview me later, or change locations of the interview. My neighborhood has been canvassed by reporters asking for details about me.

In your letter, you chose to use a vague approach, meaning the media had to keep searching to try and find out what evidence you had uncovered and how. Every media outlet from local to national has contacted me and my family to get my “story.” Why couldn’t your letter have waited until after the election, so I would not have to be the center of attention the last week of the election cycle?

In his “cooperation” with you and with his love of the spotlight, Anthony Weiner has given information that led to the media finding me. You have assisted him in further victimizing me on every news outlet. I can only assume that you saw an opportunity for political propaganda.

I thought your job as FBI Director was to protect me. I thought if I cooperated with your investigation, my identity as a minor would be kept secret. That is no longer the case. My family and I are barraged by reporters’ phone calls and emails. I have been even been blamed in a newspaper for causing Donald Trump to now be leading in some polls and costing Hillary the election.

Anthony Weiner is the abuser. Your letter helped that abuse to continue. How can I rebuild my life when you have made finding out my “story” the goal of every reporter? When I meet with my therapist next time, she will already know what we are going to talk about before I get there by reading Friday, October 28th, 2016’s New York Times article.

I may have been Weiner’s victim, but the real story here is that I am a survivor. I am strong, intelligent, and certain that I will come out from under this nightmare, but it will not be as a result of your doing your job to protect me. I hope that by making my letter to you public, you will think about how your actions affect the victims of the crimes you are investigating. The election is important, yes, but what happened to me and how it makes me feel and how others see me, is much more important. It’s time that the FBI Director puts his victims’ rights above political views.

— Girl that lost her faith in America

Republican Senator New Gingrich also went on the record to predict that Mr. Comey and his former deputy McCabe will turn up in criminal court “as witnesses against each other,” and he thinks both of them broke the law, in many matters beyond just the Clinton/Weiner saga.

“Think about it,” Gingrich said. “This is our most important law enforcement agency.”

In my last report that covered “Pedophile Island” I uncovered a vast underground system of tunnels
and sex dungeons that are being maintained by the convicted pedophile who is close pals with President Trump
and the Clinton’s.

According to Erik Prince of Blackwater, Bill Clinton visited Epstein’s island over 20 times.

Hillary visited 6 times. In Haiti, the Clinton’s are connected to late LINKIN PARK vocalist Chester Bennington
via his band’s recycling center SRS. This coupled with the fact that John Podesta was working directly with LINKIN PARK on SE4ALL initiative, using the band’s social sites to leverage their propaganda.

Mr. Bennington went on Twitter before his death to confirm he was hanging out with disgraced pedophile actor Kevin Spacey, who oddly enough… was named on the flight logs to “Pedophile Island” too.

A brave woman named Monica Petersen was investigating the alleged crimes against kids in Haiti when she mysteriously died, and many felt it was a murder to keep her work from getting out.

A Clinton cohort named Laura Silsby got busted for trying to traffic 33 kids in Haiti.

AP Mainstreams Pedogate: UN Pedo Ring Exposed in Haiti

There were over 2,000 allegations of crimes against kids.

Victims ranged in ages from 8-15. Many of these innocent children were not violated just once, but 50 times or more in what is called being ‘gang-raped’.

The Associated Press reports:

“Justice for victims… is rare. An Associated Press investigation of U.N. missions during the past 12 years found “nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around the world — signaling the crisis is much larger than previously known. More than 300 of the allegations involved children, the AP found, but only a fraction of the alleged perpetrators served jail time….Legally, the U.N. is in a bind. It has no jurisdiction over peacekeepers, leaving punishment to the countries that contribute the troops….Alleged abusers came from Bangladesh, Brazil, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uruguay and Sri Lanka, according to U.N. data and interviews. More countries may have been involved, but the United Nations only started disclosing alleged perpetrators’ nationalities after 2015.”

Judicial watch details the Clinton’s crimes against humanity:

“On January 17, 2010, five days after the massive Haitian earthquake, former Bill Clinton aide Justin Cooper emails Hillary Clinton’s then- deputy chiefs of staff, Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin, to ask if they can do a conference call to discuss Haiti. Clinton Foundation officials Laura Graham and Doug Band are also provided the call-in information for the conference call. (Author Peter Schweizer would later describe in his book “Clinton Cash” how the Obama administration, during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, allowed hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer-funded reconstruction contracts for Haiti to flow through the Clinton Foundation.)
According to minutes of a January 27, 2010, senior State Department staff meeting, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents uncovered “at least a couple pedophiles” attempting to adopt children in Haiti following the earthquake. The State Department was reportedly working with the Haitian government to expedite adoptions and removal to the United States of Haitian orphans.”

“These new emails show Hillary Clinton is a serial violator of various laws concerning the handling of classified material,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“The initial investigation into this criminal matter was compromised by Barack Obama’s corrupted FBI and Justice Department. This new information should spur new federal criminal investigations.”


Randy “Rocket” Cody – Are you ready to take a deep dive? (randyrocketcody.com)
