Den Headz, it’s time TMD announces the 5 bands that received the highest point total among the online judges in the ‘Battle of Unsigned Thrash’ online contest at The Metal Den!
Again, here is the basic breakdown on exactly how the overall scoring process works:
1st round (Semi-Finals)- Scoring for STUDIO RECORDING (1-10 point scale) is based on 3 separate criteria:
1. Production Quality
2. Musicianship
3. Songwriting
The finals (Top 5). First place (band with most overall points) wins a label representation deal with The Metal Den Records (value $3,000). This is an online contest so there will be no live performance. Judging in finals is based off video of live performance.

Randy “Rocket” Cody – Hope Cody – Nathan Cody

TMD’s 2015 Battle of Thrash Metal
Online Contest: Top 5!
Finals Scoring:

(179 points)
(178 points)
(176 points)
(165 points)
(155 points)
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