Austin, TX-based metal quintet HEADCRUSHER have unleashed a play-through video for its new single "Trails of Devastation," featuring David Coloma...
WEEDEATER have booked a string of summer tour dates, with support coming from Telekinetic Yeti and Beitthemeans. Here are the...
DANZIG and CORROSION OF CONFORMITY will join forces in September for a handful of tour dates, mainly in the East....
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM re-imagine black metal as an ode to rain storms, wood smoke and the wild energies...
Austrian melodic death metal act DARKFALL is set to return after a four year absence ("Road to Redemption" (2013)). Black...
On June 24th, MEGADETH performed at Montebello Rockfest in Montebello, Quebec. Fan-filmed video is available HERE. The band's setlist was...
According to a fan who attended the final SOUNDGARDEN concert the band left the stage at 11:15 p.m. on May...
Ephemeris is the third full length release from Icelandic death metal titans, BENEATH. The album was recorded, mixed, and mastered...
New York City's UNSANE have issued the cover artwork and track listing for their impending eighth studio album, and first...
TRAUMA is responsible for the classic '80s album, "Scratch and Scream," featuring cuts like "The Day All Hell Broke Loose"...