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BLACK HOLE SUN, 666 & The Rock Star Killing Machine

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BLACK HOLE SUN, 666 & The Rock Star Killing Machine

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.” — Julius Caesar 75 BCE

At the heart of my death investigation for late SOUNDGARDEN frontman, Chris Cornell, is the scandal called “Pizzagate”. It was originally termed PEDOGATE, and people often dismiss one or the other because they are being labeled by the mainstream media as FAKE NEWS reporting. Or very simply they’re saying both are nothing more than silly conspiracy theories.

Sure, Donald Dump and his demonic army of bullshit artists running The White House claim to be making all sorts of pedophile busts around the country. Even big name stars like Brad Pitt and Tom DeLonge are part of the effort too.

One small problem. Where are the actual names of these busted pedophiles?

“Pizzagate”, its own child trafficking scandal I learned, no doubt, involves key people tied to PEDOGATE as well, such as Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. These two have attended “pizza parties” at Comet Ping Pong establishment. The mainstream news attempted to divert the public’s attention from the scandal by setting up a ‘false flag’ event with a crisis actor who purportedly walked into Comet Ping Pong and fired his gun off, stating he was there because he heard on CIA ‘disinformation’ puppet Alex Jones’ Infowars internet show that kids were being sacrificed for the devil.

All of the late night talk show hosts turned it into a big joke and used the staged diversion to make “truthers’ look like nut jobs.

What people don’t know is that Comet Ping Pong has a basement/dungeon below it, and it’s believed by many investigators that underneath Comet Ping Pong is where they are trafficking little children, raping and abusing them, eating their flesh, then sacrificing them.

As the story goes, there is an old subway tunnel that runs underneath all the way from Washington D.C. and the line ends near the Comet Pizza intersection. Is this how they are trafficking kids back and forth, by way of some secret underground tunnels?

They use creepy code words that were discovered in the Podesta emails leaked by late DNC employee Seth Rich. Alefantis and Podesta are directly linked in association at Comet Ping Pong, understand?

PEDOGATE involves a much bigger picture, okay? A sinister worldwide child trafficking network that has worked its tentacles all throughout America and reaches to Rome, where it’s believed the Illuminati has control of the Pope and the Vatican. “Pizzagate” and Comet Ping Pong are just a small piece of the overall puzzle, got it?

Nonetheless, I learned that James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong are indeed 100% involved in showcasing dangerous individuals, who front rock bands he allows to play at his club/pizzeria in Washington D.C., to unsuspecting children that are in the audience.

This year leaked footage from inside Comet Ping Pong hit the web where the lead singer of Majestic Ape/Heavy Breathing Amanda Kleinman talks about the “hell under their feet” as well as Satan and that the doors of the business are “lockable”.

Very freaky stuff, especially for a place that is supposed to be “kid-friendly”.

Pay attention to the strange grown man dressed in a kid outfit who is jumping rope in the background.

Listen closely, and you will hear this pedophile satanist go on and on about worshipping “Satan”. Besides looking like some kind of disturbing character from a shitty Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel, the wannabe crossdressing rocker appears to certainly be pushing his vile demonic puke on young people, and for that he/she or “IT” deserves more attention from WE THE PEOPLE, don’t you think?

The evil is real. They aren’t even hiding their agenda any longer. They want your kids and they
can parade around like a clown tranny in front of these innocent youths talking about their love for Satan.

It’s time everyone who is not awake to the enemy we are all facing today, to snap to attention finally, you are only doing your family and friends wrong in the end by living in denial.

Did you know that your friends and family, maybe even yourself included, are foolishly donating blood to these sick satanic cults?

I reported the Las Vegas Massacre was a government false flag operation with multiple shooters… not one, like they want you to believe. What was the first thing people did after the US government massacred over 50 of its own citizens?

They ran to donate blood!

The blood harvest for the satanic covens worldwide during the month of October is at its peak right around this time leading up to Halloween.

Everyone is getting totally played out by the satanic elite. Are you ready to wake up yet?

It’s crazy to think about. But the main reason why the evil cabal wants you and your kid’s blood is because it represents powerful energy to them. The satanists like to drink and bathe in blood.

They also like to eat human hearts and consume flesh, like it’s a delicacy, understand?

As the story goes, the Illuminati was created by the Jesuits through Adam Weishaupt the Jesuit professor.

His goal was to put Lucifer on the throne in control of the entire world.

Enter the Bush family. George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA, and a member of Skull & Bones, like his son George W. Bush.

According to a report via Murky News, the Bush crime family are high level satanists who have been witnessed at notorious Bohemian Grove, a known site for occult ritual sacrifices.

The Grove is an extremely strange place, to say the least. It is a huge 2700-acre compound located about 70 miles north of San Francisco (nearer to Sacramento) in a Redwood forest, and is ostensibly used as a retreat and gathering place for world leaders (male only)… going all the way back to the 1870’s.

David Gergen, a top adviser to several US presidents has made the disparaging remark about this place in the past…that he didn’t prefer to “run around naked in the woods”. That gives you a hint. Richard Nixon also once made a remarkable and pointed comment about alleged extensive homosexual activity going on at this place.

The Bohemian Grove is also quite clearly a Druid organization. The druidic status is openly acknowledged in Bohemian Grove’s own historical documents. Any discerning Christian should be extremely intrigued and concerned to know that a vast array of elite US and international leaders happily participate in druidic rituals which take place at Bohemian Grove.

(Pictured: Both Jr. & Sr. George Bush, Seen At Bohemian Grove)

The report details the infamous Franklin cover-up scandal:

Having been resoundingly rebuffed by the “system” in Nebraska, dozens of these young people nevertheless came forward to tell private investigators their horror stories. Among these investigators was John DeCamp (he had returned to private life a few years after the Franklin scandal) who writes of all these things in his book.

The children told of being flown to Washington DC to participate in these pedophilia activities. And yes…three or four of the young people readily identified George Bush Sr. as having attended these gatherings.

And there was significant corroboration on this: Several years earlier, in 1985, two young girls had testified about George Bush Sr. and this was separately confirmed by DeCamp — and by Webster Tarpley in his explosive book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.

Here are some excerpts from Tarpley that are strongly seconded by DeCamp: way back in 1985, a young girl, Eulice (Lisa) Washington, was the center of an investigation by Andrea L. Carener, of the Nebraska Department of Social Services. The investigation was instigated because Lisa and her sister Tracey continually ran away from their foster parents, Jarrett and Barbara Webb. Initially reluctant to disclose information for fear of being further punished, the two girls eventually recounted a remarkable story, later backed up by other children who had been fostered out to the Webb’s.

These debriefings were conducted by Mrs. Julie Walters, another welfare officer, who worked for Boys Town at the time, and who had been called in because of the constant reference by the Webb children and others, to that institution.

Lisa, supported by her sister, detailed a massive child sex, homosexual, and pornography industry, run in Nebraska by Larry King (not Larry King the cable show host). She described how she was regularly taken to Washington by plane, with other youths, to attend parties hosted by King and involving many prominent people, including businessmen and politicians.

Lisa specifically named George Bush as being in attendance on at least two separate occasions.

Both George’s are longtime masonic members. Freemasonry worships the sun more specifically the black hole in the center of the sun. Apparently they believe it is the portal to an alternate reality.
