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A PRAYER FOR THE DYING: The Anti Christ & End Of Days

A PRAYER FOR THE DYING: The Anti Christ & End Of Days

By Randy “Rocket” Cody

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw
a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads
and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

– Revelations 13:1

The ushering in of the Anti Christ is upon us. What I am here to do is help educate my readers as to what exactly that means to everyday people just trying to survive in this crazy realm we inhabit currently. I also want to relate it to what I believe after a nearly year long investigation proves a sensational rock n roll double murder cover up is indeed connected to the great international pedophile epidemic known as #Pizzagate.

This apocalyptic story involves several key characters, but specifically, the main figures are a good guy and a bad guy named Max Spiers and Michael Aquino. This is a very complex, dark and truly mind blowing revelation I will share with you to bring your state of consciousness to a new level.

It is crucial for your journey that you learn this information… if you want a positive end to your experience as a human being. It is not always easy to digest, for we are delving into some terribly oft putting subjects that frankly most can’t even wrap their minds around.

As your guide into the black abyss of demons and death itself, conjured up by Satanic witchcraft and voodoo priests, I will do everything I can to make this easy for readers to figure out.

Despite what the press, his wife and his bandmates say, Chester was in a really good place when he died.

He had just moved into his new home only 2 months before he died. He admitted it himself that he was
literally living a totally different life before the process of making the most recent LINKIN PARK album.

“The person I am today at the end of making this record
and the person I was at the start of making it are two
totally different people.
I have such a lust for life now,
such a positive outlook.”

“For me I went through a lot of shit in the last few years.
I fucking hated 2015. 2016 was better but there was a lot of
anger and resentment on my end I had to work through. All
this was going on while we were making this record.”

The singer was always open about his personal demons and his use of MK Ultra drugs:

“I’ve done everything. I got really, really bad. When I
was 13 to 16, I was doing a ton of LSD and a lot of
drinking. Then, when we couldn’t find acid, we turned
to speed. I got really bad, really quickly.”

Chester spoke to Team Rock again in 2016, revealing that, at one point, he was on “11 hits of acid a day,” not to mention crack, opium, and meth.

“In 2006, I had a choice between stopping drinking or dying,” he continued. “I did some counseling with the guys and they really opened up and told me how they felt. I knew that I had a drinking problem, a drug problem, and that parts of my personal life were crazy but I didn’t realize how much that was affecting the people around me until I got a good dose of ‘Here’s-what-you’re-really-like’.”

“On a normal day, my friends and I would go through an eight-ball. We were smoking it in bongs – I was doing bong-hits of meth. It was ridiculous. Then we’d smoke opium to come down, or we’d take pills, or I’d drink so much that I’d shit my pants. It was not pretty.”

What is perplexing to me is this man’s major history of drug and alcohol abuse yet no drugs were found in his system when he died. There was very little alcohol determined to have been consumed.

The L.A. coroner took their sweet ass time (over 130 days) to release the singer’s autopsy due to “tests” that were being done. Well, this is simply ridiculous and a mockery of the American criminal justice system.

The test they claim was holding things up was a false positive test for the drug MDMA, yet another MK Ultra connected drug. Another coincidence?

So they held the investigation up all of this time, never tested the fingernail clippings that were found in the bedroom nor tested swabs under Chester’s ‘still attached’ fingernails to see if there was any DNA belonging to a potential attacker who potentially killed him and then staged his death to look like a suicide.

The act of committing suicide by hanging is extremely painful and it can take longer than ten minutes for some people to die this way.

Right before he was found dead, Chester was spending time with disgraced pedophile actor Kevin Spacey.

They were hanging out at the strip club called “Crazy Horse” in Las Vegas. What is important to understand that there is known to be an MK Ultra facility nearby in the area.

Late occult investigator Max Spiers stated that actor/rocker Johnny Depp himself is under the control of MK Ultra handler, director Tim Burton, and that Burton’s wife, Helena Bonham Carter, is actually a Rothschild.

I have determined that Mr. Spacey became the MK Ultra handler for Chester Bennington in the final year of the singer’s life. Why else would a married man with children be hanging out with a notorious homosexual with connections to a convicted pedophile?

Once Epstein’s “black book” got into the hands of Chris Cornell early last year, wherein Spacey, Love, Trump and other huge names were tied to “Orgy Island”, the evil cabal needed to make damn sure that Chester did not spill the beans about the covert child snatching operation that generates over 34 billion yearly. So just like they did to Mr. Cornell, they abducted Mr. Bennington and murdered him, then fabricated it to be a suicide.

Gov’t Slaves site details the government’s covert operation:

“They are using this hospital called Desert Parkway to do MKULTRA experiments or operations. This is where all military in the state are held against their will for mental issues. They sometimes bus people in from surrounding states too. The choose members who have very little friends and family to support them (especially young ones who have already attempted suicide or got close). If no one on the outside is trying to get someone out after a few weeks they move the person to a different unit where they can do whatever they want to people. After years they can just drive the person totally insane or dump them and no one believes the homeless around Vegas stories or suicide them. But if the mind control stuff works they keep them around/release and pick them up again whenever they want.”

