VANISHED IN AMERICA: The Finders, Pizzagate & IT
(part 1 of a 3 part report)
This report originally posted on 2/22/2018
I have begun to dig deeper into the history of the CIA and The Finders, both of which have been proven to be interconnected as it relates to the decades old PEDOGATE child sex abuse scandal that originated in Washington DC in the eighties.
The modern version is now being called #Pizzagate, due to new evidence of child sex for sale via “Pizza Parties” that were leaked via John Podesta‘s emails, and centered around a business called Comet Ping Pong located in Washington DC.
A ton of kids have been going missing since last Halloween all throughout America, specifically the Washington DC area. There is belief in the citizen #truther community that James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong is the ringleader of a massive international child abduction ring where the trafficking gets labeled conveniently as “live art” that Mr. Alefantis has special clearance to ship all around the world.
Keep in mind, when late FBI man, Ted Gunderson, exposed this child snatching phenomena in the USA, an estimated 100,000 children went missing each year. Today, that number has swelled to a mind boggling 1,000,000 kids annually that simply vanish into thin air.
Child killing is big business worldwide, taking in around 34 billion dollars in profits last year alone.
So we can obviously see big money is involved, and easily explains why a major cover up has been going on, but I am afraid it goes even deeper than simply building ones personal fortune off selling dead baby organs and body parts.
All of the mainstream media claims to have debunked #Pizzagate as nothing more than a silly hoax, and even staged a ‘false flag’ shooting event to make everyone supporting the idea of actually opening an investigation into the eatery look foolish. So what has happened now is nobody is willing to look at any hard evidence that investigative journalists like myself bring forward.
I will detail some very dark and lurid occurrences, including the terrifying assassination of late investigator, Gary Caradori, who was breaking the Franklin Cover Up scandal at the time of his demise.
But I will go beyond that, covering the story of former CIA Director William Colby, who all but admitted that outrageous government abuse had taken place in a documentary that would ultimately be suppressed. Mr. Colby was one of the few in his line of work that had great personal integrity, and strong religious beliefs. His mysterious death by drowning while canoeing barefoot on a cold and windy night sent up red flags. Was he, too, eliminated so that the truth would not get out to the American people?
Finally, I will also examine more closely the mythical killing entity named “The Figure In Black”, whom I have already covered in previous reporting.
My fans called these articles that featured the real “IT” the most scary and terrifying they have ever read. While some investigators believe this monster child slayer is in fact a real person, there are others, including myself, who believe that what we might be dealing with here is something not of this world.
One man who essentially supports my same theory is a world famous author who wrote the novel “The Wolfen”, which was turned into a classic Hollywood horror film. His name is Whitley Strieber.
Now please understand, Mr. Strieber, is not only an occult expert, he also studies the world of paranormal happenings, such as ‘alien abductions’, although he has never outright said he believes in little men from mars really existing, okay? My understanding is that he also has strong suspicion that Uncle Sam might be involved with this demonic, non human killing force.
This complex tale of super power pedophiles running a successful worldwide child killing ring
began on Saturday, February 7, 1987, when the Washington Post published an article about “a strange case out of Tallahassee, Florida, where six children were observed in a local park and reported to police because they seemed to be in a dirty and unkempt condition.”
Two of those kids were observed to have been sexually abused.
The police learned that the kids were under the care of two men who were identified as Douglas E. Ammerman and Michael Houlihan.
These men told police that they were conducting the children to “a school for brilliant children in Mexico.”
The men were charged with child abuse and the children were taken from them, and attempts were made to identify them. The children were traced to a warehouse in Washington, and to a group called the Finders.
There the story got buried, for seven years. Then, on December 27, 1993, there appeared in US News and World Report a follow-up story. The report stated that no allegations of abuse were ever proved against the Finders, the charges against the two men were dropped, and the six children were eventually returned to their mothers.
