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THE METAL DEN.COM Presents: Randy Rhoads 25 Years Gone… (A Visit To His Gravesite)


TMD Rocks!



Randy “Rocket” Cody
Creator, The Metal Den

“I want to personally send out my regards
to the Rhoads family… and BLS brother Randy Myers for
making this possible for us all. Getcha Pull!”




THE METAL DEN.COM Presents: Randy Rhoads 25 Years Gone…
(A Visit To His Gravesite)

March 19, 1982
The Day The Music Died…






Rocket: When did you first remember hearing Randy Rhoads
play the guitar? Like most of us, was it when he was
with Ozzy or maybe you were into him in the early
Quiet Riot days?

Randy Myers: Yes it was when the Ozzy albums that
Randy was featured on were released. I was about 11-12
years old at the time Blizzard and Diary of a Madman
were released. I actually didn’t find out that Randy
was with Quiet Riot until later on after they
themselves (Quiet Riot) got more exposure. By this age
I had already started to develop my taste for Rock
Music. I had been listening to Queen, The Rolling
Stones, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Van Halen,
The Doors, Sweet, Elton John, etc. But when I heard
Blizzard and Diary, IT BLEW ME AWAY! It was at this
time that I was starting to dabble in picking up and
playing instruments and wanting to play music myself
These albums and Randy’s contributions really inspired
me to want to learn to play and helped mold my style.
I ended up becoming a drummer, but I did learn to play
guitar as well, and every time I pick up a guitar and
play it, I try to play with all the enthusiasm and
pizazz that Randy did and guys like Zakk Wylde and
Darrell Abbott who were also influenced by Randy’s
work. I could never dream of
being that good though.

Rocket: Rock on, brother. Randy Rhoads was a great writer,
his soloing…


was like poetry in motion. Is there a favorite solo of Randy Rhoads
during his two albums with Ozzy that is your personal
favorite? I can honestly say that for me it’s ‘Diary
of a Madman’.

Randy Myers: WOW, this is a hard one to answer, cause
I love them all so much. One that really sticks out
for me is his work on Goodbye To Romance. The phrasing
and tone that Randy has on that solo couldn’t be more
perfect, and in a word… Bittersweet. But aside from
that, how can you really pick and choose between
everything from ‘Crowley’ to ‘Diary’ to ‘Revelation’ to ‘Over
The Mountain’. It’s next to impossible. They all are

Rocket: That is so true! Now when you went up to Randy’s grave yesterday to visit him, is this the first time you’ve ever done that?

Randy Myers: No, I have been there approx 5 times. It
is such an honor and a privilege and out of deepest
respect to be able to be there and share my feelings,
experiences, and regards with the Rhoads family and
fellow admirers of Mr. Randall William Rhoads.

Rocket: What do you see there, brother, with your own eyes? He’s buried in a mausoleum, correct? Is there any writing on it like Jim Morrison’s grave in Paris was always plagued with?

Randy Myers: Well I guess you could call it a
mausoleum. It’s more of a monument if you ask me.
Unlike your typical mausoleum, Randy is encased in his
own marble monument that is adorned with his name, his
trademark RR logo, and image of a guitar. The monument
is open to the public with the exception of a small
enclosed area on the front side which is gated and
locked. I am pleased to report that outside of some
well placed lipstick laden kiss marks on the monument,
that it is clean, pristine, and free of graffiti or
anything of the sort. I personally think that it is
horrible that Jim Morrison’s final resting place has
been treated as it has been over the years. So I am
very glad to see that Randy’s monument has been kept
clean and respectable. On anniversary days such as
this one, the operators of the cemetary usually put up
some pop up tents and chairs, and representatives from
the Rhoads family set up a television monitor and DVD
player in which they play clips of Randy playing live
etc. So during the day the sound and images of Randy
fills the senses and the air. It’s very sad but
wonderful at the same time. The first thing I did
notice when arriving at the monument was that like
clockwork Ozzy and Sharon’s (Osbourne) annual and
traditional flower arrangement had been delivered and
was the first to be placed in front of the monument.
We had also been told ahead of time by the memorial
organizer, Lori Hollen that portions of the Official
Documentary about Randy’s life and Death would be
filmed on this day. So I had also noticed the boom and
camera set-ups out in front of the monument as well.

Rocket: And what in your mind or heart were you thinking?
Anything specific? And did you talk to his grave? If
so, what did you say to him?

Randy Myers: Well as with every other time I have
visited it is usually with a heavy heart, and being
there while Randy’s family is there just makes my
heart bleed. However, after some time of reflection,
usually the day turns out to be a celebration of
Randy’s life and art. I did spend a few moments alone
in front of Randy’s monument in which I placed a photo
that was taken of myself and a few fellow Black Label
Society Brothers of mine (Jeff Findley and Jeff
Dougherty) in front of the monument from a prior
visit. I told Randy that I missed him, and thanked him
for his contribution to my life, to the world, and to
the world of music.

Rocket: Were there a lot of other visitors there as

Randy Myers: There were a good number of visitors
there. I would say there was a higher volume than I
had seen in previous years. I think that this being
the 25th anniversary may have had something to do with
that, and maybe a little to do with the documetary
too. But either way it was all for Randy, and that’s a
good thing.

Rocket: Finally, if you were deserted on an island for the rest of
your life and were lucky enough to have only one Randy
Rhoads tune with you, which one would that be?


