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WALLS OF JERICHO – “Forever Militant” Video Posted

WALLS OF JERICHO have released a video for “Forever Militant” online. It can be viewed HERE. The track comes from the band’s latest album, No One Can Save You From Yourself.

The group comments: “We shot this over the summer of 2016 at With Full Force Festival on the main stage. The band really wanted to show the world what our live shows are like no matter what stage we play big or small.”

Seemingly overnight, stylized bands playing strains of melodic hardcore have sailed up the pop charts. But for Walls of Jericho things have played out a bit differently. During the scene’s ascension, the band’s members have all but shunned the idea of a genre tag or an “image” and have instead focused their energies on making music that will survive strictly on its musical merits, “Musically it’s really hard for us to change too much. We like what we like and anymore the challenge for us has been to just keep things fresh. We don’t want to keep writing the same song, yet we want to be able to hear the song and identify easily what it is that makes us sound like us. The solution for this seemed to be to just ignore the fears and apprehensions and have some fun with the songs. A lot of the feels we have for this record came from direct inspiration for what makes us excited in other bands. We based our success directly on how often we smiled”. says guitarist Hasty.

Most bands in the world can be lumped into one category or another, they are shuffled, redefined, and in that way they begin to lose the qualities that could make them important or meaningful. The greatest bands, the most influential or memorable, are the ones who don’t try to fill the role set for them, who don’t pursue anything other than the desire to make music, and the need to express that art to an audience. From the start this has been the mind-set of Walls of Jericho.

Source: Lambgoat