July 26, 2024

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ALTERBEAST – Announce New Vocalist

California tech death band ALTERBEAST have announced the addition of vocalist Mac Smith (Krosis) to their roster.

Smith has issued the following: “I am extremely excited to be a part of Alterbeast, a project that I’ve been a fan of for so many years. I would like to give a shoutout to my bandmates in all of my projects for facilitating and motivating me to realize this great opportunity. It’s almost impossible to articulate on how surreal this is for me as a musician. Pertaining to the future of Alterbeast, I vow to give my absolute best to the group as vocalist and manager, as I look forward to tons of great music, memories, and opportunity that await us. I would like to give a special thank you to our bassist Liam for making this all happen. He has single-handedly been my biggest facilitator in this industry and has been a true friend to me, and I give him my sincerest gratitude. Lastly, I’d like to thank anyone who has supported me since starting my aspiring musical career and am looking forward to continuing to make more music with one of my favorite bands!”

Alterbeast are currently writing their third full-length album.