“They use psychiatric drugs (including forced injections), electric shock, surgery, and weird hypnosis (they claim it’s emdr but it’s different), isolation, restraints, dehydration, starvation, and more. If you are in the military and want to get a psychiatric discharge DO NOT GO TO YOUR COMMAND OR CALL 911 OR GO TO A REGULAR HOSPITAL. Find a nearby PRIVATE MENTAL hospital and admit yourself. They are usually called behavior institutes and stuff. BUT if you allow yourself to be admitted in anyway through the military when you are actively serving, you can be royally fucked. TRAMP…NEW AT THE GOV’T SLAVES STORE. Like I said, it doesn’t happen to everyone, but if you don’t have friends or family that REALLY CARE (and I mean won’t bail on you after a few months of erratic behavior while you try to come back from this shit) DO NOT ADMIT YOURSELF THROUGH THE MILITARY. Do not admit to state or government owned facilities (they will transfer you here if you are a good candidate). It’s literally a factory for free experiment subjects and operators. Be cautious anons. Warn friends in the military. I only know about this state but there are probably a few other hospitals in the country that are also vectors for the practice.”

“Orgy Island” and Epstein are connected to #Pizzagate due to this deviant maniac’s strong ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

John Podesta, a part of the Clinton mafia, colluded with LINKIN PARK band for SE4ALL global initiative.

Spacey starred in a show on Netflix called ‘House Of Cards’ that had one particular episode that depicted a Satanic ritual being performed at the Bohemian Grove. The reason this is important is because the Luciferian’s use what is called “predictive programming” because in their religion they must be open about what they are doing, although the deception overall keeps the public in the dark until it is too late and the trap is sprung.

Gang Stalking Mind Control Cults site explains the history of mind control in the USA:

“The NSA Program (nicknamed Operation Chaos’, Operation Artichoke, Operation MK Ultra and MK Naomi) has been around in different iterations since the 1950s. The two most recent changes have been around for about 21 years – cellphone (formerly automobile mobile phones) stalking and the massive proliferation of dangerous SSRI drugs.”

“In other words, victims are tracked (stalked) via cell phones and when they “crack” from sleep deprivation, etc., they are put on SSRI drugs. The trouble with having Psychiatrists and FBI profilers explain Stephen Paddock to us is that Psychiatrists and FBI helped create the Las Vegas Shooter. The FBI investigating FBI torture illegality and blaming mental illness is almost a joke.”

The standard dress for Satanic ritual is a black robe, or to wear all black. During the Cremation of Care ceremony it’s said the elite sacrifice someone to Molech, a demon diety, at the Bohemian Grove in California.. which just so happens to be located close to John Podesta’s residence.

Michael Aquino AKA “The Figure In Black” wears black robes and at one time worked for the NSA. He is said to
still hold top secret clearance and is allegedly still doing MK Ultra torture training.

According to an expert in government mind control details MK Ultra:

“FMSF continue to deny the reality of satanic abuse victims by claiming that the victims all have “false memory syndrome,” possibly in efforts to deflect from the fact that in some cases clients are giving damning information about the government’s involvement in the creation of their psychological condition.”

“Some of their Advisory Board members had received CIA funding to research hypnosis and dissociation.”

“This activity is not without precedent. In the 1960’s and 70’s MKULTRA, a program implemented by the CIA to explore mind control and other illegal activities used various fronts including academic institutions when receiving CIA funding to conduct illegal experimentation on people. The CIA hid their funding behind organizations such as the Human Ecology Foundation and the Geschickter Foundation. Doctors from seemingly reputable academic institutions were granted funds by these organizations and knowingly or unknowingly experimented in areas such as hypnosis, radiation, and mind control on the unsuspecting public. Eventually they were caught and were told to cease and desist after a series of Congressional hearings were held on August 3, 1977. Nobody believes that the CIA ceased their activities but all evidence points to their having gone further underground.”

Like the serpent that tempted and ultimately corrupted Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan has essentially taken control of humans via this diabolical mind war.

The stone cold fact is that when the L.A. coroner issued a ruling of “suicide” in Mr. Bennington’s case there was no official completed autopsy yet, remember that took 4 months to get finally get completed. This means that LAPD did not properly investigate the death.

Disinformation sites like YourNewsWire are on the CIA payroll, in my opinion, and they used my work in an article titled “Chester Murdered” even though it was called a suicide immediately to make it look like just another silly conspiracy theory… when actually Chester was killed for one reason and one reason only: to silence him.

When understanding the “spell” that the worldwide media has cast on the masses, you must gain knowledge about hypnosis, which is a strong component of MK Ultra mind control.

