SEPULTURA continue rolling out installments of their "SepulQuarta Quarantine Performance" series and the latest episode finds the group performing their...
Month: October 2020
The initial line-up has been revealed for Aftershock 2021, scheduled to take place October 7, 8, 9, and 10 at Discovery Park... DEMON HUNTER have shared their new video for "Cut To Fit," which appeared on the group's album, WAR. Directed by Andy Maier,... TOMBS have unleashed a music video for their new song titled "The Hunger." The track comes off the band's upcoming... With only 14 days left until one of the most important elections in American history, MINISTRY's Al Jourgensen is encouraging fans to "Git...
Organizers of Wisconsin rock and metal festival Rock USA have revealed plans to file for bankruptcy in an attempt to refund customers...
Legendary rock journalist, Randy "Rocket" Cody, was recently interviewed by Skinwalker Radio Podcast. Are you ready to listen to the...
AMORPHIS have announced a December 18th release date for their “Brother And Sister” vinyl single. That outing will feature the title...
Boston metal giants UNEARTH and musically influenced PA brewery Broken Goblet have teamed up on a collaborative beer in support of identifying...
Norwegian psych/stoner rockers DUNE SEA have just revealed a new song from their forthcoming second album "Moons of Uranus", due out on November...