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KOLOVOROT FESTIVAL – Making Its Return In 2017

Kolovorot Fest was a Pagan Black metal festival that took place every year in Ukraine since 1998. It was one of the oldest festival of the genre and achieved cult status through the years. It disappeared a few years ago but has recently been resurrected under a new name: Kolovorot Nove Kolo.

The first edition of Kolovorot Nove Kolo will take place in Kiev on June 24th, 2017 at the MonteRay Live Stage, with a fantastic bill:

Cult Polish act Graveland will headline the festival and it will be their first ever show in Ukraine.
Ukrainian legends Nokturnal Mortum will promote their brand new album “Verity”, performing both new songs and old classics.

Formed by some ex-Dub Buk members in 2015, Burshtyn will open the festival to perform some material from their debut album “Прах відчайдухів”.

Legendary festival KOLOVOROT comes back! НОВЕ КОЛО will pass in Kiev with participation of cult groups of Poland and Ukraine.

GRAVELAND – the oldest Polish pagan black metal the group based in 1992. The lyrics and images GRAVELAND are strongly inspired by the European mythology, the nature, in winter and war. Their early works have been devoted кельтской and slavic mythology while their more recent works are devoted to the Scandinavian mythology and вотанизму. On the occasion of the debut in Ukraine, musicians will play all the best hits from all albums. The Spirit Never Dies…

Source: metal rules