George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as the be-all and end-all of manipulating peoples minds. His book, ‘Hypnotism’, published in the early forties, was “decried as too fantastic and improbable.”

Estabrooks admitted in 1971 to “creating hypnotic couriers and programmed multiple personalities” for Military Intelligence purposes in 1971.

“The start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a big boost to mind control research with the emergence of ‘Brain Washing’ as a common term. Supposedly a development of the dastardly Chi-Coms, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an agent of influence. Postulating a ‘brainwashing gap’ The CIA got the go-ahead for research into countering communist mind control efforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.”

“Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.”

Chester was open at the end of his life about past serious abuse of the #1 drug used for MK Ultra by the CIA, understand? That is no coincidence.

I believe Chester was a lifelong Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) victim.

Chester lost his life on July 20th, 2017… the Grand Climax being July 27th, so typically a ritual sacrifice is abducted a week prior so they can make preparation for the big bloodbath.

Chris Cornell was born on July 20th. Is this merely another coincidence that Chester was found dead on Chris’ birthday?

As I climbed deeper down into the rabbit hole, I linked up with the story of another independent investigator and it turns out his story is very compelling.

Max Spiers was found dead on my birthday, July 16, 2016 in Poland, where he was doing a speaking engagement.

Max states that “I was involved in project mannequin in the UK which is an extension of the NAZI uberman (superman) projects to create a warrior and a breeder. I have connections to Montauk and time manipulation projects. I have studied “magik” and esoteric thought for 15 years and became conscious of my awareness in these projects just after I turned 30 in 2008.”

Max lived for a time in Dallas, Texas and before he died was working hard to expose the Illuminati.

The crazier thing is that I myself reside currently in Fort Worth, Texas, which is part of the DFW metroplex.

According to the Kentish Gazette, the following day Mr Spiers fell ill with fever suddenly and vomited two litres of black fluid.

“The friend called a doctor who attempted resuscitation before pronouncing him dead.”

A few days before his death Mr Spiers had sent his mother a text message saying: “If anything happens to me, investigate.”

Though we never met before, I definitely feel a spiritual connection to Max. He is one of the main inspirations behind the work I am doing to find the truth.

People want to deny that #Pizzagate is real. It is a very brutal indication of where we are at today as human beings. Nothing but a lot of self centered egomaniacs who think that my reporting is all a big joke and isn’t
to be taken seriously.

The truth is so terrifying that most reject even the mere mention of it. My investigation has uncovered insidious crimes committed by the evil elite on the most epic scale ever known to man.

These children that are being abducted all around the world are being harvested for blood and body parts, and in some cases sold to black market operations that look to procure child flesh for high paying customers.

When are we as a society going to say enough is enough? Like the purported use of unborn fetal cells for flavoring in soda drinks and other products you will find at your local grocery store, the atrocity of killing kids that are stolen from their homes and then raped, sacrificed and slaughtered for Satan must be brought to an end.

An English teacher, Miss Bates, said in October of 2017: “[Max] was making a name for himself in the world of conspiracy theorists and had been invited to speak at a conference in Poland in July. He was staying with a woman who he had not known for long and she told me how she found him dead on the sofa. But I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead.”

What I learned during my research into the life of Max Spiers was that he knew a lot of information about the inner workings of the Illuminati, and was trying to educate the masses to the great deception we are living in.

He was blowing the whistle on the coming ‘alien disclosure’ event which is actually going to be the biggest hoax of all time, due to the fact that these visitors from another planet are actually demonic entities posing as little green men.

I believe Max’s death is all connected back to #Pizzagate, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Michael Aquino AKA “The Figure In Black”.

When late rock stars Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington were found dead last year within two months of each other, in the same identical manner, conspiracy theories started to run amok on the web.

An anonymous source approached me at that time and told me about a “black book” that belonged to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein… which purportedly fell into the hands of Chris Cornell, opening his eyes to certain people mentioned to be part of the child trafficking ring. Epstein is a longtime friend of Donald Trump and the Clinton’s.

The Grand Climax is a Satanic Ritual that begins in and around July 20-27. And abduction by the coven kicks off the chaos which culminates in “sex magic” and human sacrifice.

When Max Spiers was found dead on July 16th, 2016, fans began to review his final set of interviews where he speaks of an evil force that has conspired against him to stop the truth from getting out to the masses and he makes reference to Michael Aquino, the retired Army nutjob with MK Ultra top secret clearance, who also just so happens to run a Satanic church based out of Los Angeles, California called the Church of Set.

Mr. Aquino is said to have been involved in ‘skinning kids alive during rituals’ while in the Army, stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco during the early eighties.

This is a skill he purportedly learned while serving in an elite assassination squad for Project Phoenix during
Vietnam. Lt. Col Aquino managed to escape any charges in the case of child abuse against kids at the military run daycare, but the witness testimony and other key evidence definitely put him at the scene of the crimes.

He told the children to call him the “Anti Christ.”


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