Nuclear Blast is proud to announce the signing of progressive heavy metal band, INTERLOPER. The band presents the first collective...
Are You Too Fat For Love? Now You Can Become A Real Sexual Live Wire! Have you ever wanted to...
Legendary rock n roll journalist, Randy "Rocket" Cody of returns with a new installment of Rock And Roll Death... Cuban black metal pioneers MEPHISTO unleashed their single and video for "Pentafixion", track taken from the self-titled album "Pentafixion" due for release via Wormholedeath....
The other four members of metal band ICED EARTH have put forth their first public statement since guitarist and band...
SCOUR, the extreme metal collective featuring Philip H. Anselmo (Pantera, Down, En Minor, et al), John Jarvis (Agoraphobic Nosebleed), Derek...
Founded in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes/Brazil in 2015, the band MENSK presents a modern and captivating sound mixing influences from Djent, Prog and Alternative Metal with...
Spain's leading thrash metal band ANGELUS APATRIDA have released their second single and music video for "Indoctrinate." Watch the music video created...
Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Colombia are apparently seeking some of the people photographed during the riot at...
”People don’t know me. They know what someone’s opinion is. And they know my songs. But they really don’t know...