The reason that US News had “revisited the case” was that, earlier in 1993, the Justice Department had reopened the investigation into the Finders, noting that there were “unresolved matters” specifically relating to the group.
At the time, representative Tom Lewis of Florida issued this scathing response: “Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That’s what all the evidence points to. And there is a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: we’ve got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn’t be happening if there was nothing here.”
As of 1996, the Finders were still headquartered in Washington DC. Their founder, a retired USAF Master Sergeant went by the name of Marion David Pettie. The tall, graying cult leader resided in Culpeper, Virginia, and is nicknamed “the stroller” because of his frequent walks throughout town.
I learned during my extensive research that Marion Pettie expanded his organization into dozens of properties in Virginia and Florida, in addition to their Washington D.C. headquarters.
Pettie, the leader of the cult, has been identified as a homosexual pedophile and a CIA officer.
(Source: The Finders, the CIA and the Cult of Marion David Pettie by Wendell Mlnnick)
01/09/10 Whitley Strieber’s Childhood Tragedy
Whitley Strieber writes, “For years, I have grappled with strange memories from early childhood that suggested involvement in some sort of abusive program. But I was never sure what these memories meant, until, in December of 2009, I received corroboration that has shocked me deeply.”
Whitley detailed his memories, and put it on the record why he feels that organizations like the False Memory Syndrome Foundation are not to be trusted.
It is his determination based off evidence that children have been abused in efforts to induce split personalities. Strieber collaborated with religious scholar Jeffrey J. Kripal on 2016’s Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained, a study of occultism, supernatural experiences, and parapsychology that explores “why the supernatural is neither fantasy nor fiction but a vital and authentic aspect of life”.
“The Figure In Black”, whom I introduced to the world recently in my reporting, is said to hold the record for most “kills” by a CIA operative in the history of covert black ops.
And like the alien entity in the horror flick “IT”, he can change the way he looks to make child snatching more easy to pull off.
Remember all the eerie looking clowns that Americans have videotaped standing in the neighborhoods for no good reason?
My gut feeling was right all along. Those aren’t clowns. They aren’t even human. What we are all seeing are in fact demonic alien entities. This is how Lucifer’s army mocks Christians.
As the story goes, in the 1960s Pettie established connections with the ‘beat’ movement and Hollywood.
Norman Mailer and Dick Dabney (died in November 1981) frequented his Virginia farm. Dabney’s widow Dana has extensive files on Pettie. Peter Gillingham (intermediate Technology. Palo Alto, CA) and Christopher Sonne (currently Goldman Saches, NY) met Pettie in Moscow in 1961. In the early 60s Pettie allowed Ralph Borsodi and Mildred Loomis to use his Virginia property for the School of Living, a ‘decentralist’ one-world government front organization. Around 1964 Pettie recruited Bosco Nedelcovic and deployed him to penetrate the Institute for Policy Studies (he is currently an interpreter at the war College in Washington). In 1967 or 1968 Pettie established a ‘futurist, network, assisting Edward S. Cornish in founding the World Future Society and working through Roy Mason and John Naisbitt. At this time Pettie also penetrated the hippy drug culture through retired naval intelligence officers Wait Schneider (Timothy Leary and Billy Hitch****’s private pilot) and Willard Poulsen (cut out between Pettie activities and those of Leary at Millbrook), In 1971 Pettie infiltrated the ‘human potential’ movement, setting up Ken Kesey (Living Love) as a prominent guru and working through Dr. Stephen Beltz (related to Judith Beltz, a behavior modification specialist more recently deployed to the Institute of Cultural Affairs and the Meta Network cult.
In 2006, American novelist Whitley Strieber wrote a journal about the Finders case, in which the CIA suppressed a Customs Service investigation into a pedophile network.