Randy Myers: Man!! This one is as tough as your
question about his solos!! I guess I would want
something up-beat to keep my spirits high. So it would
be a toss-up between “Over The Mountain” and “I Don’t

On a couple of final notes, Rocket… I was also asked to do a
special favor for Black Label Society Bassist, John
“JD” Deservio (who was inspired to become a musician
by Randy’s work). He could not make it to the memorial
(due to touring conflict), and was heartbroken to have
to miss it. So he asked me to deliver his personal
regards to the Rhoads family and to share with them a
very special photo that means a great deal to him.


Randy Myers and Randy’s brother Kelle with
a photo of JD from BLS!


Black Label Society Bassist, John “JD” Deservio

Last but not least, my Black Label Brother, Jeff
Findley is a professional photographer. Per request of
the organizer of this memorial, Jeff documented the
day on film. He also documented our trip there last
year in 2006. All of the photos from 2006 and 2007 can
be found at www.JFindley.com

Thanks for allowing me to share my experiences…

Stay Strong!!!



RR’s girlfriend Jodi Raskin with BLS Brothers:
Randy Myers, Jeff Dougherty, photographer Jeff Findley and
Tom (Thumper) Cole. SDMF!


BLS Brothers and Kelly Garni!
Kelly was one of Randy’s best friends
and played with him in the early Quiet Riot days.
Kelly is very instrumental in the memorials and
helping to keep Randy’s memory alive!!!


BLS Brothers and Lori Hollen, close friend of the Rhoads
family Hollen is also the organizer of the memorials
for Randy and also has producer credits on the new
Randy Rhoads documentary being filmed!


BLS brothers being interviewed for the RR documentary
per request of the Rhoads family!





RR’s sister Cathy AND Randy’s mother… Delores Rhoads!
Still going STRONG after all… … these years!!!



Delores with her Grandaughter, Jenna,
Randy’s Niece! You can see the strong family resemblance!!!


BLS Brothers with the creator of the now
legendary Randy Rhoads Polka Dot

King V Guitar:
Mr. Carl Sandoval!



“All Randy ever wanted to do was play the guitar. I don’t remember him ever saying he wanted to do anything else. I can remember really well the time before he played guitar. He was a very intelligent kid who got good grades in school, and he didn’t even have to try. And that should underscore anyone’s understanding of Randy is that he was so kind. Man, he was probably the kindest human being I ever met. I don’t think he could have offended anybody, and I never saw him get mad. And he was like that as a child.” — Kelle Rhoads, brother

“I’ve performed with a lot of guitarists, including Gary Moore, Pat Travers and Pat Thrall, and there is no comparing them to Randy at all. In every respect, Randy was by far the better musician I ever worked with and probably ever will. The small amount of actual recorded music he left behind is infintesimal compared to what he was capable of. And he was such a giving, loving kind of guy.” — Tommy Aldridge

“Randy’s heart was in the classics, to be honest; he wanted to be a classical guitar player. In fact, with the first record royalties he received, he went out and bought himself a very, very expensive classical guitar. He sat there for days and nights working on his music theories. As a matter of fact, right before he died he had been up for four days and nights-plus gigging-working on his theory because he wanted to get into a university and get a degree in music. And every town he went to, he’d find a tutor. On days off I’d get in the bar. He wouldn’t: He’d practice all day, every day. He didn’t take drugs, and he didn’t drink too much. Every day of his life he practiced.” — Ozzy Osbourne

“On days off, we would be in the middle of Anytown, USA. When we would get to the hotel in the morning after travelling all night, Randy would open up the telephone book and look up the music schools. He would go and take classical guitar lessons. He would come with his books and ask questions about reading, fingering positions, pieces and stuff like that. He was coming along incredibly well. Of course, in alot of places he would go to the wrong school. He would have to face some young, 18 year-old girl teacher who would totally freak out when she found out who he was. Actually, many times he would end up giving them lessons, but he would pay for it!!!! {laughs} The more recognition he got, the better he wanted to get. He was an incredibly humble guy. Every time anybody would ask him for an autograph or tell him a compliment, he would smile real shy. That was his nature.” — Rudy Sarzo

“I have an immense amount of respect for what he did. Some people say I may have had an influence on his playing, but I never was able to ask him that. If it’s true, I’m very honored, because I thought he was very, very good. He was also very dedicated to his playing. I think that showed in his work.” — Edward Van Halen

“I’ve heard him play on the radio, and he sounded very good. I admire anyone who can play the guitar with a style that is easily identifiable, and that’s what he was able to do. Everyone says theres nothing new that can be done with a guitar, but when people like Randy come along, they realize they’re wrong.” — Angus Young AC/DC

“I’m a big guitar fan. I love listening to everything from jazz to heavy metal, and one of the guys who really caught my ear was Randy. He just stood out head and shoulders above other young guitarists. I don’t know exactly what he did that was so special, but he was able to mix together a number of styles and influences, and emerge with a special sound. Most guitarists are clones of other famous musicians. Randy had a bit of that element in him, but because of his talent, he was able to rise above that.” — Rik Emmett, Triumph

“We donated a bunch of dough to Randy’s scholarship fund and everything like that, cause Kelle and his family…and all, Mrs. Rhoads, they are all beautiful people. Anything for Randy.”

-Zakk Wylde (speaking to Glam-Metal.com in concern with the ’25 Years Gone’ celebration put on for Randy Rhoads at his burial site back on March 19th, 2007.)



“All Randy ever wanted to do was play the guitar…”

TMD Rocks!


Photo credit:

Jeff Findley (R.I.P)

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