Italian orchestral death metal collective FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE have released a new single titled "No," produced by Jacob Hansen (Epica, Volbeat), and...
Canadian tech death purveyors ARCHSPIRE have completed the recording for their full-length follow up to 2017's Relentless Mutation. The offering...
The biggest unanswered question in Heavy Metal right now - besides when will concerts return - is will legendary MÖTLEY... Portuguese heavy metal combo KING BAAL signed a deal with Wormholedeath for the release of their debut album "Conjurements", due for digital release...
After hustling in the underground scene for the better part of three years, Richmond, Indiana-based metal outfit WOLFTOOTH snagged the...
The 2021 edition of the annual ‘ShipRocked‘ cruise has been rescheduled to 2022 amid COVID-19 concerns. The cruise will next...
The ‘Furnace Fest‘ has once again been pushed back, this time to September 24th-26th, 2021. The return of the once...
Legendary rock n roll writer, Randy "Rocket" Cody, the world's most dangerous journalist, was interviewed on December 3, 2020 about... Technical death metal veterans DEEDS OF FLESH are now streaming their new album, Nucleus, in its entirety. The record dropped on Friday... BODYSNATCHER have signed with eOne Music and released a new single in celebration. Below you can check out that track, “Break...