Whitley Strieber Verifies “The Finders” Smart Children’s Trip to a Mexican School:
“Another memory involved going down to Monterrey, Mexico. I remember flying in a wonderful plane at one point, a great, noisy thing that must have been a Ford Trimotor of the Mexican airline. I recall going to a school that was located in a villa in the foothills above the city. This was described to me as a school for brilliant children, and I was quite proud to go there. I have very little recollection of what happened there. There is one flash of memory of seeing another child holding a bloody saw. I was told that this child had killed somebody with it. The child appeared absolutely terrified. While this person, whom I still know well, seems to have no memory of this incident, she has lived a ruined, disturbed life. She has never been healthy, either physically or mentally. My wife tells me that I have mentioned seeing Jewish babies there, and that I once said that the school was located in a villa owned by somebody connected with the Pan American Sulphur Company. I have no recollection of saying either of these things. The Pan American Sulphur Company did indeed exist, and was once a powerful influence in Mexico.”
The following excerpts from Nick Bryant’s book “The Franklin Scandal” take us further down the rabbit hole:
In July of 1989, Senator Schmit released a three-page report urging his subcommittee to “find out where the money went and you’ll find the rest,” because their previous tactics had yet to yield an indictment. This shift in direction of the subcommittee prompted three members, including its chief investigator Jerry Lowe, to resign. After Lowe resigned, Schmit called upon Gary Caradori to succeed him as the Franklin subcommittee’s chief investigator. Assuming undercover disguises from priest to plumber, Caradori had a talent for finding teenage runaways enmeshed in prostitution and drugs. Caradori, a former Nebraska state patrolman, had founded an investigative firm in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the Lincoln Journal loved him: “When the police tell you their hands are tied … when your only witness has skipped town and when the justice system seems like it’s breaking apart, people call Gary Caradori.””
“In November and December 1989, Caradori interviewed Alisha Owen, Troy Boner, and Danny King (no relation to Larry King), all in their early 20s. Owen was serving time in the Nebraska Center for Women at York for writing bad checks, while Boner and Danny King were living in the Omaha area. Caradori recorded their sworn testimony on over 20 hours of videotape: They described being flown around the country as underage prostitutes and attending grotesquely sadistic pedophiliac orgies. Larry King, they said, had organized it all. (Caradori videotaped a fourth victim, Paul Bonacci, in May of 1990, who corroborated Owen, Boner, and Danny King.) Almost immediately, “anonymous” sources started leaking to the Lincoln Journal and the Omaha World-Herald that “one or both” of the young men videotaped by Caradori had failed FBI polygraphs. The FBI refused comment, but State Senator Jerry Chizek denounced the leaks as a violation of federal law: “I’ve been around a lot of investigations in my 53 years,” he said in a Lincoln Journal article, “and I’ve never seen one like this in my life.””
Bonacci told a sick story of being made to take part in a snuff film directed by Johnny Depp’s late pal, Hunter S. Thompson.
In the account, a man with a ten inch erection, ‘a figure in black’, anally rapes a child while film is rolling and then the maniac blows the kids head off with a gun and made Bonacci have sex with the corpse.
By May of 1990, Caradori had compiled a “Leads List” of 271 people who may have been victims, perpetrators, or witnesses, and submitted it to state and federal investigators. In June 1990, Caradori warned Schmit’s subcommittee that the FBI was “deliberately” covering up King’s pedophile network. He voiced his reluctance to furnish the evidence he was amassing to the Nebraska State Patrol and FBI (as the subcommittee had ordered), because they were using it to sabotage his investigation. Caradori also told the subcommittee that he had been trying to obtain pictures of King’s orgies. Two of the victims he interviewed mentioned a photographer named Rusty Nelson. “The pictures showed who the adults were and who the kids were. I gathered that the purpose was blackmail and it was political. The content of the pictures, and the events surrounding them, would be an instant end to a politician’s career.” “King hired me to take pictures of adults and children in compromising positions,” Nelson tells me. Nelson promised Caradori incriminating photographs, and they agreed to meet in Chicago. Caradori, accompanied by his 8-year-old son A.J., flew his single-engine Piper Saratoga from Lincoln to Chicago on July 7, 1990. The mission, he said to his wife, was to meet Nelson and then go to the Major League All-Star Game with A.J. “I met with Caradori briefly,” says Nelson. I just gave him the pictures and got out of there.” Caradori phoned Senator Schmit from Chicago, exclaiming, “We got them by the shorthairs!” The Piper Saratoga crashed around 2 A.M. on July 11 in a cornfield near Ashton, Illinois, killing both Caradori and his son. Remnants of the plane were scattered up to 1,800 feet from the fuselage, indicating that it had broken up in flight. Two days later, FBI special agent Michael Mott and a colleague delivered a subpoena to Caradori’s grieving widow, demanding all of her husband’s Franklin evidence.
