Polish extreme metal act VADER have debuted the first single, "Shock And Awe," from their upcoming album, titled Solitude...
Following roughly thirty years of existence, extreme metal unit ABSU has thrown in the towel. Mastermind Proscriptor McGovern (née Russley...
HATEBREED have announced that the first single from their new album will arrive next month. That track, “When The Blade...
British grindcore band NAPALM DEATH have booked a North American tour this spring. The dates are scheduled to include a...
The 62nd Grammy Awards took place last night at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. "Best Metal Performance" was...
American metalcore act, BLEED THE SKY, fell off the heavy metal music map twelve years ago, and frankly, many fans... Canadian all-star metal powerhouse IMONOLITH have announced the release of their highly anticipated debut album "State of Being" on...
Joe Payne, former bass player for DIVINE HERESY and NILE, has passed away at the age of 35. A cause...
As first reported by Blabbermouth, Sean Reinert, one of metal's most acclaimed drummers, known for his time with CYNIC and... JASTA has released the video the song "Parasitic" from his second solo effort, The Lost Chapters. The footage is...