In conclusion, a man named Steven Greer explained what really happened to Bill Colby of the CIA.
“My group was approached by a colonel who I do not want to name, who was Bill Colby’s (one of his very best) friends, and they had been following what we were doing in the early and mid nineties with what was then called Project Starlight, which then became DisclosureProject.org. But this man approached a member of our Board of Directors, a very dear friend of mine, and said that there was this person who is very connected up and historically had been connected to these projects, who absolutely agreed that it was time to end the secrecy. He wanted to transfer to us the means to do so through some assets that he had access to and I was told specifically that there was a – he wanted to be sure that there was adequate funding to do it properly which was around $50 million (which is a rounding error on the $7 trillion oil economy) and that they had some devices and physical equipment that they wanted to also transfer so that we could get this disclosed and get it secured and out to the public. So there was a “cell” if you want to look at it that way, that was headed up, that had some involvement from Mr. Colby that wanted to do this. So, the meeting was set up between a member of my Board and Bill Colby, and the week that that meeting was to be actuated, he was found floating down the Potomac River. Now, what’s interesting about the death of Bill Colby was that, even his wife got on CNN and said “Oh, this is very unlike Bill Colby.” Because he was a very safe canoer. He left the house opened, he left the computer on, the coffee maker on, and all this. This was actually publicly and very briefly stated, but then, of course, it was written off as an “accidental” drowning while he was out canoeing on the Potomac River.”
John Podesta himself, one of the central figures in #Pizzagate has been calling for ‘full alien disclosure’ from the government, working closely with the likes of a rock music personality in Tom DeLonge.
It is my belief that the deaths of both Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington are connected as well, due to both vocalists learning of some damning info that got them each targeted for assassination.
Did you know that Neon Nettle site pulled down a 2017 story that featured my work? I found the archived version, so fans can learn more background on the matter. Chester Bennington was About to Expose the Truth Behind Chris Cornell’s Death: archive.fo/y53FO
To read the concluding parts of this epic report, check out
VANISHED IN AMERICA: The Finders, Pizzagate & IT (Part 2)
VANISHED IN AMERICA: The Finders, Pizzagate & IT (Part 3)
Report – UNCOVERED: Into The Darkness, Chris Cornell & The Missing Kids https://t.co/OEvyXta9N1 @EndOfCentury @ImperatorTruth @EndOfCentury @conspiracyb0t @BreitbartNews @TMZ #TruthForChris pic.twitter.com/7bzeFtKUO9
— Randy "Rocket" Cody (@randyrocketcody) February 3, 2022
If Chris Cornell's death was a suicide, why is there so much blood in the death scene photos? https://t.co/KfgAYNlJP3 pic.twitter.com/PTm6ASWszN
— Intl. Business Times (@IBTimes) July 15, 2017
"Rape using eels, snakes… followed by electric shock, attaching wires to genitals or other parts of body, like the tongue." testimony related to crimes against humanity done by "The Figure In Black." https://t.co/6W60MJr9Bp @ImperatorTruth @EndOfCentury @UrMidnight @TMZ pic.twitter.com/A7hCP8sslx
— Randy "Rocket" Cody (@randyrocketcody) February 9, 2022
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